
Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
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doobey doo

Actually GG, In my opinion, it's not a woman's sexuality that players fail to grasp, but instead it's intimacy that players fail to grasp. They're so wrapped up in following a procedure that they miss out on the actual relating part of the relationship.

Whether it be because they're too scared, or because they just plain don't know how to get intimate, are two different stories and depends on individuals.

George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Re: doobey doo

Originally posted by DankNuggs
!GG! - lol - Don't you think your revelation of women being children is nothing more than rehashing the generic social construct of the submissive weak female. And that a "child" is the natural extrapolation of the submissive concept.
NO! And even though I'm not smart enough to understand what you're saying, for I'm merely looking through the laws of nature, of no theory.

Originally posted by Big-J
Actually GG, In my opinion, it's not a woman's sexuality that players fail to grasp, but instead it's intimacy that players fail to grasp. They're so wrapped up in following a procedure that they miss out on the actual relating part of the relationship.
Big-J, Touche, well said! I stand persuaded. However, what I was driving at when I said that Players imitate sexuality was that they know the mechanics of female sexuality, yet fail to blend their masculinity with the woman's femininity in a way which creates something beautiful, and whole. An interaction that draws out the essence of both sexualities.

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Eric Smith

Don Juan
Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
I have read this thread multiple times, each time more fascinated with how real this is. However this applies to both genders:

Deep down we all want to be 5 year olds.

Why? More like why not? We were always active, we didn't give a f*ck about anything else except for our satisfaction and joy, and best of all, almost no responsibility.

Today's society has taught us to essentially do the exact opposite as 25 year olds:

- Instead of always being active, we are crammed into 9-5 cubicles staring at a PC.
- We are taught to put other's satisfaction and joy ahead of our own.
- To carry as much responsibility on our shoulders as possible.

If we're not doing 9-5 jobs, society says we have to be either rich entrepreneurs who work longer than 9-5 or we are fat lazy slobs that will never make anything of themselves. If we put our needs ahead of others, we are called selfish. If we don't take responsibility, we are considered worthless in the grand scheme of society.

Deep down in many ways, I just feel like going nuts and just going back to my 5 year old days of doing what I felt like at my convienience with little care in the world.

Sexual relationships unlock feelings that are in some ways impossible to be replicated with other relationships unless you are not mentally sound.

Sexual relationships are genetic, biological. We cannot fight them. Some have and succeeded, we call these people feminists. Even metrosexuals, AFCs, and DFCs are still sexual beings although they are inactive sexual beings. Sexual relationships is part of our animal life, sheer lust and passion down to its rawest form.

In a way, this raw form is how we were at 5. We were too young to take on life's responsibilities that adults had so we spent time doing what we wanted to do: play in the sandbox, pull on girls' hair (our way of sexual contact before we went into puberty...its true), and all that.

I'm getting long winded but in a way, sexual relationships can be equated to being 5 year olds.

The way I see it is playing and having fun at age 5 is the same feeling as having sex at age 25.

Girls when revealed in raw and pure sexuality are like this because in a way, we are too. Where we men take charge and do what we want to do.

Women are the submissive sex. As much as feminazis want this to change, you cannot change genetics. We are the dominant sex. There are some species of fish where the females are dominant but we're not fish, we're human beings. Its our goal is dominate over women and for the women to be submissive. Not complete submission but its how genetics go.

So when we treat women like they are girls, we are acting on our genetics. They like it to and respond better because its in their genetics.

There, I'm done.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
GG, You are obviously on a different playing field than most. I would like to say I agree totally with your original post. This forum has moved from being a forum for men, to being a forum with losers. The banal and utterly nonsensical responses from these people give me a sharp pain in my chest. You are correct and your analysis is too far over their heads for them. Keep up the great posts, you are a man and these people can not fathom the mentality of a man. Let them attack and waste time on each other, post, then forget – are they worth your time? Do men need to deal with ignoramuses? I thought not! Post some more good stuff soon!!!! Louis.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Field Report to Support GG's Post!


