What's up all.
Been a long time since I've posted on here, life has been good, wouldn't be back unless absolutely necessary but I'm in a bit of a drum....
Long story short, me and my daughters mum split almost 12 months ago, the first 6 months after this was a traumatic time, I lost my home - she kept my daughter from me - I embarked on a custody battle and eventually after much back and forth won joint visitation of my daughter.
Fast forward to June this year, I had my new place set up, things were good with regular contact with my daughter and work was going well (both me and my ex work for the same company)
My ex started to come around again, frequently contacting me via facetime, coming over with our daughter, generally being more engaged - we ended up sleeping together just the once - and kiss - go out as a family here on since.
I tried to escalate - asked on dates, tried to take things further and rebuild the family unit, she would always be quite stand off'ish and say that she wants to take things slow its going to take time etc etc especially after the situation we have gone through. Still she would seem hot - regular contact but just wouldn't take it that extra step - I figured not much longer I can persevere with this before I am wasting my time.
Yesterday she came over, we had a kiss - lunch etc etc. Back of my mind though I know something isn't right, our daughter was playing in the living room and she just came out like I think we need to talk....
Basically said that whilst she has tried to regain the feelings she once had for me, she's struggling with something, she cannot gain the love that she once had - she wants too, but that she just cant put her finger on it but there is something 'missing' she doesn't feel the same way she did before - she feels like she is letting our daughter down.
I agreed - I said its not worth pursuing if she doesn't feel the way she should - I advised that I sensed this was how she was feeling and fair play for her honesty - that I was disappointed but she shouldn't feel like she has let our daughter down as happiness is key - for both of us.
I said there was no real need to continue contact as much as we have been and that everything should be kept strictly around collection times/welfare of daughter.
She mentioned she doesn't want to see me with anyone else and that she is going to miss talking to me every day as she has been. I advised I will need to be selfish and there is no real purpose in doing that.
Gotta say fellas I have taken this one quite hard - not quite as bad as the first but her returning into my life and then bailing again has hurt.
Im not interested in getting her back but moreso how to improve my mindset and work through this to come out positive on the other end
thanks for your time in advance.