Damn, white girls are nasty

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Sep 15, 2006
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I'm sorry, I have some personal ****, or lack of it, going on. I had to take it out somehow. You and a nice long cruise helped. ;)


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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Hey, I'm not the kind of person to take things to personally. When it comes to the board, it's an opportunity for us to learn more about each other, and our points of views.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
BrokenLeftWing said:
Its interesting how some people think. Over the internet we are all faceless. Our thoughts seem more true to the way we really think about things.
You mean that these thoughts are in the delusional and deranged minds of the typical person on the street???!!! :nervous:


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
You mean that these thoughts are in the delusional and deranged minds of the typical person on the street???!!! :nervous:

Seems when there are no real negative or harmful actions to face, it free us to some extant. What do you think?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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crab101 said:
I mean my women as my race,just like how you blackmen say black girls are your women I mean that by race,that she is the same race as me therefore she ment for a man of the same race as her,so thats why I said taking "our" as a she is the same race as me you see what I mean.

No. How many Blackmen do you know on a personal level? And of these Blackmen, How many say "our black women"?

There isn't a us vs. them thing. I'mJust looking to gain some perspective.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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crab101 said:
Funny how you come in all white majority internert forum and your dissing us and you keep defending yourself for no reason.And ooh yeah as pure I have traced my familys origins for Europe never mixed with any other race or ethincty just pure white so im trying to make the future contuie on that :)

Where did I "diss" you at? How do you know the majority of this forum is white?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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crab101 said:
Well I know quite a few black men and they are different from most black men.Most of the black men who I see in society are in the ghetto,uneducated,and end in jail or dead.And the blackmen I know do say black women are our women,its part of nature dude.

The Black men you know are different from most? How do you know that for sure? You would have to know must black men. Do you? And in what "society that you see these ghetto(how do you know?), uneducated(how do you know?) people who end up in jail or dead? Close to home?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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crab101 said:
Well its pretty common sense most of the people on here are white,most of the guys who ned help on women are white.Plus not to offend you but not much blacks own computers,most of them are in poverty or in the streets or jail.And more whitepeople own computers so there fore its pretty obviouse most of the people on here atleast 93% are WHITE!

P.S. you diss when you said how do I know im pure!I found that as offensive and its offensive to my family's generation when YOU dont know my history.

These "facts" that you are posting are interesting. Where did you get your information from? Your right, I don't know your history. In no way was it my intention to offend you. I'm open to learning it. That being said, are you able to learn mine?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
BrokenLeftWing said:
Seems when there are no real negative or harmful actions to face, it free us to some extant. What do you think?
I wholeheartedly agree. How about this as an add on; maybe they expound on their "opinions" so vigorously because they don't have a chance to convey their stance in everyday life, perhaps because of the fear of retribution during a face to face confrontation?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
BrokenLeftWing said:
There isn't a us vs. them thing. I'mJust looking to gain some perspective.
Try telling them that... Them being anyone feeling as if they've been slighted in any manner. Wait a second, they are usually the us's. Damn hard to keep track any more.


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2006
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crab101 said:
I see your an idiot,you keep asking questions that are COMMON SENSE,
read that it says their more black men in prison then college

And how do I know their in jail or dead?Well my uncle who used to work in a prison said most of the prisoners were black!Plus its been proven that most criminals are blacks and latinos I take law class so I know about this.And the ones I know are different from MOST black men because if you live in the real world and society you will notice thr typical blackman its uneducated,poor and has a criminal record.And as for the ghettos come on man itsp retty obvious and common sense go to detroit,chicago,st louis,any major USA citie you will notice most of the people in the ghettos are blacks!

read that aswell,

and funny thing is you blacks are 13 or 14% of the population in USA yet you guys do the most crimes,and most of you dropout of highschool,im not trying to offend you or your race,but this are FACTS!
You still didn't answer all my questions. Also, how do you know that these percentages are correct? or that the information was gather is the best way possible?

And if your wondering why I keep asking these same questions; It's very simple in nature: You have not answer them. I'm sure you've read of Socrates and Desecrates. You are an informed and wise men?


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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It blows me away, how ignorant people still are in this year... 2006!

Come the fvck on man?!

Your arguing the case of race, as if the knowledge/information your using is actually building a sensible, intelligent argument!? I wonder how that differs from Hitler's tactics against the Jews!?

