Debunking Some Myths

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Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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1) "Looks don't matter. It's the level of your game that counts"

WRONG, Looks do matter. They matter so much, that it's impossible for a male or female to feel romantic unless they have some form of physical attraction for the person. Don't believe me? How many times have you been lying in your bed at night, waxing romantically about some 350lb pound chick? Now understand, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and different people like different types, but whatever their type is, they have to be attracted to you physically in order to feel romantic towards you. I've felt pity, love and caring towards women I wasn't attracted to, but I NEVER felt ROMANTIC OR "IN LOVE" WITH THEM.

2) "Nice guys finish last"

WRONG, nice guys finish first. I hear so much on this board about "neg hits" and how "being a jerk" works for getting women. While there may be some validity to those things, ask yourself what kind of woman would actually respond to that? Would a normal, well adjusted female respond favorably to being treated like crap? Is that really the kind of person you want to end up with in a long term relationship? I'm not saying you should be some supplicating wuss who bends over for a woman. I am saying that if you're "nice" in the right context, it will work wonders. In order for a girl to really be "into you" she has to associate you with "good feelings". If you're always a jerk or ripping on her about how she looks, how is she going to have good feelings when she thinks about you? You may then ask "But how do you handle it if a woman disrespects you? How do you be nice to that"? My answer is YOU DON'T. One thing I've noticed about women in all my dating experiences is that they hardly ever listen to what you say. You can tell women they're doing something wrong 100 times and it will never sink in. So what does a "nice guy" do when he's disrespected? HE PULLS AWAY HIS ATTENTION. He doesn't say "Honey, that was so rude of you", he just casually stops calling and doesn't make a big deal out of it. I promise you if you do this, the girl will intuitively associate that behavior with punishment, and it will sink into her psyche far more than yelling at her.

3) "It's our fault (men) when we lose a woman because we just didn't have good enough game or weren't able to read her properly"

WRONG, I've heard this one so many times on this forum by keyboard jockies who think they're Don Juan. They claim if you're doing your job right, you'll never lose a girl. This is pure horseshyt!!!!!!! It's a hard fact that you guys are going to have to understand but, SOMETIMES, EVEN IF YOU DO EVERYTHING RIGHT, IT STILL WON'T WORK OUT. It doesn't mean that your game wasn't tight; It doesn't mean that you're not "man enough", it just means that nothing is ever 100 percent fool proof. We, as men can do everything we're supposed to do, and sometimes it won't work. Don't listen to these ass clowns telling you that you should have been able to read her mind or you should have done this or that. Everybody's a Monday morning quarterback after the fact. Just chalk it up to life experience, and be more vigilant in the future.

In closing: The things taught on this board are mostly true. If done correctly, they will greatly improve your chances with women. But like anything else in life, there are always variables that we can't foresee. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work out, afterall, we learn something from every interaction we have with women, and this lessens(but doesn't eliminate) our chances of screwing up in the future.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
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Wolf said:
You're wrong on 1 & 2 but right on 3 I think. Looks matter 100000x more to men than it does for women, just because you as a man wouldn't be getting off to a below average looking girl, doesn't mean a girl won't want the below average motorcycle ridin' badboy. I'm sure there are some rockstars that could prove that. Me too, I remember going a few years back, I was a fat fvck, but I had a lot of success with girls, because of the way I am.

Nice guys DO finish last, they are TOTAL pushovers, I KNOW a guy like this, he's just so nice that it's annoying. I don't get on with guys like that too well, because they are too nice! They have no backbone, they don't make fun of you like boys generally do to each other for laughs, they are ALWAYS doing what you want and going along with what you want, it's just not right. I prefer my mates to be more boyish than that. Guys like that always get the bad end of the stick, and they are ALWAYS smiling about it after, like fvcking lego men. Torture them, pull them apart, stick them in a plug socket, they still smile! Surely they don't like clearing up after everyone and doing whatever everyone asks of them, but they are too pushover not too. You should never be that guy. People aren't naturally that nice.
Your right on target Wolf


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2007
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In response to no1#, what about Lemmy Kilmister, lead singer of Motorhead?

Theres a man whos bedded around 1200 (apparently), and he looks worse than Sloth from the Goonies!