This past saturday, I just had that one girl, who is 9.5 years younger than me, and who I always call child, over,her idea to watch a movie and kick it. I got us some food, candles. After watching a movie, she suggested we put another movie, I said OK, then started with the heavy KINO, as I played and massaged her hands and arms, then touched her hair, caressed her cheek, then I moved in on her and kissed her, first time in almost 2 years. She kissed back and more.

Everything went smooth, as she started kissing me all over, and ran around all the bases. All I have to say is that she was looking at me with 'Little Girl Eyes' that said, take me daddy. She followed as I led all the way.

I didn't expect her to go along as much as she did, this one time, but i was set to move the seduction along. This from a young woman who I kept calling 'Child' even though she always responds, "i am not a child"

So guys, reconginze the children that they want to be and lead them along, as they will follow.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Yep, DeAngelo makes a big point of this too: treat them like your bratty little sister. Same concept :)

If you're already intimate with a woman, and things are getting heavier, pulling the hair seems to trigger a deep, genetic arousal that they are utterly powerless to prevent. I've done this with every girl I've had any degree of intimacy with since I heard it mentioned somewhere. It makes sense now: it triggers the same feelings as when they're 5 and you pull their hair on the playground. Except now they realize that they dont want to go tell mommy...they'd much rather just jump yer bones ;)

If this level of discussion spread to the rest of the forum, we'd all benefit very much. That there has been no flaming and each post has recieved a lengthy reply is quite impressive.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I agree that treating a woman with a degree of playfulness is always a great thing, BUT if you go too far treating her like a little sister you shouldn't be too surprised if she starts to see you like a big brother. Use in moderation.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
I must have missed this post the first time but this is a good discussion.

I can attest from my own experience and observation that women, even a pretty, high-class chick, wants a daddy or father figure.

I've had girls that I had to put in check like I was their father.

I've had girls that I had to tell them to put something down and come here like I'm talking to a child.

I remember last year I met several women online and had some interesting experiences.

One girl needed direction and guidance and I even had to hold her hand and lead her when we were out and I decided what outfit she was going to wear.

There was another girl who was into astrological signs and so I decided to give her a homework assignment involving researching her sign and mine.

Then I thoroughly critiqued it.

She loved it!!

I love putting a chick to work or giving her something to do.

I also love showing disapproval when they don't act right.

Once they get hooked on you, all you have to do is show disapproval and withdraw your attention and don't act weak and they will seek your approval.

Damn, I feel like going out finding some new chicks to pimp down.

The game can be alot of fun.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
This is a very interesting thread, and it's very true!

Women are little girls that just want to have fun, and are eager to drop The Princess Persona.
This isn't really how I would explain it. Women will never completely drop the Princess Persona. They will only drop it around people who bring out their real personalities. Here's a real life example:

I see the 5 year old type of behavior from my woman almost constantly. She is always having fun around me, and at times acts like a complete child. Now, I have this friend who is a complete AFC. When she's around him, the Princess Persona comes back. She bosses him around and he completely caves and apologizes repeatedly for the insignificant flaw that she's pointed out to him. It's almost as if she says, "I'm the Princess, and you're the pauper. Bow down to me". However, I NEVER recieve that type of behavior from her.

Therefore, we resort back to what is mainly learned on this board. The woman reacts to two different types of men:

1) AFCs
2) Real men

Women will adjust their personality accordingly to the type of man that she encounters. However, it's rare that she encounters a real man. When she does and he draws out her natural personality, it feels so damn good that she will consider him a "catch".

