George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
READ! NOW. (novices, and DJs that want a refresher)

For those of you who haven’t read my posts before—smarten-up—should know that I no longer concern myself with technique. I do not dwell on them. Technique is a crutch. Get on your feet as soon as you can! Walk. Run.

Perception NOT Technique

All you intelligent people already know this. Techniques and tactics are toys you play with when you’re a little boy. They help you develop yourself and your reality. They lead you to a viewpoint or principle, at which time, you discard them and they occur naturally. Cross the bridge and burn it—unless you really want to digress to an AFC.

Techniques are like if you would imagine yourself exploring something, diving deeper and deeper down. Moving toward the core. You use them on your journey down because you do not yet understand what is at the center. But when you get to the center, that perception, you realize something. You have an epiphany and then KNOW that you no longer need them because what the technique is actually doing is merely a reflex to that core perspective. Your analyzing habits vanish, and you EXIST.

Enough. Here’s the 3 POWERFUL perspectives I’ve discovered that will cover a lot of your challenges with women; UNDERSTAND:

The essence of femininity is juvenescence; Women are children!

Perspective 1: The Evolution of the Princess

First, a little history lesson.

Women (especially the hot ones) develop, as a consequence of their reality, The Princess Persona. I’ve witnessed a princess rise to power, for my sister carries herself like a goddess and has a striking resemblance to Halle Berry, so you can imagine the heads turn—and I know what I’m talking about.

There are two perpetrators that create such a Princess:

1) Nice Guy Daddies
2) Nice Guy Courtiers

I won’t go into too much detail because I think that if you know the habits of AFCs, you can understand this. If 80% of males are Nice Guys, 80% of the women’s father’s are Nice Guys. I’m talking about upbringing here, not biological, because we all know that wouldn’t be accurate then. These Nice Guy Daddies spoil their precious daughters with whatever the princess wants. Your wish is my command. They are always playing protector. There’s a flipside to this that I’ll discuss later. Nice Guy Courtiers, on the hand, shower them with similar attention. Same character, different role.

Perspective 2: Women are Little Girls

Now, the perspective from which I currently view women from both, direct experience and observation is women are, as stated above, CHILDREN! They truly ARE little girls.

See, not only do you have to knock women off the pedestals you put them on, you have to completely eradicate the lingering Nice Guy image you’ve established for them: You know, that they are sophisticated and loyal and the rest of that rubbish. All that is an illusion, it’s The Princess Persona, and not the true spirit of woman you’re seeing. You must UNDERSTAND this!

Remember that Pam and Tommy home video years back? I remember the first time I saw that, having this goddess-like image of Pamela Anderson in my mind, and as I watched it, I thought to myself: What the hell? Why is she acting like a five-year-old child? What’s going on here? Hmmmm.

Also, all my sister’s previous boyfriends were either Nice Guys or Jerks, but, when she met the man she would later marry, I noticed a BIG change in her. He is a natural DJ—though I prefer Man of Action. Her whole being seemed to transform when she was around him. She transformed into a giddy/pout-y five-year-old girl!

(I would consider this giddy/pouty demeanor the feminine equivalent of ****y/funny. Women want attention, giving men signals; men tease, giving women attention in an off-beat, non-supplicating manner.)

And later, in this past year, I have experienced this transformation—this revelation first hand on several occasions. Watching a woman who’s writing her Ph. D morph from Miss Prof into little giddy girl throughout the course of one evening was the most extreme and unbelievable.

Perspective 3: Treat Women like Your 5 Year Old Daughters

If man is action, woman is reaction; if women react to how you treat them, treat them like a man would, and they will REVEAL their true nature. If you’re a boy of inaction, a chump, women will not reveal themselves to you in their truest form. This is why, in earlier posts, I have emphasized that if you want women, concentrate on yourself, start taking action concerning your PASSION and CRAFT because it will transform you into a MAN of ACTION, and thus, women will reveal themselves to you naturally.

MOVE ON! Become Significant
MOVING ON: Wed your PASSION; Give Birth to Your TRADE

And so, ONWARD!

Women are little girls that just want to have fun, and are eager to drop The Princess Persona. But in this society, where their true nature is considered inappropriate, they have to be very wary of whom they show it to. This means, definitely NOT the Nice Guy for he would be devastated at how immature she is. Essentially, a man has to demonstrate that a woman’s social reputation will be safe with him. She needs reassurance. With the right man…

Treat women like you are their FATHER. Role-play it verbally, even. You are the law, you have a sternness about you. Your decisions are final. But you are generous too. You aren’t a control freak, but you ARE in control of the relationship. It seems to me that ****y/funny connotes a father-like impression. Engage in mock-father-like rituals: have her sit on your lap, spank her when she’s bad, buy her ice cream if she’s on good behavior. I do these things and the reaction is WOMAN. This section could be in itself a complete post, but I’ll leave it open to discussion and input.

