But is having a thot who humiliates you constantly in public and a woman who admitted that she is only with you for money really a win for Travis?
It is not.
Can a woman eventually be attracted to a guy she wasn't initially attracted too? of course but anyone with experience will tell you a woman who has raw burning desire (Or lust) is nothing like that
She doesn't have the genuine burning desire for him. There are women who would have the most burning desire for a future NFL player. If Travis is good in the NFL, he'll have a lot of options with women. On a major college campus, he should have had enough options to find one with burning desire for him.
We gotta be honest here yes we know not all relationships are based of raw burning desire but who the **** wants to be in a relationship with a woman who is not attracted to who you are but only your money.? Eventually, the woman is going to divorce you, take half and go be with the type of man she really wants or she will cheat on you.
That's bad.
On a smaller scale, this happens regularly to Beta Bobs who have some success in white collar careers and start making something like $150,000 - $250,000 a year. These Beta Bobs were virtually ignored when they were making $45,000 - $75,000 but once they got a few promotions in the white collar world, outcomes changed for them.
Depending on what methods they used to meet women, attention level may or may not have changed for them. On swipe apps, they might have been able to convert more first dates into sex with similar right swipe percentages. Maybe they got a better photo set in a professional photo session. Perhaps they had a good enough social circle to get an introduction to a woman who probably wouldn't have considered him before the promotions and salary increases but now is hot for him.