Created a profile as a chick on plentyoffish. Unbelievable.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Lol the creepy, Jealous, and woman hating attitudes on this site astound me

Some gay experiment like that would do nothing to help you in dating, and the very fact that you want to do it probably speaks volumes of the number or quality of women you get

I agree with Dj11. you guys are just making excuses on why you should not try because women have so much power and blah blah blah

get off your asses and improve. b1tching and whining won't help anything


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
darkstarrr said:
I did the same thing with FB and holy smokes! People messaging and friend requesting off the hook. Over 50 freind reqs from random dudes in less than 3 months. One guy said he was searching for his sister but found me and I am much better.. Another guy said he has no hot girls on his friends list and to "hook a brother up".

Many guys here will tell you to stay away from the online dating thing and this thread serves as partial evidence for that. I find it much easier to meet people in real life and work it from there with my personality, etc. An average dude is not going to find a babe online unless he is using a mail order bride system or craiglist ($$$). Average dudes more often can find bombshells in real life.
I found my long term gf on myspace

the reason she said she replied to me was because i was unique, genuine, and sort of ****y and cute. she's naturally ****y as well so we hit it off nicely. plus i was nice.

we talked, exchanged numbers, met, and now here we are

the reason why so many dudes gets no play online is because they spam stupid sh1t to chicks all day. It's almost like real life, if you walk up to a chick and spew some stupid pick up line about your sister, do you really think she will wanna talk to you? granted some might, but that doesn't change the fact that it won't work

stick to trying to meet women in person though. it's alot easier and more fun than readin text all day

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
ALL of the latest emails are ****, but, it's been a constant 12-13 messages a Day. UNbelievable, the guys, that come out of the woodwork for a 5, maybe 6. The ratio must be like 50:1 on plentyoffish. I NEVER get an initial message from a woman, maybe like once every month, but I don't log on much, and I'm a model-like looking guy. I wouldn't want to use any picture but my own for me, because I believe there's none other like me, in experience, in looks. A chick said, "OMG, you look like Christian Bale" the other day. I'm like, "Well, I guess I need to wear a hat then." Fvck Bale. I'm nothing like that fvcker.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score

Offline there are many attration intangibles that you can play to your advantage that don't exist online.

CAN U SITE SOME EXAMPLES.............interesting statement U made


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
look if U want to continue on this experiment..........TAKE A CLEVAGE SHOT AND TAK ON A HEADLINE........."THINK U CAN HANDLE THIS" and watch the emails change and increase dramtically.

Heres what U SHOULD BE DOING..........see which guys emails get read first, see what they use as a subject line, examine in detail their content and report which ones stood out and why........see which ones emailed a second and third time and what they said then.

use the info to your advantage!!!!!!!!!

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hahaha. Doing some experimenting "research"with different profiles myself, just to see the type of reactions and what NOT to do, and for my own amusement. It is just unbelievable what guys out there will say and do. I can just imagine the type of game these chumps spit at girls in person. Guys, these guys should be no competition to you whatsoever, in real life. You already have what it takes to NOT BE LIKE THEM.

This is a message I got with a ver short profile of a picture of a 19 year old hottie. Now, I purposely put very little info, yet got guys saying how they liked the type of person she is. LOL. Here's is an example of a 35 year old man supplicating to a girl way out of his league:

Subject: tired of just looking at your pics

hey XXXXXXX, wanted to send you another mesage to say hello and not only that but to see is you can actually hear me out knowing that your way out of my league and that you are much cuter than i am,,,,,,, see,,,,,,,,,,the truth is , is that i am looking for someone for me to be mine and date me and just me, but theres always a problem, the girl wants to wait like 3 or 6 months before Anything hAppends and wants to talk for ever and it seems that its just for ever and if it doesnt work out , you have spent all that time for nothing, in actuality i am looking for a great girl like you and if your willing to by pass that i am not that great looking and that your definately cuter than i am , i would love to have a woman like you in my life,,,,but i dont have time to talk for 6 months and know that i may not get to keep her in my life,,,thats why dating,,sucks,,,sure sex is a big part of the whole thing, is sex and all the little things that come with dating a woman, from sex to a soup in bed when you have a cold, to put it in clear term,,,,my question is how do i win you over and not take too long to do it and just jump in and start doing everything that couples do and have fun everytime we see each other,,,i am willing to trust you with my number to show you im serious about you and 2 that i would like your opinion on this,,,in other words, HOW CAN WE START DATING AND DO EVERYTHING COUPLES DO AND NOT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME WITH THE INTRODUCTIONS AND ALL THE INTERVIWING THAT COMES WITH MEETING A NEW GURL.....x2x 652 xxxx,,,I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOU OPINION AND IF YOU WANT TO GO THE EXTRA MILE CALL ME UP AND LETS TALK,,,,SHOW ME YOUR THE GURL I KNOW THAT IS ON THE PROFILE...CARLOS

