I put her on ice last week and got 2 or 3 "lets hang out"
texts which I blew off because I was either hanging with my male friends or nailing other chicks. She's showing high IL but I'm hesitant for yet another happy-hour-goes-nowhere date. My objective here is to bang her without having to waste time and money on more lame ass dates.
Saturday around 7ish she calls and I didn't answer, I was with an up and coming plate at the time and let it go to VM. An hour later she follows it up with a "What are you up to?" text message, I wait 45 minutes and reply "Just chillin with a friend"
Turns out the VM she left was a long winded message about wanting to go snowboarding sometime this week and if I'd be up to go. Sure, that's a fun activity that I would be doing anyway, in which case I'm happy to allow her to accompany me. I drive, I pick her up, I'm running the show; in fact I spent half the day giving her lessons. During the day we joke, make out a little bit, I rub her sore neck and joke about rubbing her sore ass as well as a few other innuendos. On the drive home we talk about careers, our individual pasts and what not, good conversation, no dead air. We get back to her place, I help her unload her gear, give her a little peck and move to leave, she asks if I want coffee or something, I politely decline, say I'll see her later and leave.
Why did I turn down coffee?
1) We were both tired after snowboarding and I knew going up there would be a waste of time, (no fvcking) plus it was a casual invitation, if she wants to escalate after dissing me last week she's going to have to work a lot harder than that.
2) I'm pulling back from her, making myself a bit of a scarce commodity. I have to assume (since we met on POF) that she maybe seeing other dudes; although who's she calling on Saturday night and spending her day off with? Me. I know she had fun and I want to go out on a high note.
And finally the REAL reason why I didn't go up
3) Date with a plate later that night :rockon:
You maybe asking "Von, why not just NEXT this chick and move on?" Well, part of me always loves a challenge, I have blown off and been blown off by many a woman, this isn't a case of oneitis. My Sensei (the guy who taught me everything about game) said having a passion project doesn't hurt, and for me this is like a Cold War; my swagger vs. her morality/ASD drawn out over a much longer timespan than how I normally work. I've resigned myself to not initiating hanging out or sending her random texts, so if she disappears then *poof* on to the next one.
Stay tuned....