There are also those type of women who repress their natural 5 year old personalities. They've been heavily conditioned by AFC men to act like a Princess, so they avoid any kind of fun that the male throws at them. Having a real man just isn't right. To them, men are supposed to treat women as princesses and that's how it should be.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
New york, New York
Originally posted by Desdinova

Women will never completely drop the Princess Persona. They will only drop it around people who bring out their real personalities. Here's a real life example:

I see the 5 year old type of behavior from my woman almost constantly. She is always having fun around me, and at times acts like a complete child. Now, I have this friend who is a complete AFC. When she's around him, the Princess Persona comes back. She bosses him around and he completely caves and apologizes repeatedly for the insignificant flaw that she's pointed out to him. It's almost as if she says, "I'm the Princess, and you're the pauper. Bow down to me". However, I NEVER recieve that type of behavior from her.

Therefore, we resort back to what is mainly learned on this board. The woman reacts to two different types of men:

1) AFCs
2) Real men

Women will adjust their personality accordingly to the type of man that she encounters. However, it's rare that she encounters a real man. When she does and he draws out her natural personality, it feels so damn good that she will consider him a "catch".
Good points, Desdinova.

This reminds me of what I said in my "Becoming a King" post that what these princess types really want is for a MAN to come along, knock her off that pedestal, and put her a$$ in check.

It is so very true that a woman will change her nature instantly depending on what kind of guy she is dealing with.

I've seen a woman have one guy give her money and then turn around and spend that same money on another guy.

I've seen a woman tell one guy she is sick and can't go out and then hurry up and get dressed to go out with another guy.

Is that fair?

No, but who said life was fair.

If given the choice between being the guy getting cancelled on or the guy she goes out of her way to be with, I'd take the latter.

That's what we are on this forum to be: The guy that she breaks her neck to be with.

If I only had one piece of advice to give to another DJ about handling women, I would tell him to think of someone who is a strong yet fair father to his children and emulate his behavior with the women you encounter.

The woman will test you initially to see if you are a true Daddy or a fake Daddy but once she see's your the real deal, you'll see her whole nature change.

I have more to say on this topic but I will save it for my upcoming post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I knew I should have treated that *****y girl more like this. I did a bit but when it really came down to it, i didn't put her in her place.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
If man is action, woman is reaction; if women react to how you treat them, treat them like a man would, and they will REVEAL their true nature.
I think you started it right, but finished it wrong.

Man is action and woman is reaction and women do react depending on how you treat them, but the only thing that is revealed by this is that their true nature is in part submissive and reactive and nothing more.

If you treat them like they're your daughters they will act like one... sure ... but if you treat them like adults they will act like adults. Simple as that. The true feminine spirit is not one of a 5 year old.

On the other hand, some women act like little girls for all the wrong reasons.. like Brook - a brilliant feminist law student - who asked her fiancé to treat her like a helpless little girl. Not because this was in her true feminine spirit, but because she was a trauma survivor and used the little girl persona in a dissociative identity disorder (from "The Myth Of Sanity" book by Martha Stout, ph.d.).


Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
george gordon, despite what these other saps say, I agree with you 100 percent.

fathers are the nice guy sensitive types but they also put their foot down when little princess gets outta line


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by disciple
Good points, Desdinova.

This reminds me of what I said in my "Becoming a King" post that what these princess types really want is for a MAN to come along, knock her off that pedestal, and put her a$$ in check.
Disciple, that 'Becoming a King' post immediately came to mind the other day because of something my woman said.

We were on my bed, watching some TV, and just shooting the sh*t, and she looks at me and says,

"You know, I think the reason I like you so much is that you actually say 'no' to me sometimes".

Game, set, match.

George Gordon

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
MY World
Years later, I still agree with the majority of what I wrote in this thread.

However, the nature of Woman no longer concerns me. What does concern me is the nature of Man. And the nature of Woman can only be discovered through the true nature of Man.

You can only understand Woman to the DEGREE to which you understand your own Masculinity—yourself!

So if you want to understand women, first seek to understand yourself. Then the understanding of women naturally follows.

Be warned!

If you seek to understand women from women, you will only be looking into a mirror. All you’ll find is a reflection—a replica of your current self.

And another replica will you see if you become what you think women want. Another version of yourself.

Instead, become who you are. Nothing else matters.