Apocalypse Now

Don Juan
Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
Gangster Of Love said:
Subject: tired of just looking at your pics

hey XXXXXXX, wanted to send you another mesage to say hello and not only that but to see is you can actually hear me out knowing that your way out of my league and that you are much cuter than i am,,,,,,, see,,,,,,,,,,the truth is , is that i am looking for someone for me to be mine and date me and just me, but theres always a problem, the girl wants to wait like 3 or 6 months before Anything hAppends and wants to talk for ever and it seems that its just for ever and if it doesnt work out , you have spent all that time for nothing, in actuality i am looking for a great girl like you and if your willing to by pass that i am not that great looking and that your definately cuter than i am , i would love to have a woman like you in my life,,,,but i dont have time to talk for 6 months and know that i may not get to keep her in my life,,,thats why dating,,sucks,,,sure sex is a big part of the whole thing, is sex and all the little things that come with dating a woman, from sex to a soup in bed when you have a cold, to put it in clear term,,,,my question is how do i win you over and not take too long to do it and just jump in and start doing everything that couples do and have fun everytime we see each other,,,i am willing to trust you with my number to show you im serious about you and 2 that i would like your opinion on this,,,in other words, HOW CAN WE START DATING AND DO EVERYTHING COUPLES DO AND NOT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME WITH THE INTRODUCTIONS AND ALL THE INTERVIWING THAT COMES WITH MEETING A NEW GURL.....x2x 652 xxxx,,,I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOU OPINION AND IF YOU WANT TO GO THE EXTRA MILE CALL ME UP AND LETS TALK,,,,SHOW ME YOUR THE GURL I KNOW THAT IS ON THE PROFILE...CARLOS
Holy ****, talk about the quintessential example of what not to do online or in person. :nono:


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
This thread has made me delete my PoF account forever! Never online, never again.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Con-akt said:
Ok, take a minute to step back and take a close look at yourself in the mirror.

What in the hell are you doing??!! You post as women and then bathe in male attention? You need hobbies or somthing. Id say you need some ***** but theres little chance of that in your present state.

This is some seriously ****ed up ****.

If you guys acctually knew any women and talked to them you could find out what their expierence is like.

I see it now, one of you guys makes a fake profile and then another douchebag from the forum goes and contacts that profile and in a seperate thread he complains about being shot down or flaked on as the homo wierdo who posted the profile braggs about how he played with this loser.

Congradulations, you have arived at the very bottom of the barrel.:up:
IMO, since most guys have been told not to ask women for dating advice and have trouble meeting women in the real world for real world interactions, they resort to the internet for that.

Other guys work on becoming millionaires.

BTW I posted a female profile on a site called Every time I go there, the screen gets loaded with IM's. sometimes the computer crashes!

All the time I check the messages, I notice that a bunch of guys wanna meet in person, some guys IM even with webcam. Close their window and they'll open it back up! Even guys with no pics and blank profiles will chat that profile up! Some even masturbate!


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Luke Skywalker said:
What did you expect? This is all common knowledge. I would like to know what profile a guy can put up to get allot of responses, or how to be in that 10% of the hottest dudes bracket. Do you have to bulk up? Get ripped? I'm sure if people knew exactly how to look in the pics -- and what profile to write -- to get emails and smileys from the ladies --- would be all ears.

Now, THAT would be a good thread. I think GQ model pics, or if you have a good pic with lots of muscles will get lots of responses -- so I think the ladies look at the pics more than the profile. So, poonanie-maker, instead of recycling last year's old news with these lame experiments why not try a few that really count.
AFAICT, girls in internet dating get hella messages, flirts etc. DAILY, and guys will be lucky to get ONE flirt in a MONTH!

To get in the 10% of hottest guys bracket, you need these things:

1. Muscles (get lipo to remove the excess fat)
2. Be rich (Put a Rolls-Royce or something similar in the background)
3. Fame/ social status
4. A big d**k

If you ain't got all 4 of these things for online dating, you'll have to stick with real world meetings or use photoshop. Your personality won't show on social dating websites. No paysite is worth it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
nismo-4 said:
AFAICT, girls in internet dating get hella messages, flirts etc. DAILY, and guys will be lucky to get ONE flirt in a MONTH!