In closing—and I’m not even kidding—my grandma is the funnest 5 year old I’ve ever met. She taught me ****y/funny.

Procrastination is masculinity’s sin; Action is virile. –Me
The essence of femininity is juvenescence; Women are children! –Me
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Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
So you are saying that if you treat women like you are their father they will act like 5 year old girls. :)

What's in it for me?

I hate to be the one to say it but....maybe tone down your *holier than thou* attitude and maybe some people will listen.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
This is good advice.

I actually thought of this before but I really didn't put much thought into it to start acting like every girl's daddy.

George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Originally posted by Slickster
So you are saying that if you treat women like you are their father they will act like 5 year old girls. :)
Not exactly. It's quite the opposite; remember, the Nice Guy mentality contradicts nature. Do you think that you're trying to interpret what I said above in terms of technique rather than in terms of perception? Look, if you treat women like divine princesses—which is something they're accustomed to, and because the majority of males are Nice Guys, this is the popular view of women that even women, sometimes, believe too—they will ACT like goddesses; If you treat women as they are, children, they will REVEAL themselves for what they truly are. They're forced to ACT rather than be free to truly BE. In a way, they're blackmailed by the value of their reputations.

What's in it for me?
Depends what you want, Slickster:

1) If YOU want to be a man, and embrace your masculinity, live your life to the fullest by following your calling, and, if there's a shred of altruism in you, free women (or a woman) from the bondage of living life through a filter, a mask (which, sometimes, they're not even aware of themselves). Women in America, like those poor countries overseas, still walk around covered up from head to toe in cloth, only here, it's not physical—more metaphysical, if you will. It's in the ideology. All this due to the incongruent perceptions that the majority of men have of them.

2) If YOU just want sex, you can deny your true masculinity and deny the true nature of women by turning to techniques, little tricks; and ultimately, remain an AFC.

What's the similarity between Nice Guy and Player (Technique-Based-DJ, if you will)? They're both desperate enough for sex that they resort to techniques. Buying dinner, or using patterns, etc.: is there really any difference? (I believe Pook's brought up this point in an earlier thread.)

Listen, it seems like #2 is a transitional phase between Nice Guy and True Man. I just think most guys should be aware of this. But, if they're content to stay at that stage (of player), that's their personal choice. I just like to know what my options are, and assuming there are others like me, I thought I'd share my viewpoint in hope that it would impact boys to continue their struggle to become MEN! I'm on the same journey myself.

If you've never seen a women transform before you from PRINCESS to CHILD, don't worry, but be aware that it's coming; you will reach that next level.

Follow your PASSION, and women will follow YOU!



Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Your post is a good one GC. I particularly like that you didn't respond by flaming even after I gave you a little ribbing.

If YOU just want sex, you can deny your true masculinity and deny the true nature of women by turning to techniques, little tricks; and ultimately, remain an AFC.
Actually if you want sex one should embrace their own masculinity, and embrace a womans true nature (sexuality). The techniques just make them give it up quicker. The *tricks* do work, and last time I checked an AFC was someone who wasn't getting laid.

Your comparison of a Player (using techniques) to an AFC is interesting but I'm not sure I agree. The difference is that the Player gets laid and the Nice guy AFC doesn't.

I both enjoy seducing women (for my own selfish reasons) as well as living my life to the fullest, being a man, etc.

Being a "Man" has nothing to do with women. And being a man who seduces women is fully concievable to me.

If I'm understanding you correctly, a DJ (using techniques and such) isn't a real man but in reality an AFC?

Kind of a broad generalization don't you think?

An example to demonstrate my point. How does treating women like you are their father (ie. being stern, controlling, generous, spanking when bad, buying ice cream when good, being a father-like figure, embracing your masculinity and your passions), or for that matter just being a *Man* attract that hot chick walking down the street? or club? or supermarket?

It doesn't.

Cuz she has no clue you posess any of these qualities. The use of DJ/Player/PUA/Seduction techniques will allow you to demonstrate to a stranger that you are interesting, attractive and have value. Once this is achieved she may then recognize you as a "man".

The techniques don't make you less of a man. They just get your foot in the door.

If you simply want to "Follow your Passion" or "Be a Man" and wait to see which women follow well that is fine. I prefer to have control and choose whatever woman I want. Then use whatever techniques or skills I have learned to make her mine. (However, if some follow along then thats fine too. :))

(More ribbing: Putting "Pook's" name in bold print to reinforce your point doesn't work for me. I want to hear YOUR thoughts and ideas.);)
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George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
You know what Slickster? I agree with you entirely on practically everything you said. You’re right. If you want to get laid, tricks DO work. I don’t deny that. I’ve been there before. Players do get laid, but Nice Guys do not, but that’s the ONLY difference; both outlooks are the same. With so few MEN, Players over Nice Guys is the obvious choice. Women need sex. Maybe it’s completely arbitrary to you, but do you ever wonder who’s the real person getting played? Hmmm. Try listening in on a women’s conference sometime. You might be surprised at what you hear.

