Cutting Back


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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New York
Hey I Feel Im Slighley Over Weight, Im 6'3 200 And About 23 Percent Body Fat I Uses to drink whole milk every day about a week ago i started buying two percent, I Eat Fish, Penute Butter And Jelly, Macornonie, Pizza, Chicken, Oodles And Noodles, And Beef Stew, Thats What I Generally Eat, Somtimes I Eat Only Two Or Three Times A Day, Im Basically Asking For Help On A Deit Plan What To Cut Back On Etc, Any Easy Home Exercises Would Be Helpful To And I Also Have An Olimpic Weight Bench Complete Set By Powerhouse, So Any Advice Would Be Appreicated...Thanks


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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11 needs a total re-thinking. search for wba's idiot's guide to growth and read up on nutrition.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Spend the next couple of days eating whatever food you have in your house, whether it be pizza, cookies, ice cream whatever, just clear your fridge and cupboards.

then go out and buy:
- a whey protein of your choice (or order online)*
- multivitamin, fish oil, green tea extract (or green tea bags), vitamin c*
- protein sources: lean beef/steak, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, tuna (or any other non-processed lean meat you like: venison, buffalo whatever)
- carb/fibre sources: a ton of green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, asparagus, celery, brussel sprouts, green beans), low GI fruits (apples, berries, plums, pears, peaches, pineapple etc no bananas unless they're green) and a complex carb source: I'd stick to oatmeal or oat bran but you can use rice if you insist
- no pasta or bread for now, no fruit juice or other sugars**, no processed foods, no dairy
- fat sources: eggs, olive oil, peanut butter, flax oil, nuts, avocadoes

The * choices I consider a 'must have', the rest is up to you to choose which you like/can afford. You don't need to buy ALL the veggies or proteins for example, just having enough choices so you don't get bored is fine.

At 200lbs you're gonna need 400g protein a day, although you could probably get by with less since you have a high bodyfat, but aim for 400 anyway.

That's six meals a day with 80g protein each, or you could have less protein per meal and just have some liquid protein between meals. Whatever works for you. Also get in 10-20g of good fat per meal, in the form of oil on your vegetables or nuts on the side, or whatever. The last meal of the day have just protein and veg and 10 fish oil pills (or a tablespoon of the oil).

You're gonna need the complex carbs to fuel your workouts but use fat (dietary and body) for energy the rest of the day, so do the following:
morning meal: 50-60g carbs from oatmeal and fruit (example)
30 mins pre-workout: whey protein (1 scoop) plus fruit (20-30g carbs)
immediately post-workout: whey protein (2 scoops) plus fruit or fruit juice or gatorade powder or white bread etc (50g carbs)
1-1.5 hours post-workout: solid food protein plus 40-50g complex carbs

Now these are all very baseline numbers which may not suit your metabolism at all, but I'd start from here and modify appropriately. Track your progress with the mirror and not the scales.

And I suggest selling the weight bench and getting to a gym. You need to have access to at about 300-400lbs of weight and a squat rack among other things (spotters for your benching for example).

Google for a 3day routine or use the one in the Idiot's Guide or use a modified WSB routine or whatever (basically a strength based routine)

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
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There's this guy named Walter Willett, and he's the head of Harvard's school of public health. He's pretty much THE guy when it comes to nutrition (when it comes to being a supremely healthy dude, that is. If you're looking to bulk up he wouldn't help much).

He wrote a book a few years ago called "eat, drink, and be healthy." You can get it from (where you should buy every book you ever buy, btw) for about 5 dollars (with shipping included).

He tells you all about what food is, what it does for you, and how it does it. It makes you laugh at people who talk about atkins and pretty much all of those bs diets because you learn what it's all about. He includes an updated food pyramid that makes lot of sense. It lists regular excersize as the base of the pyramid, and goes on to explain why the fda food pyramid sucks, and why they haven't updated it even though its based on faulty information.