Seriously... if your gonna split an Us vs. Them battle... where does it end? Redheads against Blondes!? People over 6 foot vs. Those under!?

Go read a book Ace.

You keep wanting to pit criminal activity and the minority races of America as a synomous thing. Yet you don't give an actual second to consider the why!? Maybe cause back in the day... the racist tyrannical white leaders of this country brought african's over as slaves, and have since kept the entire race subjugated to socio-economic poverty. Is it so hard to imagine, that if you keep a certain aspects of a community in less value, that they will turn out less educated, and thus turn to more crude means of living (crime, drugs, etc.)?! Thus... make up the majority of the prison population.

This could happen to any race! Its not a genetic inferiority, but a social/economic injustice.

Its fools like you Crab, who can't fathom a mixed baby understanding themselves as simply that............ MIXED. A product of 2 different ethnicities... creating an entirely new flavor of life.

Save your honkey ignorant, dumb sh!t perspectives for your rebel flag forums. This has one focus... and thats to become a better MAN. Something which you seriously need to reavalute, with a modern-day perspective.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
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Just to remind you all...


lol @ how sensitive some of you cats are.

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
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This is really ridiculous. There is a lot of ignorance on this thread, on both sides of the fence. Well, at least I know a handful of people to not take seriously. Some of you guys are sad, and you know who you are(or do you?)


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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crab101 said:
wow,come down amazing how your getting mad,and my post wasnot ment to hurt anyone it was a simple statement.But I do believe in every race should stick with every race,being pure makes the kid know what he or she is so he or she wont be confused if their mixed :)And yes america and every country espically western countries must stay pure,everyone needs to be proud of what their are!
"And you ask if im a wise men?Firsr of all Men is more then one person,you mean Wise Man "

Wow you want to be grammatically correct now?? What is "their are".... YOU MEAN They are or They're!!........You can't say that anything is pure. You don't know whats in every piece of your genetics!!.
Maybe if you took off your White Hood you'd be able to see that.:kick: :D



Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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DarkLight said:
It blows me away, how ignorant people still are in this year... 2006!

Come the fvck on man?!

Your arguing the case of race, as if the knowledge/information your using is actually building a sensible, intelligent argument!? I wonder how that differs from Hitler's tactics against the Jews!?

Seriously... if your gonna split an Us vs. Them battle... where does it end? Redheads against Blondes!? People over 6 foot vs. Those under!?

Go read a book Ace.

You keep wanting to pit criminal activity and the minority races of America as a synomous thing. Yet you don't give an actual second to consider the why!? Maybe cause back in the day... the racist tyrannical white leaders of this country brought african's over as slaves, and have since kept the entire race subjugated to socio-economic poverty. Is it so hard to imagine, that if you keep a certain aspects of a community in less value, that they will turn out less educated, and thus turn to more crude means of living (crime, drugs, etc.)?! Thus... make up the majority of the prison population.

This could happen to any race! Its not a genetic inferiority, but a social/economic injustice.

Its fools like you Crab, who can't fathom a mixed baby understanding themselves as simply that............ MIXED. A product of 2 different ethnicities... creating an entirely new flavor of life.

Save your honkey ignorant, dumb sh!t perspectives for your rebel flag forums. This has one focus... and thats to become a better MAN. Something which you seriously need to reavalute, with a modern-day perspective.
I tried to stay out of this, but this racist fvck is out of line. I'll address a couple of your retarded statements, since every other white guy on this forum doesn't have the balls to do it.

"Racist, tryannical white leaders brought africans over for slavery"?????

Do you also know that YOUR black kings and queens in Africa were the ones who sold other africans into slavery? It's funny how your slant on history favors the victim mentality that permeates your pysche.

"and have since kept the entire race subjugated to socio-economic poverty. Is it so hard to imagine, that if you keep a certain aspects of a community in less value, that they will turn out less educated, and thus turn to more crude means of living (crime, drugs, etc.)?! Thus... make up the majority of the prison population."----

Or is it because as a whole, the black community embraces ignorance and classifies educated blacks as "sell outs"???? When a society thinks that you're a success only if you're a sports star or rapper, you can see why education doesn't become a priority. While you're correct that some white leaders were tyrannical, the black community has not done anything to correct their situation other than blaming whites.