I agree that there has to be some form of attractiveness between man and woman, but i'd reckon physical attractiveness counts for about 25% of what makes someone attractive for women, if that. The rest is personality, attitudes, how you talk, what your friends are like etc.. I believe it all adds up to make the other 75% in my opinion.

my 2p.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2007
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Look DO matter end of story, if you don't believe that then your in denial. But that that doesn't mean you can't get laid like crazy if your not the best looking its just a factor in attraction.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
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Looks do matter, but they aren't as important as the topic creator thinks they are. Women view attractiveness on many different levels, including looks and power and confidence.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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Your examples about how ugly ass rock stars get laid is ridiculous. These women aren't sleeping with these guys because they're attracted or feel romantic towards them, THEY'RE SLEEPING WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY'RE RICH AND THEY'RE ROCK STARS.

This is not romantic love. This is not even attraction, it's status seeking females who want a notch on their belt. I never said if you're fat or ugly that you can't get laid. I said, there needs to be some form of physical attraction for you or a female to feel ROMANTIC towards them.

If you guys think attraction is so low of a priority, then how many of you guys go to bed jacking off over Roseanne Barr? I know it's different for women, but seriously, to you think hordes of women are masturbating over John Goodman? Get serious guys.


Mar 8, 2008
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Um... Are you guys fvcking retarded? Looks matter? Yeah, about as much as any other thing. There is no single key to success, it's a combination of things, looks is just another piece of the puzzle, and not a very important piece either. As long as you look even half decent that should be enough. Confidence is about the closest thing to a key that there is. Now that is what matters. None of this looks garbage.

If you're not at the stage to realize that looks aren't important past the first impression (And even then), then you're an idiot. I mean, look at mystery, In my opinion, he looks freaking retarded. I almost laugh when I see a picture of him. But I can't say anything. Why? Because despite his seemingly retarded sense of style, he can still pull more women than me. Respect. When someone who dresses as Krazie as that guy can pull any chick that he wants, who can really say that looks matter? And yes, he can pull ANY chick that he wants.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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1. Looks matter and looks don't matter. Looks, only go so far.

2. There is a balance between the jerk and the nice guy. He is called the good guy. If a woman disrespects you let her know. If she doesn't listen she obviously doesn't respect you. Then, you do what is necessary. Hors will never listen. But, a woman will do whatever you say.

3. It is not always our fault when a woman leaves. But, mainly it is. If I come home and beat my wife. Wouldn't that be my fault if she left. If I treat her like crap. Isn't that my fault if she left. To say that it is never our fault is WRONG.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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I.A.F.Y.B. said:
1. Looks matter and looks don't matter. Looks, only go so far.

2. There is a balance between the jerk and the nice guy. He is called the good guy. If a woman disrespects you let her know. If she doesn't listen she obviously doesn't respect you. Then, you do what is necessary.

3. It is not always our fault when a woman leaves. But, mainly it is. If I come home and beat my wife. Wouldn't that be my fault if she left. If I treat her like crap. Isn't that my fault if she left. To say that it is never our fault is WRONG.
Correct, looks only go so far, but they are a necessary component of attraction

Read the definition of "nice guy" in the context I put it. It's the same as your "good guy"

I never said it was NEVER our fault if women leave us? What post were you reading? I said, sometimes even if we do everything right, it still might not work out.

Honestly, either some of you guys just glance over a post, or have serious reading comprehension issues.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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justiceseeker said:
Correct, looks only go so far, but they are a necessary component of attraction

Read the definition of "nice guy" in the context I put it. It's the same as your "good guy"

I never said it was NEVER our fault if women leave us? What post were you reading? I said, sometimes even if we do everything right, it still might not work out.

Honestly, either some of you guys just glance over a post, or have serious reading comprehension issues.
It is opposites that attract. It takes a man and a woman to create that bond. Behond the looks it is who we are that makes us attractive. It is our connections with one another that makes us attractive.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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I.A.F.Y.B. said:
It is opposites that attract. It takes a man and a woman to create that bond. Behond the looks it is who we are that makes us attractive. It is our connections with one another that makes us attractive.
Great, then post the pictures when you marry some 300 pound woman who smells like garlic. We'll take it for granted that she's an awesome person, and that you've created a bond with her on some other level:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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1. looks really help in meeting a girl. but not really in attracting them. i know a guy who probably weighs 350 lbs., plays a lot of video games, and doesn't really look like anything more than a fat guy. and he lands as many women as me and tends to have them more under his complete control. mainly because his PERSONALITY and sense of humor is beyond comprehension. of course he'll get turned down by many many women at clubs if he tried to talk to them; but just about any women he's around long enough - falls for him.

