Spend the next couple of days eating whatever food you have in your house, whether it be pizza, cookies, ice cream whatever, just clear your fridge and cupboards.
then go out and buy:
- a whey protein of your choice (or order online)*
- multivitamin, fish oil, green tea extract (or green tea bags), vitamin c*
- protein sources: lean beef/steak, eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, tuna (or any other non-processed lean meat you like: venison, buffalo whatever)
- carb/fibre sources: a ton of green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, asparagus, celery, brussel sprouts, green beans), low GI fruits (apples, berries, plums, pears, peaches, pineapple etc no bananas unless they're green) and a complex carb source: I'd stick to oatmeal or oat bran but you can use rice if you insist
- no pasta or bread for now, no fruit juice or other sugars**, no processed foods, no dairy
- fat sources: eggs, olive oil, peanut butter, flax oil, nuts, avocadoes
The * choices I consider a 'must have', the rest is up to you to choose which you like/can afford. You don't need to buy ALL the veggies or proteins for example, just having enough choices so you don't get bored is fine.
At 200lbs you're gonna need 400g protein a day, although you could probably get by with less since you have a high bodyfat, but aim for 400 anyway.
That's six meals a day with 80g protein each, or you could have less protein per meal and just have some liquid protein between meals. Whatever works for you. Also get in 10-20g of good fat per meal, in the form of oil on your vegetables or nuts on the side, or whatever. The last meal of the day have just protein and veg and 10 fish oil pills (or a tablespoon of the oil).
You're gonna need the complex carbs to fuel your workouts but use fat (dietary and body) for energy the rest of the day, so do the following:
morning meal: 50-60g carbs from oatmeal and fruit (example)
30 mins pre-workout: whey protein (1 scoop) plus fruit (20-30g carbs)
immediately post-workout: whey protein (2 scoops) plus fruit or fruit juice or gatorade powder or white bread etc (50g carbs)
1-1.5 hours post-workout: solid food protein plus 40-50g complex carbs
Now these are all very baseline numbers which may not suit your metabolism at all, but I'd start from here and modify appropriately. Track your progress with the mirror and not the scales.
And I suggest selling the weight bench and getting to a gym. You need to have access to at about 300-400lbs of weight and a squat rack among other things (spotters for your benching for example).
Google for a 3day routine or use the one in the Idiot's Guide or use a modified WSB routine or whatever (basically a strength based routine)