Master Don Juan
fri jul 14 2006 - nbc
there was a story on tonight about sexless marriages and what happens when marriages disintegrate.
interesting in that it is a very VERY UNROMANTIC VIEW of the mundane aspect of the relationship between men and women... the aspect of relationships that you lose sight of when you're thinking of pornographic sex but you catch glimpses of now and then in married couples young and old when men and women RESENT EACH OTHER.
interesting - more than an explanation of why the sex ain't hot, it became a neat little expose on the NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF MAN WITH WOMEN.
sex became almost a byproduct - and as most therapists would agree, a mere barometer of the relationship.
1. men become dependent on their wives and the men expose and share weakness, self doubt and insecurity, expecting understanding and VALIDATION from their wives. in essence, asking the women to make them feel better about themselves.
sometimes, they even look at the getting of sex as a sign and validation of their own masculinity.
2. women are perhaps NATURALLY UNCOMMUNICATIVE when they become disappointed with their man. instead of telling him or anyone what is wrong, they simply become emotionally and sexually unavailable.
women do not want to tell their men to 'be a man' or 'suck it up'... this is NOT THEIR JOB! they don't want to tell their man, the man should ALREADY KNOW. women do not want to EDUCATE their men...
and while it seems extremely frustrating that women don't just pipe up, i can imagine it is precisely because they know that NO MAN WANTS TO HEAR SUCH THINGS FROM HIS WOMAN!
the women then are put in UNTENABLE POSITIONS and so they just clam up, freeze up and build a wall around themselves.
1. there are a lot of men out there who are not very experienced with women and they come to a relationship (particularly marriage) with very idealistic ideas... ideas like "she's my best friend".
you can share weakness and vulnerability with your best friend and expect him to give you advice, prop you up, give you a pep talk, encourage you and be a crutch to lean on from time to time (though hopefully not often).
the "EROS" relationship is not the UNCONDITIONAL love of god or parent (in greek, "AGAPE"). she is JUDGING YOU constantly as a man. (just as you are constantly judging her appearance - especially if she starts letting herself go). again, the love between man and woman is NEVER EVER COMPLETELY UNCONDITIONAL.
she CANNOT be your strength. that is LITERALLY NOT HER JOB and sooner or later, it will be as irksome for the man to receive such support from his woman as it is for her to give it.
you can NEVER EVER ask a woman for HELP or SUPPORT or VALIDATION to make you feel better about YOURSELF!
this is the biggest problem of men with women even in the dating scene: when a man approaches a woman with hat in hand, he is asking her, begging her to help him feel better about himself. he is failing to understand that not only will she rebuff him, the arrangement he is seeking is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE.
it does not work for her and sooner or later (sooner if the guy is not just completely whupped), it will not work for the guy and he WILL begin to resent her.
even during HARD TIMES, you NEVER share your vulnerabilities, doubts and insecurities with your woman. that's what friends are for.
EVEN if she thinks you're an idiot, even if you don't believe it in your heart in the SLIGHTEST your attitude is ALWAYS, "this is fine. we're good. everything's gonna work out."
i have a feeling she'll sense your weaknesses and vulnerabilities anyway... but i also have a sense that she'll love you more for NOT SHARING THEM. and appreciate not having to be a man's mother.
i think vince vaugn... your attitude is always like that. putting and keeping on a facade - FRONTING - with your woman is impossible to avoid.
side note: this is why a man always has a plan for the date instead of asking "what do you want to do?".... that is ASKING FOR HER HELP TO WIN HER. seen in the bright light of day, that is just patently LAME!
of course, most of this information has been posted in bits and pieces before... but the tv program really helped articulate for me the whys and wherefores of all the things that we believe and teach. i really kinda understand it better now.
there was a story on tonight about sexless marriages and what happens when marriages disintegrate.
interesting in that it is a very VERY UNROMANTIC VIEW of the mundane aspect of the relationship between men and women... the aspect of relationships that you lose sight of when you're thinking of pornographic sex but you catch glimpses of now and then in married couples young and old when men and women RESENT EACH OTHER.
interesting - more than an explanation of why the sex ain't hot, it became a neat little expose on the NATURE OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF MAN WITH WOMEN.
sex became almost a byproduct - and as most therapists would agree, a mere barometer of the relationship.
1. men become dependent on their wives and the men expose and share weakness, self doubt and insecurity, expecting understanding and VALIDATION from their wives. in essence, asking the women to make them feel better about themselves.
sometimes, they even look at the getting of sex as a sign and validation of their own masculinity.
2. women are perhaps NATURALLY UNCOMMUNICATIVE when they become disappointed with their man. instead of telling him or anyone what is wrong, they simply become emotionally and sexually unavailable.
women do not want to tell their men to 'be a man' or 'suck it up'... this is NOT THEIR JOB! they don't want to tell their man, the man should ALREADY KNOW. women do not want to EDUCATE their men...
and while it seems extremely frustrating that women don't just pipe up, i can imagine it is precisely because they know that NO MAN WANTS TO HEAR SUCH THINGS FROM HIS WOMAN!
the women then are put in UNTENABLE POSITIONS and so they just clam up, freeze up and build a wall around themselves.
1. there are a lot of men out there who are not very experienced with women and they come to a relationship (particularly marriage) with very idealistic ideas... ideas like "she's my best friend".
you can share weakness and vulnerability with your best friend and expect him to give you advice, prop you up, give you a pep talk, encourage you and be a crutch to lean on from time to time (though hopefully not often).
the "EROS" relationship is not the UNCONDITIONAL love of god or parent (in greek, "AGAPE"). she is JUDGING YOU constantly as a man. (just as you are constantly judging her appearance - especially if she starts letting herself go). again, the love between man and woman is NEVER EVER COMPLETELY UNCONDITIONAL.
she CANNOT be your strength. that is LITERALLY NOT HER JOB and sooner or later, it will be as irksome for the man to receive such support from his woman as it is for her to give it.
you can NEVER EVER ask a woman for HELP or SUPPORT or VALIDATION to make you feel better about YOURSELF!
this is the biggest problem of men with women even in the dating scene: when a man approaches a woman with hat in hand, he is asking her, begging her to help him feel better about himself. he is failing to understand that not only will she rebuff him, the arrangement he is seeking is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE.
it does not work for her and sooner or later (sooner if the guy is not just completely whupped), it will not work for the guy and he WILL begin to resent her.
even during HARD TIMES, you NEVER share your vulnerabilities, doubts and insecurities with your woman. that's what friends are for.
EVEN if she thinks you're an idiot, even if you don't believe it in your heart in the SLIGHTEST your attitude is ALWAYS, "this is fine. we're good. everything's gonna work out."
i have a feeling she'll sense your weaknesses and vulnerabilities anyway... but i also have a sense that she'll love you more for NOT SHARING THEM. and appreciate not having to be a man's mother.
i think vince vaugn... your attitude is always like that. putting and keeping on a facade - FRONTING - with your woman is impossible to avoid.
side note: this is why a man always has a plan for the date instead of asking "what do you want to do?".... that is ASKING FOR HER HELP TO WIN HER. seen in the bright light of day, that is just patently LAME!
of course, most of this information has been posted in bits and pieces before... but the tv program really helped articulate for me the whys and wherefores of all the things that we believe and teach. i really kinda understand it better now.