I really see no point in playing tennis with you, batting that ball back and forth. Simply put, we’re at completely different levels of understanding. Technique is surface level, it retreats, searching; comprehension is core level, it advances, connecting.

However, since you asked, and assuming it was because you hoped you could learn something by doing so, I will mention a few things:

A player does NOT need to embrace a woman’s sexuality in order to get laid. He’s running off a scripted program, for that’s what techniques are. And his version of masculinity is similar, robotical; it’s based on rules rather than a perspective. Technique is a set of training wheels; you’re not balancing by yourself. Besides, the truth that women are 5 year old girls was foreign to you. If you’re a player, why do you not see their true nature? Do they not reveal it to you?

Next. You’re jumping the gun here: I wasn’t talking directly about picking-up a woman when I suggested that you should treat them like a daughter. God, I don’t even break things down into stages like that, as in seduction, anymore. Things just happen. It’s continuous, it flows. I don’t go through a mental checklist; I don’t plan, things just occur. I’m finding it difficult to explain this because I don’t make things happen now, I LET them happen, without analyzing or thinking about it. Naturally. I don’t try to pick women up, I grade them. Ultimately, the focus is on my life, and whether or not she could have a place in it, even though the focus of the conversation is on her.

Now. I believe in being genuine. I do NOT need techniques to create an illusion that I am “interesting, attractive and have value”, because my PASSION, my CRAFT gives me all these things naturally. I don’t need to fake or demonstrate them. This is why players can’t keep women; the illusion wears off after sex. I have a player friend who’s bedded 10 times more women than I have yet he envies me. Why? He couldn’t keep a woman to save his life. And he’s lonely because he has no PASSION to derive purpose from.

Finally, women can smell: Nice Guy, Player, and MAN. They use Nice Guys for dinners, etc., they use Players for sex, but the MAN—the MAN they chase. And if chicks can smell MAN, they will look into my eyes, and that’s when attraction hits them. Naturally, all you need is eye contact for initial attraction. It’s in the way you LOOK at a woman that triggers it, which is cultivated through being determined with your PASSION. Then they come to me and ask me for the time or a light, at which point they keep giving those confused looks every time I say something. And with every one of these looks, their age drops down and down until they’re five years old.

I have nothing wrong with it, if a guy wants to be player, if all he wants is sex, or if a guy wants to be a Nice Guy. It doesn’t matter to me. It’s not my business, it’s not my life. I don’t condemn any of them. The tone of your post seemed a little contemptuous about that.

I don’t believe thoughts and ideas belong to people. They already exist in nature; it’s a matter of discovery. But I like to give credit, if I discover them through someone else. I’m studying English. It’s a habit.



Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
!GG! - You want to know my "core understanding" of your submission. Its that you enjoy the idea of being an authority. You feel a need for power in a "forum" (i.e. girls and sexuality-pun intended) where you have none. The funny thing is that you make good points. Girls are princesses, its human nature for thm to be more selective than men. Its human nature for men to seek out many mates. Girls require value to be shown to them, so finding passion in hobbies and trades will elicit that value as you are shown to be competant, stable and have POTENTIAL.

But these traits are manifested across the entire spectrum for both men and women. To get laid, or to have a relationship is the process of tapping into how the girl manifests those traits and needs, you become a player (by faking those qualities she desires) or have a relationship (by actually having those qualities she desires).

Throughout our younger years, we don't know the difference between the two scenarios. As we age and date and learn more about ourselves, we are able to distinquish between the two. In finding a relationship that is healthy and productive, we find out who we are as people. As those relationships sour, we realize that our traits and needs are different, someone was faking. Its not being a "player" but its somewhere on the same scale.

!GG! - to talk to about women and dating without respect to the variables at play is to bastardize it and use it as a tool for your own following and power (i.e. doc love systems, websites, 100% guaranteed success w/women) its all junk and merely shows that you have no answers, only fantasies of concepts that would make everything easier.

To close I will say that you are dead on that before you try to conquer a woman, you need to become a man. Have a life and passions that you strive for on your own. Develop confidence as a PERSON, not just a front when your around pretty girls. Learn what you have to give, and learn what you want in return.

I see AFC's to be very similar to players in philosophy, with the difference being how they achieve their goals. Both have no concept of who they are, what they want. The player has no shame for this, the AFC does. The player projects his supplication on the women (i.e. tells her what she wants to hear) whereas the AFC projects his supplication on himself (i.e. bowing down, acting weak and unsure).

The man knows who he is, what he wants, and knows how to get it. Women are drawn to this. Simple as that..

GQ Prettyboy

Don Juan
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
That`s true, most women are looking for father figure type men. I`ve seen it all the time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
by: George Gordon
I really see no point in playing tennis with you, batting that ball back and forth. Simply put, we’re at completely different levels of understanding......
Your right there. But George your problem lies in the fact that you're making broad generalizations throughout your entire post. Generalizations to me indicate a lack of understanding.

You lump in the idea that anyone using seduction techniques is a Player who is then considered an AFC and definately not a man.

Well, I am a Man, I use seduction techniques, and I'm far from being a Player or an AFC.

I don't put women on pedestals and they don't act like 5 yr olds either. I like it that way. I prefer my women to be women, not children.

Great debating with you though.

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George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Originally posted by DankNuggs
You want to know my "core understanding" of your submission.
Hey DangNuggs! I LOVED your post. Submission. I like that ambiguity. You're good for a laugh, and, also, very intelligent and clever. Your ideas were gold! See, when it comes down to it, I consider myself an unintelligent person. You know, when I started reading, I got the impression that you were disagreeing with me, but then, as I read on, it turned out that you were really backing all my points, adding more cement to my mix. I agree with you on: players faking value, and men having value; conquering yourself before women; and the AFC’s philosophies being similar to that of the player’s. I suppose it's congruent to agree with my own ideas. Wow! I'm stupid.

Throughout our younger years, we don't know the difference between the two scenarios. As we age and date and learn more about ourselves, we are able to distinguish between the two.
However, I disagree strongly with you on this one. Somehow this thread has slipped off the main topic, but this brings us back onto the railroad tracks:

Look, if you were to, for a moment, put yourself into my shoes, and pretend you're stupid and prone to exploring any idea that comes along, imagine that the above quote is, like the AFC perspectives, backwards. What if as we grew older we learnt to forget who we were and what sexuality is all about. Remember how you used to tease the girl you liked in grade school. You probably got detentions for pulling her hair, teasing her, making her angry. She was five years old, and she was in complete tune with her femininity, because she was treated, then, like a REAL woman. The only time in her life—unless she's met me, or the other 5% who've discovered the true effeminate spirit.

We knew, instinctively, how things worked back then, we didn't even need to think about it, it was natural. We didn't analyze techniques; we just wanted to have FUN! We probably weren’t even aware that we were treading on pure sexuality. But then what happened? We were punished, time and again, for being so boyish and unmannerly, and we soon adapted to the views that were being pushed on us because we wanted to be outside playing for recess, not standing in the classroom writing on the blackboard, affirming that Nice Guy perspective, chalk on our fingers.

And if women react to the actions of men, the Princess Persona is that mirror of the Nice Guy. They're gender EQUIVALENTS. They work off each other, suffocating sexuality. Males push the niceness; women, in reflex, push back just as hard with the divinity. That is why, when you remove every shred of niceness, when the Nice Guy is completely gone, the divinity dissipates from women along with the princess. Then you’re left with the child, the TRUE spirit of woman.

And maybe the essence of MAN is a 5 year old boy too, as another insightful user on this board seemed to point out to me. I’m sure there’s more coming on this subject, which has completely altered my perspective. Perhaps even more than when I first found this site and discovered I was a Nice Guy. I believe I still haven’t ridded myself of the Nice Guy as I thought I had when I was technique-happy, it seems so much more deep-seeded than I had initially thought. I’ve only opened the second gate. And I want to be open to the idea that there are many, many levels of Nice Guy, otherwise my pride would blind me from the richest discovery of all!

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Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
GG - You are tapping into a subject where you are merely skimming the surface. I see your point, yet this seems to be a human behavior argument over the primitive nature of man, versus the inherant freedoms that must be given up to be a part of civilization-and how they relate to the courting process.

First remember that all of this arguing and conceptualizations are based on the western societies structure of courting. In Saudi Arabia, you are thrown in jail for talking to a woman your not married to. But lets forget this for now.

The five year old child has been reared to function, yet that functioning is largely based on primitive, natural responses. ie. pulling hair, punching shoulders.

The adult has been reared in a society that promotes freedom for all. He has to deal with all the issues related to being a part of that society. i.e. Making money, having social status.

The civilized man has to suppress primitive urges. (i.e. caveman clubs woman over head, drags her to cave. Or gets angry at other man and beats man to death.) to be a part of society.

Inherantly, the primitive nature of man stays ingrained and comes out in scarce ways. It is still ackknowledged as having a place. (i.e. attractive women - good genes, long hair - fertile,)

The DJ philosophy is basically tapping into our primitive traits to the extent that they don't interfere with our existance in society. (i.e. too big a jerk, or too much abuse and you are finished) Women appreciate this as we appreciate their symmetrical features and long manes of hair.

I almost embarrased at this post because it is so imcomplete that it is open to backlash, but my point is that we can debate the nature of man and society all day long. In the end it provides no final answer, no secret the pot of gold because of the diversity of people. Thus my comment:

"!GG! - to talk to about women and dating without respect to the variables at play is to bastardize it and use it as a tool for your own following and power (i.e. doc love systems, websites, 100% guaranteed success w/women) its all junk and merely shows that you have no answers, only fantasies of concepts that would make everything easier."

Conceptually it makes lots of sense, but there are too many variables for it to be practical in use. There are going to be the models married to the fat ugly guys in ferraris. And the models who run off with the reckless bad boy types. Its a product between their primitive instincts and their civilized nature.

It only points to the fact that all of us have the right and obligation to live between the two means. To find the combination that suits us best as individuals, and to seek a mate that is on the same wavelength. Thus my quote:

"Throughout our younger years, we don't know the difference between the two scenarios. As we age and date and learn more about ourselves, we are able to distinquish between the two. In finding a relationship that is healthy and productive, we find out who we are as people. As those relationships sour, we realize that our traits and needs are different, someone was faking. Its not being a "player" but its somewhere on the same scale. "

But it is a blast debating with you GG, I'm curious what your retort will be.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Great posts everyone, very insightful. Dank, I appreciate that you shed more light on the basis of variability in society, I mean, everyone lives their own life and experiences different things, and the girls you meet will all be at different points in their lives, and with different backgrounds. Then again...enjoyment of "the chase" and "multiple partner sex" can fluctuate over the years from person to person as well, due to a compilation of biochemical factors, environmental factors, etc. Exactly like Dank said, this is such an open ended conversation that it could take us anywhere, even to the point of "fate" or "luck" etc. I say screw that and work on the tangible, don't be an AFC and dread unbased "consequences" from the conformity of society and fear over nothing important. Happyness is the only thing that everyone desires and is always striving for. Sure, biological factors come into play (having a set neurchemical balance genetically), but environmental aspects have even more of an impact in my opinion. It all comes down to what YOU want. We are all on a website for seducing women...well, that is something we are still very interested in at this point in our lives! I realize my desires, and work on the things I need to do to become a happier person (not restricted to seducing women) Like someone said above, finding balance between our desires is everyone's life. There is no set in stone technique we must use. Look at them for what they are worth, understand the psychology behind it, and if it is something you can use to satisfy your desires in a healthy way then try it! The "game" is trial and error, and it has unlimited possibility for interpersonal actions and reactions. That's the fun part of it, which so many AFC's haven't realized! Many people overlook this, and get stuck in a rut of AFC actions, and even depression or social anxiety if they don't work on making themselves a better person or taking the right actions.

And guess what? If being a player and getting with lots of girls is something that makes you happy, then go for it. Just look at your reasons, and make sure they are justified. If your life is in place and you enjoy woman and sex, then go for it! If you want a long term relationship, then hopefully you have found someone who is (like said above) on the right wavelength as you. Being a man is finding balance in your own minds in an intelligent, fun, and respectful way while realizing that happyness is a journey...a journey which you have the most control over. If you want to be happy and live the life you dream of, then you have the ability to better yourself while acheiving that goal. AFC's have tendencies towards fearing the small stuff, and that attracts nobody in life...let it be girls, jobs, friends etc. Being a man is knowing what you want and GOING FOR IT. Think deep, do things that make you happy, and HAVE FUN.
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George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World

Originally posted by DankNuggs
"to talk to about women and dating without respect to the variables at play is to bastardize it and use it as a tool for your own following and power its all junk and merely shows that you have no answers, only fantasies of concepts that would make everything easier."
I am not talking about dating; I am talking about woman, about man. The whole point of this post was to challenge your perspective of WOMAN. I’m not an intellectual—I’ve tried to leave that behind with the rest of my Nice Guy tendencies. Fvck philosophy! I have NO concepts. I AM a stupid Neanderthal. I’m merely realizing what’s happening in that small Neanderthal brain of mine by discarding all the excess intellectual fat. My only purpose is to go hunt game: follow my call; embrace my passion.

I haven’t been debating any of these concepts that where mentioned in the above posts. I don’t know where these ideas have come from. I brought up the player to create a contrast ONLY.

