My now ex, 42 (Asian, looked 31, bat s crazy it turned out). Hard core Borderline and Narcissist, had the majority of the signs based on my past experiences.
Her replacement...35 year old "virgin" (vaginal). Bat s crazy, no wonder this hot Ukranian chic had never been proposed to and all her relationships were a couple months except for...a serial joke. Never even texted me on my birthday...put work deadline before meeting up for my birthday the night before. Not even a
text or call on my b day so I ghosted her.
So I'm dating again, one chic won't give me her number until the second date. I'm thinking, OK our second date will be a walk in the park, literally. No way I'm spending more than I did for coffee with such a woman. And she thinks it's fun to tease me with her number (we met on match). OK, then you can pay for your own meal if we go out...."it's more fun that way" loser...
Another girl, 38, Yale MBA, gorgeous, string of relationships with narcisists and borderlines. Literally within 2 days she's talking marriage (my 42 year old ex above took 2 months) and moving to be closer to me...we had never even met. She cops and attitude every few minutes. Volatile. No wonder she's never married, no kids.
44 year old hot girl, on her profile she says she won't be exclusive with a man before wonder you've never been proposed to.
38 year old Latina, made plans with me, then reschedules the day of when I message to confirm, she tries to push our date to another date, I'm like, silence and distance...
I'm honestly at the point where I've slept with enough women that I don't really care. I got my "validation" and a high body count. I want a relationship with an attractive and stable woman who understands how to treat a man.
All of my last 6 girlfriends or so took turns paying for dates after we were in a relationship (3 dates or so). I'm really getting tired of the left over women in their 30's+. Heck even my 29 and 25 year old gf's had some issues. More stable than most but obvious emotional issues. Finding a woman who gets it is nigh impossible.
Went on a date with this cute Chinese chic the other night, our second date. We came home to my place, fooled around, no sex though. Invite her over for dinner again and she says I'm sweet, she has no plans, etc. I tell her I'll have dinner ready at 7. Haven't heard from her since last night when I texted her that.
I swear women are bat s crazy....