Yes absolutely. After my divorce while still blue pilled, my dating success was like you described. I seemed to do well on online dating (I had not learned about cold approaching at that point) in terms of getting dates with good looking girls, and not all but the majority of them would be into me on the first date, but if I liked them and chose to continue dating them, eventually whether it was the 2nd date, 3rd date, or 2nd month into dating, I would get dumped. Every single time. And it is for the very reasons I mentioned in my previous post, but also because I often wouldn't escalate quickly enough which is something I learned to do later. What was worse was that I'd see the guys they'd date immediately after me. These guys were like 3-5 points below my SMV in looks. But they must have had more game than I did back then.
I found it helpful to follow a script at first. Scripts are not ideal because each situation is nuanced and you have to read the situation to know exactly what to do. But when you are first starting out or if you find that you are uncalibrated, how can you properly read the situation with uncalibrated radar? You can't, which is why you go with scripts. The scripts will fail you on occasion, but they will succeed more often than not, and more importantly, they go against what your inner voice keeps telling you to do and you need that in order to change your behavior and recalibrate yourself - you need to do something you don't think will work while that inner voice keeps telling you to do what you normally do, and then once you see the script working, you realize that inner voice has been misguiding you. Some examples of scripts are: Never setup another date while on a date or immediately after, wait 3-5 days after a date before
texting the girl (it's ok to reply if she initiates texting with you), if she is slow to respond to your texts then you should be as slow if not slower to respond to hers, use texting 90% to setup dates and 10% to keep dialogue open (most guys do the opposite), don't let her know your whole life story - dole it out slowly over many dates and instead focus more on her, don't be afraid to disagree with her. Those are just a few things - there are many more.