Created a profile as a chick on plentyoffish. Unbelievable.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Like within a couple of seconds, literally 2, I got 2 views, 1 email, and another Instant message solicitation from dudes. UNbelievable. I wish we, as guys, had that kind of marketability. UNbelievable. I can't get over it. I bet you all, come tomorrow or whenever I check it again, that I'll have hundreds of emails. The chick's picture I posted was a 5, maybe 6. UNbelievable.

So glad I'm not a chick and havin to put up with all these swinging d1cks soliciting my favor. I understand what they go through now. Guys are sooo stupid, and giving every other guy a bad name. No wonder it's ALWAYS all on us. Sheesh. I'd be a total lesbian if I was a woman.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
I made a chick Myspace once with Maria Ozawa's pic, I wanted to see what it was like for a girl on myspace and what kind of messages they get and how many. I ended up getting about 30 new messages a day and endless friend requests from d1cks.

I had all kinds of dudes hitting me up from creepy guys trying to me nice to me..Ahem...Maria. to horny d1ckheads who just tried to hit her up. Pretty amusing and strangely kind of fun...I loved toying with them and giving them hope..i was a total attention wh0re.

Ehh...some were nice, some were jerks, some i could tell were wanna be pick up artists that even tried the neg the end...all were trying to get in her p0on.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
I did the same on MySpace just a little over 2 years ago. My page lasted a week before it was deleted. I went to extreme lengths lol. I had my sisters friends add me and write me comments like I was a real girl. I just pulled some girls pick from webshots and said which one I was. I had a full profile, the works.

Before I got canceled, I had 480ish friend requests and dozens upon dozens of emails. I read a few of them, my god... Then I said to myself if this is my competition... well you get the idea.

My inspiration came from fakeanna?.com. It's no longer up, but that site was a gem. Basically he took all the guys emails and posted them with screen caps and his own captions.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
You my friends are borderline Jk..

Yeah women live a very different life to men.. mainly the to the excess number of men in relation to women.. men are desperate due to the high rejection rate the face every day... so they try to hunt as many women as they can playing the numbers game and hoping that eventually they will get lucky..

So we now have a situation here men just want a woman to F them she dont have to be hot women can have any man so they want the hottest guy they can get.. which is only 10% of all the men chasing them


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
DonGorgon said:
You my friends are borderline Jk..

Yeah women live a very different life to men.. mainly the to the excess number of men in relation to women.. men are desperate due to the high rejection rate the face every day... so they try to hunt as many women as they can playing the numbers game and hoping that eventually they will get lucky..

So we now have a situation here men just want a woman to F them she dont have to be hot women can have any man so they want the hottest guy they can get.. which is only 10% of all the men chasing them

Hence in the online game you can't win unless you settle our stand out


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
You my friends are borderline Jk..

Yeah women live a very different life to men.. mainly the to the excess number of men in relation to women.. men are desperate due to the high rejection rate the face every day... so they try to hunt as many women as they can playing the numbers game and hoping that eventually they will get lucky..

So we now have a situation here men just want a woman to F them she dont have to be hot women can have any man so they want the hottest guy they can get.. which is only 10% of all the men chasing them

I would say none of the men chasing them.....More the ones that don't.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
One of us will have to create a profile of a girl that is border line unattractive, and see how that works.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Very interesting topic. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
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The very bottom.

Ok, take a minute to step back and take a close look at yourself in the mirror.

What in the hell are you doing??!! You post as women and then bathe in male attention? You need hobbies or somthing. Id say you need some ***** but theres little chance of that in your present state.

This is some seriously ****ed up ****.

If you guys acctually knew any women and talked to them you could find out what their expierence is like.

I see it now, one of you guys makes a fake profile and then another douchebag from the forum goes and contacts that profile and in a seperate thread he complains about being shot down or flaked on as the homo wierdo who posted the profile braggs about how he played with this loser.

Congradulations, you have arived at the very bottom of the barrel.:up:


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Con-akt said:
Ok, take a minute to step back and take a close look at yourself in the mirror.

What in the hell are you doing??!! You post as women and then bathe in male attention? You need hobbies or somthing. Id say you need some ***** but theres little chance of that in your present state.

This is some seriously ****ed up ****.

If you guys acctually knew any women and talked to them you could find out what their expierence is like.

I see it now, one of you guys makes a fake profile and then another douchebag from the forum goes and contacts that profile and in a seperate thread he complains about being shot down or flaked on as the homo wierdo who posted the profile braggs about how he played with this loser.