To get in the 10% of hottest guys bracket, you need these things:

1. Muscles (get lipo to remove the excess fat)
2. Be rich (Put a Rolls-Royce or something similar in the background)
3. Fame/ social status
4. A big d**k

If you ain't got all 4 of these things for online dating, you'll have to stick with real world meetings or use photoshop. Your personality won't show on social dating websites. No paysite is worth it.

and the bracket gets tighter and females get more power as more guys try harder to please the few women that are available..

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
COD said:

Offline there are many attration intangibles that you can play to your advantage that don't exist online.

CAN U SITE SOME EXAMPLES.............interesting statement U made
I think there's actually too many to list, but I'll list a few that come to mind.

1. You can't see a person's mannerisms or facial expressions.
2. You can't hear their voice.
3. It's hard to judge by looking at pictures. You might think wow this person is really for me, and then after meeting them, think, gee what was I thinking?
4. You can't measure confidence online. Anyone can send out copy and pasted messages and act like a pimp online, but be a total chump in real life.
5. Most people look better in person than in photos. "in motion," you are more attractive. Your personality and mannerisms light up your features in a way that they can't in a static medium.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Luminescence said:
To me this just seems like another little piece evidence supporting the (already obvious) reality..... That in our species reproductive process, even mediocre women are valuable.....whereas 80% of men are expendable. Us males are produced in bulk by our species and the ''mating game'' is biased against you.
True. But there are supposed to be nonstop wars that thin our ranks, or at least growing populations that make there be more younger folks than older folks. As the White world at least has been at peace since 1945 and the Baby Boom birthrate has dropped since 1955 (although there has been a smaller Baby Echo in the 80's), the opportunities for men have been drastically reduced. It used to be that a decent man could easily have other members of his community introduce him to their daughters, who would be attractive with good attitude and morals. Now the only women who seem to get attempted to be introduced to me are women that weigh more than me. :down:

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well, just logged out of my chick profile, and this article popped up:

Why A Man Won't Emotionally Commit

By Christian Carter

Author of "Catch Him & Keep Him"

Why A Man Won't Emotionally Commit

One of the most common situations women ask me about is what I call Predictable Male Withdrawal. If you've had any experience with men and dating, then you already know what this is. I'll take a second to explain exactly what this is and why it's important...

When you're first dating a man he's often attentive, affectionate, and willing to do anything to stay close to you. He's emotionally "open" and fully engaged with you. He talks about his life, his feelings, and he wants to know everything about you and yours. He wants to keep sharing with you and make sure that you both have one incredible experience after another with each other.

But then it happens...

At some point there's a "shift" that you can sense in him, and from then on he's frequently unable or unwilling to emotionally engage and be present with you. His openness and curiosity fades. He rarely if ever wants to talk about how you're feeling or your relationship. He seems sunken back into himself. And after a while you find yourself wondering and worrying about what's going on since you don't know what's going on inside him. It feels like you're the only one paying the relationship any attention.

Of course, pointing this out and asking a man what's going on when he starts pulling away like this only add to the issue. His irritated or distant responses to your attempts at connecting with him seem to confirm the worst and make you feel less comfortable and confident around your relationship.

Knowing this about men, or having experienced it first hand, let me ask you a question...

Wouldn't it be great to know what a man was going to be like inside a relationship before fully opening your heart to him? Wouldn't it be good to know if a man was going to be the kind of guy who was going to withdraw in this way or not, and what to do about it in case he was?

Understanding Men And Patterns Of Withdrawal

There's a hard truth about dating men and finding the right man and relationship. It's that a man either won't tell you, or doesn't know, if he's a "Withdrawer" and what he'll really be like once you're in a relationship together.

For example, a man would NEVER say to a woman-

"I'm looking for a committed relationship... but the truth is that I'm not 100% emotionally available. If we were together I'd make our relationship feel like an emotional rollercoaster by periodically pulling away from you. You wouldn't ever know if I'm coming or going. But hey... want to go out sometime?"

Part of the beauty of online dating and eHarmony is that right from the start you're able to get a rich sense of the man you're connecting with.

But there's still something important to know once you meet and feel that magic connection and attraction with a guy-

Will he ultimately be the kind of man who grows more loving and open with you as your relationship grows?


Like some men... will he be the kind of man who periodically withdraws, pulls away, and brings up feelings of uncertainty that don't make you your best?