Here’s what I’ve been (trying) saying with my intellectuality. The 2 keys to success in life, and with women. Let’s translate it into Neanderthalian:

1) ”I AM hunter. I see BIG animal. I chase and KILL big animal. I now feel bigger than animal. I find BIGGER animal…”

2) ”I know women is LITTLE girls. I treat them SAME way. Little girls don’t leave dumb Neanderthal alone, and always try DISTURB his hunting.”

In my opinion, this is all a guy needs to know. Additional skills and understandings spawn from these 2 Keys! When you pursue large goals, confidence finds you; when you see women as girls, sexuality finds you. Et cetera.

GG - You are tapping into a subject where you are merely skimming the surface.
NO! You have it BACKWARDS—You are skimming the surface with your interpretation. If you don’t treat hot babe EXACTLY the SAME as your 5 year old sister or cousin, YOU are skimming the surface.

I treated a buxom Russian co-worker like little girl, now she follows me around, on break, before and after shifts. All other women see what is happening with Russian and Neanderthal Gordon, and they become little girls and become giddy in his presence too. Suddenly every girl, young and old, keep looking or stopping at stupid George Gordon’s desk to talk. I treat my babe of a professor like little girl and she starts lecturing like a little girl playing house. I treat dates like little girls, and then they beg Neanderthal to touch them.

When I was the epitome of Nice Guy, I thought women with their eyes, and lips, and breasts, and bums, and legs where beautiful; the goddess—I was ADMIRER of the flesh. Now, it’s in their girlish ways that I find them beautiful; the playful child—I am LOVER of the spirit.

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Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score

You know, I think this ranks up among some of the best discussions ever had on the board, and I think it could be still be in its infancy (supposing someone doesn't get frustrated, and then PO'ed and start degrading this into a big flame war :D)

Y'know I think this just may be a prime candidate for Bible Material.

You out there nick? :D What do you think?

I wonder what a discussion between this guy and Pook on the subject would be like, seeing as they have similar styles of writing (long detailed, drawn out but at the same time interesting to read). You out there Pook?

Also I must say I see where this guy is coming from, and I agree with what he is saying, and I think that what he is saying is being misinturpreted. Don't get me wrong, you all have your own opinions, but take a minute to digest this all without letting your own opinions get in the way for a minute.

For example, you guys keep talking about the tools back and fourth. What IMO he's trying to say is he does these already, but he doesn't realise or think about them. When the tools become nature, and thus instead of being "what I'm doing"(consciencely), become "what I am"(sub-consciencely) basically putting "as you think you shall become" into a light of reality. Techniques like he said are training wheels, but I like to think of it as having a suit tailored, we all take what we need and want, incorperate what best suits/fits us, and toss away the excess (we select the material, fasion the way the suit will look, fit it, as this suit becomes our mentality and evolve into our perception or skin).

Think of it this way, the only time you pretty much think about wearing your clothes is when you put them on, unless they're chafing you or something, but think for a second it's a set of clothes that fits you perfectly and won't chafe, catch on anything, etc... You'd put on the clothes, and the rest of the day you'd give no real thought to the fact that your wearing clothes. You just know you are.

This 5-year-old-girl / Father Figure perspective is really valid in my opinion, because if you talk with a woman and put her into a state of mind recollecting memories of when she was a child, the reactions and behaviors she describes (or even relives), is Strikingly similar to a woman who is with someone that drives them absolutely crazy.

Even a lot of the stuff in the player guide 101 section in taps this, but doesn't really go into it in much detail.

Here's a few excerpts to give you an idea (note: most of the quotes here are from the "eliciting values explained" portion of the player guide at

"Your first childhood memory?" If its positive, anchor it, and even if its just neutral, never mind that, in her mind she sees herself as opening up to you when telling you about such stuff:)

Believe it or not those who have used NLP and use it as part of their game-plan, these types of questions can be some of the most powerful questions you can ask, since childhood is basically the groundwork for adulthood.

Another Excerpt:

M: So, what is important to you in a relationship?
H: Well I like tall guys. (Means Value)
M: *nod* And what feeling does that allow you to experience when you are with a tall guy?
H: Well it makes me feel safe and protected (Ends Value aka Desired State)

Safe and Protected. As a Child, the father role would essentially take part in this. If she's a single mother, it's more of a primal/instictive response. The Man/Father figure is the hunter/protector.

"The important part is the FEELING that she experiences when she is around (tall men, rich men, etc). As long as you can discover the feelings that are important to her, and create them in her mind, she will associate those feelings with YOU. "

"Be a man of mystery."

But only as long as you don't know, what she wants in a man. As soon as you have that (you just didn't let her speak about herself while letting your thoughts wander, you also listened intently, right?:), become that man."

This back, as a child, the roll here would be almost a fatherly role. The feelings of being Safe and protected (The Tall in there), Secure (Rich men), etc... are all qualities she would experiance with her father as a kid.