Congradulations, you have arived at the very bottom of the barrel.:up:
chill out dude. ur negs arent gonna get you any poon from me.


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Pretty much why online dating sucks IMO The cute girls get too much responses from other guys that you don't stand out in anyway

The girls just take the compliment so the ego gets a boost and once thats done they delete the email or message

Most girls IMO dont take guys seriously who use the internet as a way of meeting girls...It;s been nothing but a waste of time for me

You gotts weed out so much bull**** just to find somebody thats real..and once you finally get that done they don't trust you lol


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
Some of you guys are just creepy as all hell. I certainly hope you dont get a chance to procreate.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
vachir said:
chill out dude. ur negs arent gonna get you any poon from me.

Funniest thing I've ever heard on this forum


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
To me this just seems like another little piece evidence supporting the (already obvious) reality..... That in our species reproductive process, even mediocre women are valuable.....whereas 80% of men are expendable. Us males are produced in bulk by our species and the ''mating game'' is biased against you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Next time before any of you guys put your Captain Save-A-Ho cape on and get all choked up for some damnsel in distress who has a sad story about her love life, just remember this: they have plenty of choices to pick, way more than even the top Don Juan - it's entirely their fault if they choose poorly.

Luminescence said:
One of us will have to create a profile of a girl that is border line unattractive, and see how that works.
I don't need to, I already know the result. The Facebook & Myspace pages of some of my female acquaintances who aren't attractive (one is boner-killing ugly) are full of invites, requests & flirty messages. Before I saw their pages on their computers (they were showing me, I didn't sneak) they often told me how many messages they were getting and they don't have the time to respond to them all. I didn't believe it as they aren't attractive, but I was floored when I saw it with my own eyes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Jitterbug said:
Next time before any of you guys put your Captain Save-A-Ho cape on and get all choked up for some damnsel in distress who has a sad story about her love life, just remember this: they have plenty of choices to pick, way more than even the top Don Juan - it's entirely their fault if they choose poorly.

I don't need to, I already know the result. The Facebook & Myspace pages of some of my female acquaintances who aren't attractive (one is boner-killing ugly) are full of invites, requests & flirty messages. Before I saw their pages on their computers (they were showing me, I didn't sneak) they often told me how many messages they were getting and they don't have the time to respond to them all. I didn't believe it as they aren't attractive, but I was floored when I saw it with my own eyes.


JItter you get a rep for this funny tale

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Connor99 said:
Pretty much why online dating sucks IMO The cute girls get too much responses from other guys that you don't stand out in anyway

The girls just take the compliment so the ego gets a boost and once thats done they delete the email or message

Most girls IMO dont take guys seriously who use the internet as a way of meeting girls...It;s been nothing but a waste of time for me

You gotts weed out so much bull**** just to find somebody thats real..and once you finally get that done they don't trust you lol
Yep, messaging women on online dating sites is a waste of time imo. It's the beta way of approaching. Online dating sites are just a meat market and average looking guys have little chance of pulling HB's through it. Why? Because of the 1% rule and the fact that in the online dating realm you're just a photo with text behind it. Any woman can flake on a photo because a better looking beta male is always just a click away.

On the other hand, she can't as easily flake on an average looking guy who approaches her in real life like an alpha male with confidence. Offline there are many attration intangibles that you can play to your advantage that don't exist online. A woman will bypass all her online dating guys instantly for a guy she meets offline.

I have a profile on plentyoffish, but I don't actively pursue it. I don't message women and I only respond to women who contact me first. I get maybe an average of 3 messages a month through it. In fact, all the success I've had through online dating have been by women who've contacted me first.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
What did you expect? This is all common knowledge. I would like to know what profile a guy can put up to get allot of responses, or how to be in that 10% of the hottest dudes bracket. Do you have to bulk up? Get ripped? I'm sure if people knew exactly how to look in the pics -- and what profile to write -- to get emails and smileys from the ladies --- would be all ears.

Now, THAT would be a good thread. I think GQ model pics, or if you have a good pic with lots of muscles will get lots of responses -- so I think the ladies look at the pics more than the profile. So, poonanie-maker, instead of recycling last year's old news with these lame experiments why not try a few that really count.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I second the guy who said to make a profile with pictures of unattractive women.

Very interesting experiment.

This is why guys need to stay away from online dating. Sure you hear about success stories every now and then, but they are all few and far in between. You automatically increase your chances dramatically if you cold approach whether in day time or night time or if you expand your social circle and date girls from the circle.