wow i pressed the wrong button and it erased my entire
Anyways sorry i haven't responded, i loved ya'lls responses very informative and gives me some ideas, i have been paying attention to posts while ive been getting situated in my house.
I was doing some more research and realized that its extremely important to feel congruent when approaching, if you feel out of sorts it has a big chance of not ending favorably ( might seem obvious, we are taught however to keep on approaching it will go away). Many of us have paralyzing fear or deep anxiety issues that is not just a matter of working through it till your confident and can actually bury more feelings underneath as it has for me when i started doing very uncomfortable approaches.
I have come to the conclusion that feeling congruent when your approaching can stem from exercise. I knew Dbot had muscle when he had approached and had experience. I am a skinny guy and wanted to see if there was some sort of connection. What i realized is that muscle tone helps dramatically in your success with women (like the equivalent of big breasts for men)
There are many posts if you look for them that have many users confirming the posters statements that muscles help you receive more attention, dramatically increases self confidence, and gets more yes's (laid, dates etc....) it makes women want to mate with you (your a better breeding specimen, muscles is protection and fertile, healthy, most importantly activates their primitive reptilian brain to bang yo nuts)
It might sort of seem obvious. Women never tell us these things, just like women have to find out, we spend alot of time talking to them because we have the intention of getting in their pants and not sticking around because they are......interesting.
I got lucky with a hot girl one time (i was the only guy available and she wanted to go out;found that out later) she was the ultimate ***** however my shallowness to her hotness kept me around. She showed me one of her ex's she still bangs. She said he was a dumb oaf, kept banging him on a regular basis.
He was very muscular and very hideous. She never ended up going out with me after our date, she told me i was too skinny and that i needed muscle
After reading posts on the power of muscles i realized that i had lost a lot of possible experience since i was skinny.
It's not some revelation. I know. Building muscle has been lost in the community perhaps it wont make as much money as coming up with the endless possible combinations of how to touch, when to touch, and word smithing your way into her pants.
Do your own research. My endless searching has brought me to getting a fit body with some tone, and making sure that i at least exercise a little and get centered before i go out so i will approach with more confidence if the opportunity arises.