NYC, ASF: "I go back to childhood and find out what they missed out on or wanted. I find out what they want now and what they desire for their futures. I cover EVERYTHING then I CRAFT the VESSEL I need to get into her. I make MYSELF a COMBINATION of all the things that she doesn't know she craves. There is NO RESISTANCE to this. NONE! She can't resist because all she knows is that I am talking about some abstract ideas or another woman and it strikes a chord within her... "that's exactly how I want to be treated by a man" "that's exactly what I want in a man" "Is this guy for real?" what she doesn't know is that she TOLD ME HOW TO SEDUCE HER and I have embedded this knowledge inside my language and STAY ON COURSE. I bombard her with good feelings and ALWAYS avoid bad feelings. When I do my work, I may not get laid, but I am NEVER FORGOTTEN!"

More examples of how childhood influences the woman, more of the "little girl" perception.

yet more:

"But believe me, all people, gorgeous women included, ache for something. They have a heartfelt desire for something. That "something" may vary from adventure to feeling freedomm, to feeling respected (for the less secure ones), to feeling pampered, to feeling like a little girl again. It can be a large variety of things. But make no mistake about it. Everyone "aches" for something.

A yearning for something, everything here is something that could be tied to childhood.

Adventure - as a kid everything you did was somewhat of an adventure.

Freedom - Come on, as a kid did you really need to worry about everything you have to worry about now? If you got hurt, mommy and daddy were there. You could do whatever you wanted to do and get a slap on the wrist if it was a bad thing.

feeling respected - everyone respected the kids because they were kids. Everything they did was excusable and it was all because of inexperiance.

pampered - this is self explanitory

feeling like a little girl again - a bit of all of the above would be my interpretation of this.

Here's the example given on the site:

Example: One woman I was *not* really seducing leaked out that she misses her father (who died long ago). I then took that tack and talked about how good it feels to be a little girl sitting on daddy's lap and embracing him, and asking for the small "gifts" like a pony or things like that. worked. But it would have even been better to ask her what her father was like, to ask for small cues, like how her father talked, what he used to say to her, what did he make her feel and etc etc. Then, using that information and your power of acting, subtly "transform" yourself into her daddy. It might seem sneaky and underhanded to use her own desires to dangle the carrot she's always wanted but lets frame it this way - we're just finding out what can make a person happy and giving it to them."

In essence we all grow apart from our families, and have somewhat of a void we don't realise is there, that wants to be filled. It's a proven fact (I've readen somewhere) that women want men that are similar to their father in personality when they come from a good home, and want almost the opposite of their father *but similar in qualities to a father figure* when coming from a bad home, and someone resembling what she percieves to be a father in personality when coming from a fatherless home.

I may add to this later but I'll end with one final quote:

Seducer... Romancer... these guys are the guys who know how to please, aim to please and live to please (though this does not imply supplication- no woman ever wanted a man she could easily control). These guys are the guys who know how to fill a need. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has a hole. Fill it. [Now did I detect some double meaning in that last statement... or am I just completely corrupt?]"

As a kid, family and friends filled this hole. We break off from immediate family and eventually start our own, which again fills the void. The husband/boyfriend is someone the woman confides in, can come to for advice, is secure around, and respects. Her father was the same thing, the only real difference is, she procreates with the latter. If you can look beyond and try to see with another persons eyes, rather than looking through your own at another person's thoughts, you can understand more.

...damn that was a lot of typing.
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Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles

After reading your post, it made me realize one thing I've been doing for a while now. Most times I call young women, wether they are a little older, my age, or younger than me, call them "Child", and always get a reaction.

The ones my age, and slighty older seem to react good. As if they get it that Im there to take care of them, and they must follow.

The younger ones, at least 5 years, have a totally different reaction. "I am NOT A CHILD", as if they are offended, but deep inside now need to prove themselves to me, the man. So they also must follow and prove their reaction statement of, "I'M A WOMAN!", is true. So all of a sudden I've re-framed it and they are the ones that are being qualified, so I'm the selector.

Reminds me of the Bruce Springsteen song:

"Hey little girl is your daddy home, did he go and leave you all alone. I got a bad desire, oooooo, ooooo, ooooo, I'm On Fire."

George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Hey Big-J! Enjoyed your post. Liked the suit analogy. You gave a lot of evidence from It seems to me that players have an understanding of how to get sex, but they rarely have an understanding of sexuality, of WOMAN.

Players KNOW how to imitate sexuality.

I really appreciate that you took your time to approach the subject from a player's point of view. I'm sure you've opened some eyes, where i couldn't.