The truth is that too many great women get into relationships with men who seem great at first, only to find that this man is predictably distant and withdrawn at the worst of times.

Identifying "Withdrawers"... And What To Do If You're With One

So how can you know if a man is a "Withdrawer"?

How should this affect your thinking about a relationship with him?

And what should you do if you're dating one?

A quick tip about identifying whether a man is a Withdrawer-

The best way to know a man's true nature and his emotional habits in relationships is to look at the existing relationships he already has in his life.

Is he close to his family? How does he talk about, respond, and interact with them?

Is he someone who has great relationship skills in his life already, and is he a man who's of service to his loved ones by being a source of listening, love and support?

Or is he someone that has a hard time being close and socially intimate to begin with?

You can tell a whole lot about a man if you're willing to take the time to honestly look at his life and how he handles even the smallest relationships and conflicts in his life.

If you're already with a Withdrawer, what's most important for you is this-

Tip #1) Avoid falling into the common role of the "Convincer"

When you sense a man is less present or available to you and your relationship, and it scares you, the unconscious reaction lots of women have is to take on a role of Convincing a man to stay close and open up.

This usually shows up as subtle ways of begging, pleading, or using your hurt feelings to try and justify him changing (Also referred to as whining).

Unfortunately, these are the exact kinds of behaviors that seem "needy" to a withdrawn man, and cause him to want to pull away more.

Tip #2) Keep your Center

What's the quickest way to connect with someone? (even a man)

Be the kind of positive, energetic and magnetic person that they can't help but be changed and inspired by.

Often times during times of uncertainty we want to try and put more attention and focus on the PROBLEMS we see.

But, as the saying goes, sometimes the best medicine is laughter.

What if you addressed what feels like problems in your relationships as OPPORTUNITIES for love, compassion, and growth and understanding?

The catch with this approach is that, in order to be able to give this kind of energy to your life and relationship, you have to be "full" to begin with.

That's why it is absolutely critical that you, as a woman, don't stop doing and being the things that make you feel great about yourself and your life.

Tip #3) Lead with Attraction

You can try talking to a man all you want, and he might never respond the way you want him to.

But what if instead, you tried to connect with him not through talk about "issues", but through the magic power of the emotion we call ATTRACTION. After all, this is often what drew the man in your life to you in the first place.

There are 6 Keys to creating that intense level of Attraction with a man that goes deeper than just Physical Attraction- but bonds you on a deep emotional level.

For more tips on dating men and relationships feel free to check out my website where I share weekly tips on the secrets of the male mind. You can also check out or download my eBook "Catch Him & Keep Him" there too.

It's all here:

Your Friend,

Christian Carter
This is what they're showing Women upon logging out. They show Us, David D material.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Yeah, I had a REAL hard time with Plentyoffish. I had a profile going for about 3 weeks recently, then cut it. Hate to sound redundant, but my game was solid too. I didn't get one number(not that I asked, I never "ask", I think it's lame to ask), nor one hangout. I had better success with, as I got 3 numbers. Out of those 3 numbers though, nothing ever came of it, as I called, left a message, but never had my calls returned. I agree by FAR, the real world is the best way to meet women. I've only met up with 4 hot women from websites, one 34 yr old whom I f*cked the sh*t out of. Other than that, it's been a real uphill battle.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
I am completely amused... and I totally empathize with you guys. It really isn't fair, but I think even less women look for men online, than men who look for women.

I think the moral of the story is; if you want to meet people, leave the house! It's been quite successful for thousands of years.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
pLaYtHiNg said:
I think even less women look for men online, than men who look for women.

POF is a good example of the 80-20 rule. I did a male to female ratio comparison of men to women in my zip code and found there was an 8 to 1 ratio of male profiles to female profiles which means 80-90% of the guys on there will never get any play by default due purely to the numbers.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
I've had plenty of success on POF (no pun intended). To all the guys working on that site, it's strictly a numbers game. Like one guy said before just put up your best pics. Don't have any pics with your shirt off or pics that you're taking yourself aka with your arm sticking towards the photo, aka just be a normal person.

If you're only messaging the hottest girls, you're not gonna have much success but most HB6-7 will give you a chance as long you come off as an interesting person who doesn't seem desperate online. Its too bad the instant messenger is gone, because that was the easiest part.

Gaming in person has much better results if you have good game, because most dudes are pussies in real life rather than online, where you don't have to put much effort or balls on the table. If you're having trouble in person, I strongly suggest getting some style into your wardrobe, the easiest and most effective change one can make.