2. i have never believe in being the bad boy type to get women. i never have been the bad boy type. i get told all the time by women i'm fuking that i'm a nice/good guy. i'm an interesting guy who is not a pushover though, and that's good enough to get me plenty.

3. true

Texas Tornado

Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
this thread was retarded. stop pulling bullsh1t theories out of your azz. like women MUST find you good looking or whatever. how the hell would you know that they MUST find you good looking? lmao. i was just at the club with a 5'3 asian kid last friday and he hooked up with three h9's, two of whom were brazilian and whom he was making out with at the same time (they were both like 25 and he was 19). one of them was begging him to fvck her in the bathroom. saw it with my own eyes. people need to stop sitting on their azz and acting like they know enough sh1t to be making absolute laws of the dating world. second point is retarded too.

epic fail


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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Texas Tornado said:
this thread was retarded. stop pulling bullsh1t theories out of your azz. like women MUST find you good looking or whatever. how the hell would you know that they MUST find you good looking? lmao. i was just at the club with a 5'3 asian kid last friday and he hooked up with three h9's, two of whom were brazilian and whom he was making out with at the same time (they were both like 25 and he was 19). one of them was begging him to fvck her in the bathroom. saw it with my own eyes. people need to stop sitting on their azz and acting like they know enough sh1t to be making absolute laws of the dating world. second point is retarded too.

epic fail[/QUO

OH yes, it's such a big theory that someone must be attracted to you before they become romantic??? LOLOLO idiot

And who said 5'3 asian guys can't get laid? Maybe the brazillian chick likes short asian guys.

Perhaps if you idiots would learn how to read, then you could make proper comments on the thread.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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bukowski_merit said:
1. looks really help in meeting a girl. but not really in attracting them. i know a guy who probably weighs 350 lbs., plays a lot of video games, and doesn't really look like anything more than a fat guy. and he lands as many women as me and tends to have them more under his complete control. mainly because his PERSONALITY and sense of humor is beyond comprehension. of course he'll get turned down by many many women at clubs if he tried to talk to them; but just about any women he's around long enough - falls for him.

2. i have never believe in being the bad boy type to get women. i never have been the bad boy type. i get told all the time by women i'm fuking that i'm a nice/good guy. i'm an interesting guy who is not a pushover though, and that's good enough to get me plenty.

3. true
I'm sick of guys making **** up about friends of thiers that look like jabba the hut, yet get all kinds of women.

Here's a challenge, post this fat asses picture on this forum while some hottie is snuggled up against him. If he's supposedly pulling all these chicks, it shouldn't be too hard of a request to fulfill.

Texas Tornado

Jun 19, 2008
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yeah im sure all 3 of those girls that night had a fetish for short asian guys. after all, it MUST HAVE BEEN HIS LOOKS RIGHT????

good job

as for that challenge, wasnt there a thread earlier linking to a site with like 50 pictures of this fat azz fvcker with hot chicks? of course you'll probably make some bullsh1t theory explaining that too


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2008
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Smiling like lego men LOLOLOL...Yeah sometimes I find it funny that people act like there are absolute laws to the dating world...


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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Texas Tornado said:
yeah im sure all 3 of those girls had a fetish for short asian guys. after all, it MUST HAVE BEEN HIS LOOKS RIGHT????

good job
Firstly, just because you say it happened, doesn't mean it happened. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who questions your story. Brazillian models all hopping on the jock of a midget. hmmmm sounds believable.

I want to see this 350lb guy with all these hot chicks all over him. That's even more unbelievable.

I can say that I'm cheating with Heidi Klum behind SEAL's back, THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE.

btw send that link of the fat ass with all the chicks--- you puddle pirate, I'd love to see it.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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Birdem said:
I would believe you because seal is one ugly mofo

According to these ass bandits, that doesn't matter. Understand, SEAL is also rich and famous. So is Heidi Klum, but you will never see her with some broke ass. Women, not matter how rich, always marry on the same level or higher.
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