Originally posted by Gangster Of Love
The younger ones, at least 5 years, have a totally different reaction. "I am NOT A CHILD", as if they are offended, but deep inside now need to prove themselves to me, the man. So they also must follow and prove their reaction statement of, "I'M A WOMAN!", is true. So all of a sudden I've re-framed it and they are the ones that are being qualified, so I'm the selector.
Gangster Of Love, interesting point. The funny thing I've noticed, is that when a woman says, "I am NOT a child!" or "I am NOT angry!" . . . it means, They ARE a child. They ARE angry. But, an even funnier thing--and trickier--is when they say, "I do NOT hate you!" Which means they hate you. BUT, when they say they hate you, they actually LIKE you. Bizarre, huh? Mull that over.



Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score

You definatly have a point about the daddys little princess and treating a woman like a child thing.

One past girlfriend of mine, on a couple of occasions called me daddy which at the time kind of freaked me out. Once she started jumping up and down saying 'oh please daddy!' when she wanted something. I thought it was very strange at the time but after reading your post I think I now understand why. BTW this girl was VERY hot and could be a real bytch, in fact she dumped me for being an AFC. Because of her I found this site and now she wants me back even though it is over two years since we split. No thanks!!

Another girl I know, a hb8 who was a real bytch when I first met her through mutual friends, changed her attitude towards me dramatically after applying my DJ ways. Just the other day I was teasing her for being aloof and acting bychy sometimes when she started talking to me in a high pitched voice (just like a little girl) saying 'but I'm a nice girl' to which I said 'yeah right!'

She has spoken to me like this on a number of occasions and often thought why.

Would you say that when they carry on like a little girl towards you, it is a sign of submission? Or of high interest?

A VERY interesting post!


George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Hey juaneo! Interesting post. Good to see some real life examples from others. Obviously you can understand what I'm talking about.

Originally posted by juaneo
One past girlfriend of mine, on a couple of occasions called me daddy which at the time kind of freaked me out. Once she started jumping up and down saying 'oh please daddy!' when she wanted something. I thought it was very strange at the time but after reading your post I think I now understand why. BTW this girl was VERY hot and could be a real bytch, in fact she dumped me for being an AFC. Because of her I found this site and now she wants me back even though it is over two years since we split. No thanks!!
Have you noticed that the hot ones have it the worst? Chumps have done these women such an injustice that they get lost in their facade, their Princess Persona, for they are not accustomed to BEING Woman. And when you start treating them as they are—little girls—I imagine that they begin to feel like you did when you discovered this site. They're experiencing a paradigm shift themselves as far as attraction goes: TRUE masculinity and femininity, a perfect compliment, a whole. Assuming, of course, they haven't met me.

In this way, Compliment the spirit of woman with your masculinity; do not compliment the body of woman with your words. The latter is the way of chump; the former is the way of MAN.

So let's continue to liberate women by relieving them of this awful mask they're wearing, bound to. Men! Let’s undress—using sex, ironically, as a metaphor for feminine sexuality—women’s princess fronts to reveal their pure and primal naked spirit.

Would you say that when they carry on like a little girl towards you, it is a sign of submission? Or of high interest?
It's a sign of both, though I don't concern myself with Interest Level or submission anymore. I think this behavior also, in part, acts on as if to proclaim: Ladies, look what I got! I have a REAL man. See the femininity he uncovers from within me? Women simply are free to feel and BE as WOMEN ARE. And I believe this goes both ways.

I told an inexperienced chumpy friend of mine who was going out with a chick last Friday: Just treat her like a 5-year old. Believe this. Tease her. Be playful. Needless to say, his evening went well. He ended up making out with this chick—AND, one of her friends as well. They both invited him down to their place, but I suppose this experience created quite a shift in his understanding of women that he needed to digest it first, so he didn’t go. And you know what is response was? Wow! I never knew women were so much FUN. Just teasing them. It made me feel like a MAN! This guy knew no technique, simply decided to experiment with the idea, and now has the grounded understanding, the fundamental that:

The essence of femininity is juvenescence; Women are children.

Really, there is no more to be said.

This guy,



Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Saw that this thread was still getting tossed back and forth. I had a new insight that might be worth tossing into the mix...

!GG! - lol - Don't you think your revelation of women being children is nothing more than rehashing the generic social construct of the submissive weak female. And that a "child" is the natural extrapolation of the submissive concept.

In reality its generic, stereotypical, yet with all stereotypes have a component of truth.

Get out of here !GG!, or at least bring some original thought to the table before you produce your self help books/audio tapes. Like Miller products, your advertising far surpasses your content.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
GG - you have it spot on, in every way. Deep down inside ALL women are 5 year olds, they just need a real man, a ****y and funny man, to uncover their true nature, which is a LITTLE GIRL. I enjoyed reading that, for it is the real truth about women.

They can be scientists out in the real world, but in the presence of a man they will submit into a little girl.

Thank you for your insightful post.