I'm sure some countries will try to ban it as some have, some will embrace it. Here in lies the problem, it would be similar to trying to ban the internet. As a country you would be left behind and all that capital and brain power would go to another country. Not only would top talent citizens leave they would be leaving trillions in tax revenue on the table. It has already been deemed as private property and free speech by the courts. Bitcoin is going to treated like a commodity. If they were going to ban they would have had to do it years ago. It is too decentralized and entrenched now with citizens, corporations and politicians who have a highly vested interest to defend it. The only way you could truly get rid of it is turn off the internet to world forever. We have never had an asset so portable before, you can memorize you wallet passcode and have billions, making it very easy to leave with your wealth. As opposed say stocks or real estate where they can freeze your accounts. As far as Bitcoin goes, it has been made very clear in Western countries it will be embraced. If they don't want it to be used a currency pretty easy to do, just leave the current tax structure where any transaction is a taxable event. Bitcoin and the rest of crypto are two completely different assets and will be treated that way.Let's say you are the dictator of a country and control everything. What is your motivation to allow crypto to exist? It cheats you out of the sweet deal of controlling your country's currency. Why would any government give up that privilege?
That being said, there will be heavy regulations for the rest of crypto. 99% of them are going to fail or are a legit scam. Similar to the tech boom in the 90's, most of this stuff will get washed out. There will be a handful that have massive impact though.

Bitcoin is the only coin the SEC Chair will call a commodity
The comment was notable, as the market has been operating under a different assumption

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets | The White House
Outlines First Whole-of-Government Strategy to Protect Consumers, Financial Stability, National Security, and Address Climate Risks Digital assets,
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