Embrace Masculinity, and the mirror will reveal the truth before you. When the truth is revealed, you have sparked intimacy! Your sexualities have collided.

Let’s find out why…

Women Are Mirrors

Desdinova, you said:

“Women will never completely drop the Princess Persona. They will only drop it around people who bring out their real personalities.”

I agree. And I did agree.

But understand that I live in MY world. That means that the women I interact with always drop the Princess Persona. If they refuse, I kick them out. Period.

An interesting experience for me on this topic is this: Only after I broke-up with a girlfriend did I discover how much of *****y, princess she was.

Why? Because whenever we were together, we were interacting. Meaning, she was a little girl. She was a woman. I never saw how she treated my Nice Guy friends when I wasn’t there.

After I broke it off, my best friend was relieved. “Well, that’s the end of the *****ing.” I was shocked. I never saw it! All my friends interfaced with her Princess Persona. Not me.

Lesson Learned: Always observe how a woman interacts with everyone else she meets. It’s good to be self-absorbed, but still observant. ;)

Women Are Children

OrlandoDaHash, you altered my meaning here:

“Man is action and woman is reaction and women do react depending on how you treat them, but the only thing that is revealed by this is that their true nature is in part submissive and reactive and nothing more.

Not so. Do you know why it reveals more of their true nature than that they’re submissive and reactive? Do you know why it reveals that women are children?

Look. If you want to reveal the true woman, what’s important is how a woman reacts to a guy.

Is she acting (as in putting on a show)? Or is she being? That’s the question. What’s happening to the mirror?


First, we place a Nice Guy before a hot chick. You notice how he behaves and treats her. And you already know the Picture of Woman in his head shows a goddess.

Why do we know it is not true to nature?

Look how the woman reacts. What happens to the mirror? It bends and spirals, casting the Nice Guy reflection back in all its contortions. Think of those mirrors at fairs that make you look fat or tall or hazy or smudged.

That is what a Nice Guy does with women. Stands in front of an altering mirror.

Second, we place the same hot chick before a Masculine Man. Do you notice how he behaves and treats her? You have seen a man, haven’t you? (If not, look in the mirror when you’re finished reading this!) When we look in a man’s head, we see that the Picture of Woman shows a little five-year-old girl.

Why do we know it is true to nature?

Look how the woman reacts. What happens to the mirror? It produces a clear reflection. Sexuality is reflected back at the man. He sees femininity—the child spirit.

How do we know it is true?

Because her feelings are uninhibited and free. She's no longer trying to fit into a form that was too large for her.

Embrace Masculinity and You Will See Femininity

If you have embraced your sexuality—Masculinity, what will you see when you look in the mirror? Masculinity! And if you are androgynous, what will you see when you look in the mirror? Androgyny!

So it is with women. What will you see when you put Masculinity in her? Femininity! And what will you see if you put androgyny in her? Not Femininity.

“Half of a woman’s charm is an illusion”—T. Williams



Don Juan
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
:cheer: Go GG! My favorite writeup on women ever. Had I read this before I met those 3 blonde school girls =) By sheer accident I let some threads of masculinity seep out and had them at my beck and call, with me LITERALLY sitting higher than them with them standing before me... like a king!

I think you've helped me concentrate on getting my life in the order I want, but also to hang out and relax like a MAN instead of an insecure chump.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
i have been realizing this stuff in the last days too, and i totally agree with you.
anyway, this is being discussed too much and you guys are overanalyzing

a part from this, it should go straight to the bible, imo


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
haha! oh, the irony! My ex (she was 19 and I was 18) broke up with me partly because she thought I was too......wait for it.....immature. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Don't confuse cause and effect; men lead and dominate women because it is our nature to do so.

Women are aroused by it because they evolved that way - the same reason why they're aroused by all things masculine.

Lead and dominate a woman because it pleases YOU; treat her appetite for it only as a happy coincidence, not as something that you must make a point of indulging.
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