The back of the book is full of really healthy and good recipes that incorporate all the foods he talks about in the book.

He talks about some of the stuff warboss alex just brought up. Its not THE easiest read, but its as good as you're going to get from an academic. All this guy does all day is do studies on how food effects people's bodies. Once you've read it you understand WHY you should aviod saturated fats, and WHY you should be into whole grains.

Again, it gives you a great baseline for understanding what you should be putting in your body for being very healthy. It doesn't say much about bulking, but it looks like you're looking to lose weight anyway.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
The Forms said:
Once you've read it you understand WHY you should aviod saturated fats, and WHY you should be into whole grains.
I don't necessarily agree with either of those points by the way

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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whole grains are okay, but i'd put them at the bottom of the list of desirable complex carbs. veggies (the fresher & greener the better), salad greens (again generally the greener the better), and fibrous whole fruits generally have a much lower starch:fiber ratio. getting enough of both soluble and insoluble fiber is really the key when it comes to picking complex carbs.

after reading widely, i'm not convinced that saturated fat is in and of itself a bad thing. instead, we should strive for a balance of saturated, poly & mono-unsaturated, and omega-3 fat sources. this is why my mantra around this forum lately has been 'don't fear the fat' -- just balance it.

one of the problems with the shift to grain-fed livestock is that they have essentially zero omega-3 fats in them compared to old-fashioned pasture / grass-fed livestock. now the omega-6 content is way up, as is the saturated fat. if someone could point me to a reliable source of grass-fed cow & chicken products, i'd sign up real quick. but most organic / natural / free-range products are just as grain-fed as the products stuffed with antibiotics and hormones.

the only solution I see at this point is to eat as much low methyl-mercury, fatty fish (damn near a contradiction in terms, unfortunately -- fortunately, some salmon is on the list -- woo-hoo!) as possible and supplement with fish and/or flax oil (I'll let others debate the relative merits between the two). but trying to radically cut back saturated fat can play havoc with your own hormones. and substituting extra omega-6 fat just throws off your omega-6 : omega-3 ratio even worse. not to mention pre-packaged "low-fat" foods tend to dump in an equal or greater amount of pure sugar to keep the product from tasting like cardboard.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Okay Thanks

Also i alterd my diet, to drinking only juice and water, no milk whats so ever, its doing somthing strange to my stomach and somtimes i get the SH!Ts Now lol... Also im wondering if i Do mass weight lifting if it will still help me cut fat, im trieng to avoid cardio if possible


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
drop the juice, too, except as a last resort source of postworkout carbs. best flavored beverage for ya? green tea.

radical, rapid changes in diet often upset the GI. keep at it and things should settle down.

lifting weights can help you cut fat but only very indirectly (burns a moderate amount of energy, diverts protein & energy to mass building, gradually raises metabolism by raising lean body mass). why are you avoiding cardio?

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Well i have a a messed up leg so i cant run. i can jump and do tae bo but no running more than 100 yards....


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Well i have a a messed up leg so i cant run. i can jump and do tae bo but no running more than 100 yards....
Yeah, you don't need to run. Walk for 30-45mins on a morning 4 days per week on an empty stomach, and then get on the stationary bike for 30mins on your non-training days (i.e. 3 times a week). :)



Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Ehhhh i hate walking im trieng to use all methods that dosent involve any cardio
Eh, why the hell are you being a lazy bugger? Walking 4 mornings a week for half an hour is nowt strenuous, and it'll speed up your progress significantly..why are you avoiding p1ss-easy low intensity cardio mate?



Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
I hate walking too. Mmmm sleeping is better. Need to find way to burn bodyfat while sleeping, so I don't have to remember expending any effort.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
I hate walking too. Mmmm sleeping is better. Need to find way to burn bodyfat while sleeping, so I don't have to remember expending any effort.
lol ;) We should find a way to build muscle just lifting paperweights and eating grass cuttings also. :up:
