Damn, white girls are nasty

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Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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hahahaa... you guys are a fvckin joke!

Glad you can pull quotes off of websites Crab. Genious!

And where the hell did both of you gather that I hate my own race, just cause I'm sticking up for anti-racism!? How idiotic a stretch, to try to pin against me! It doesn't even make sense!

I'm wholeheartidly proud of who I am... I just don't need to segragate anyone else because of it. I don't need to proclaim my purity of one ethnicity... cause we're all fvckin mixes, from the moment humanity came into existance. I just cannot stand when some fvckwads on here propagate such entirely ignorant perspectives. Shouldn't we as humanity in today's world take a little more responsibility for the direction the world is going!? And to see such fvckin sh!twads mouth off, dumb sh!t... pisses me off.

If you want to misconstrue my stance of all-is-one intelligence, as "You seem to hate being white, and resent your skin color" then your simply just a fool. I'd like to see you make the correlation, between those two actually. The twisted logic behind it... might actually be entertaining.

Or maybe I'll let you off the hook easy, and have you simply point out which big words intimidated you!? And/or... were out of context?

Oh, and for your info Crabs. Saying "brothas" is not offensive. lol
A few of my best-friends growing up were black. To see it as offensive is offensive in itself. Should I cross the words "Homey" and "Yo" off my list too? Christ.

Both of you ****wads, relax and reckognize what century your in.
Its ok, to have sex w. a Russian, Japanese, Thai, African, Brazilian, etc.
And if you don't want to, cause of your "pure" limited perspectives... Cool! All the more for me.

I wouldn't want to be anything other than what I am. In all ways.
So save your sh!t, and just reckognize I was standing up in defense, to the ignorance of man... whatever his color may be.

P.S. MODS... close this thread... its a waste, and off topic.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
DarkLight said:
hahahaa... you guys are a fvckin joke!

Glad you can pull quotes off of websites Crab. Genious!

And where the hell did both of you gather that I hate my own race, just cause I'm sticking up for anti-racism!? How idiotic a stretch, to try to pin against me! It doesn't even make sense!

I'm wholeheartidly proud of who I am... I just don't need to segragate anyone else because of it. I don't need to proclaim my purity of one ethnicity... cause we're all fvckin mixes, from the moment humanity came into existance. I just cannot stand when some fvckwads on here propagate such entirely ignorant perspectives. Shouldn't we as humanity in today's world take a little more responsibility for the direction the world is going!? And to see such fvckin sh!twads mouth off, dumb sh!t... pisses me off.

If you want to misconstrue my stance of all-is-one intelligence, as "You seem to hate being white, and resent your skin color" then your simply just a fool. I'd like to see you make the correlation, between those two actually. The twisted logic behind it... might actually be entertaining.

Or maybe I'll let you off the hook easy, and have you simply point out which big words intimidated you!? And/or... were out of context?

Oh, and for your info Crabs. Saying "brothas" is not offensive. lol
A few of my best-friends growing up were black. To see it as offensive is offensive in itself. Should I cross the words "Homey" and "Yo" off my list too? Christ.

Both of you ****wads, relax and reckognize what century your in.
Its ok, to have sex w. a Russian, Japanese, Thai, African, Brazilian, etc.
And if you don't want to, cause of your "pure" limited perspectives... Cool! All the more for me.

I wouldn't want to be anything other than what I am. In all ways.
So save your sh!t, and just reckognize I was standing up in defense, to the ignorance of man... whatever his color may be.

This is fun. I'll address a couple of your comments.

1) You can't spell GENIUS-YOU'RE-RECOGNIZE...shall I go on?
2) Your sentence structure is so bad, it's actually difficult to read your posts.

As far as your comment about being "anti-racist"...I find it funny that you would call southern whites "rebels and honkeys", yet I didn't hear you addressing black people in any deragatory manner. Certainly all races have their bad apples, you just seem to want to point out the caucasian ones.

I also find it funny how you're so worried about defending your use of the term "brothas", yet you had no problem saying honkey?????

You're a hypocrite...you're uneducated, you're delusional and you're RACIST.

Enough of humoring the troll.
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