So I'm curious Luke. So if you are 49 years old who are you dating? The hot 20 year old college coed?
I'm not sure why we have to go "personal". A fact is a fact, regardless if I am an incel or a chad. Two plus two will always be 4 even if I'm handsome or ugly. If I look outside, and I see an accident; that accident is occurring regardless if I'm dating a 20 year old college coed, or not
However, I guess it wouldn't hurt for you to know me better. The last person I was "kinda seeing" is 36. I have also been talking to a 26 year old, but I'm not quite sure where we stand, so..ehhhh... The 36 year old wants a relationship, but I'm not sure if we have the correct personality for each other. They are both from my region of origin -- basically, they are foreign as am I. More accurately, I was born abroad, but I was raised in the USA and I am a citizen. I can understand the culture of the land I was born in and I can have a conversation in the language - albeit, my fluent language is English..
To be honest, as I get older, dating//women are becoming less interesting. I notice I come to this website to procrastinate more than anything else
It is interesting to see people's ideas/conclusions which is so contraire to the facts. It's like seeing people see 1 + 1 = ?, and they explicability say 4. Ultimately, it is a waste of time though.
I'm curious how you are an expert on that segment of the dating pool. I myself am 55. I have children in that segment of the dating pool, all of them attractive, the older 2 are in LTRs with a partner within a year of their own age. My 22yo son is married to someone he dated 5 years prior to marriage; my 20yo older daughter has been in LTR for 4 years with her high school sweetheart. They might marry.
I am not an expert on that "segment of the dating pool". By "segment" I assume you mean 20's dating. However, when I look at the statistics (marriage rate, birth rate, self-reported dating status, etc.. etc.. There's a lot of data regarding dating), I can come up with conclusions. you don't have to be an expert to do analysis. You just have to be logical and deal with the facts as they are. Avoid anecdotes. For example, you seem to have a good family. Your kids seem to be doing well relationship wise which is great. However, like they say, anecdotal evidence is not a substitute for facts.
Relationship wise, I am doing well for an older guy. People tell me I have good genetics and I'm doing well money-wise. I think you have a higher net worth, but it is what it is
A few years ago, I use to think that men only need to improve to be viable to women.. After my divorce, I wasn't in a great place with respect to relationships. However, after "working on myself", I notice women were looking at me. I noticed a lot of things were going well in my life. I had the "piss and vinegar" that I had BEFORE I got married and had my son. For some reason, marriage really caused me to go "weak"??? I'm not sure the correct wording for it. You can say, I lost "my mojo"???? hahahah
Like you, I started to believe that men need to just "work on themselves" and they will be ok. But then I looked around. Not every men are blessed with good genetics. Not every man is bless with the patience to see their investments payoff or the ability to be better than "average". Being average is not a flaw. Society needs blue collar workers; they are the backbone of our society. These men are not like me. That doesn't make me better; it just makes me different. However, this sure does not mean they should be "swiped left" by average women which I find aggravating.
Are you dating the college coeds? If you are that is certainly exceptional. College coeds 99.8% select men in their same age group, not a man old enough to actually be her father. They choose young men to build a life & a family with.
Huhm, interesting most reports are saying marriage rates are the lowest in centuries. Birth rates down. Barely anyone is dating, especially young men. If reports are to be believed,
in general college coeds are not selecting any men at all, not even men old enough to be their fathers. But whatever, your sons and daughters are doing well. They have great relationships... soo yeah, things are going well in the dating world for most people. If not, it's the average men's fault for not "doing better". I just don't agree with any of this.