And who the **** are you calling honkey???? If someone called you the "N" word, you'd be screaming from the mountain tops. It's this racial double standard, and the way it's tolerated that reeks of hypocrisy.

It's also funny how so many of the "brothas" are supposedly bagging all these hot white chicks, but when you see them walking down the street, they're with 300 pound trailer trash that no white dude would touch.

To the moderators, if you don't want these racial debates, perhaps you could delete these threads. And to the white guys, grow some fvcking balls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Dude... just from your response, I see that I can't even reach you on a sound level of intelligence. Pretty amazed at how you understood the perspective I initially wrote from.

But anyways... ya, the fact that the original thread poster is white... is pretty hilarious.

LMAO.. and oh ya... to Mr. KnowItAll, you might want to change your name!
My only response to your dumbsh!t is... I'm white! lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
DarkLight said:
Dude... just from your response, I see that I can't even reach you on a sound level of intelligence. Pretty amazed at how you understood the perspective I initially wrote from.

But anyways... ya, the fact that the original thread poster is white... is pretty hilarious.

LMAO.. and oh ya... to Mr. KnowItAll, you might want to change your name!
My only response to your dumbsh!t is... I'm white! lol
Considering the fact that you can't even structure a sentence, I think my name fits me just fine.

And because you're white you can say honkey? Or are you just some white dude with low self-esteem, who hangs around with black guys, making fun of your own race because you have identity issues? I think you have "Eminem syndrome"...stupid fvcking piece of shyt. LOL


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Mr_knowit_all said:
Considering the fact that you can't even structure a sentence, I think my name fits me just fine.

And because you're white you can say honkey? Or are you just some white dude with low self-esteem, who hangs around with black guys, making fun of your own race because you have identity issues? I think you have "Eminem syndrome"...stupid fvcking piece of shyt. LOL
lol... wtf!?

No... don't hang out w. Black Dudes.
No... don't have eminem syndrome.

Dude... if you think a mofo on her talking about keeping his race "pure" is a perspetive of higher intelligence... then what left is there to talk about!?

If anyone had issues w. identity... I would think it would be you or Crabs. So binded to the color of the skin you were born into... you can't see another human being as a human being, beyond it.

Now if you need a lesson in english grammar, I'll be happy to help. And what gives me the right to label this fvcking ignorant fvck a honkey is not that I'm white... but the fact that he is a fvcking HONKEY!

Now can you fvckwads seriously wake up, and get over your little boy paradigms of racial prejudice!?

P.S. and yes my name is DarkLight... an understanding of Taoism. Something beyond your potential of comprehension. So let me just give you an association your little mind can grasp. Its the name of an Album (and if it helps, they're white) lol


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
DarkLight said:
lol... wtf!?

No... don't hang out w. Black Dudes.
No... don't have eminem syndrome.

Dude... if you think a mofo on her talking about keeping his race "pure" is a perspetive of higher intelligence... then what left is there to talk about!?

If anyone had issues w. identity... I would think it would be you or Crabs. So binded to the color of the skin you were born into... you can't see another human being as a human being, beyond it.

Now if you need a lesson in english grammar, I'll be happy to help. And what gives me the right to label this fvcking ignorant fvck a honkey is not that I'm white... but the fact that he is a fvcking HONKEY!

Now can you fvckwads seriously wake up, and get over your little boy paradigms of racial prejudice!?

P.S. and yes my name is DarkLight... an understanding of Taoism. Something beyond your potential of comprehension. So let me just give you an association your little mind can grasp. Its the name of an Album (and if it helps, they're white) lol
Give me a lesson in English grammar? You better go sign up for the nearest remedial English class you can find. You're hilarious, you use "big" words to try and make yourself look intelligent, but it's just a cover up for your lack of intelligence. For such an intelligent guy, you sure misspell a lot of words. LOL. Plus, you use your "big" words out of context. A sure sign of some dumb ass trying to act smart.

As far as being blinded by the color of my skin.....I embrace all races, but I will not stand by while some twit like you makes blatantly racist comments. The only person who seems obsessed about race is you. You seem to hate being white, and resent your skin color.

Racism comes in all forms; including those that hate their own race. You're a fvcking idiot, and it shines through like a super nova. LOLOL
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