Crappy day w/ my girl.

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Well summer has started. During school I didn't get to see her much (she doesn't go to my school) but now that it's summer, I was looking forward to change. Today's the first day I take her out this summer. And it was... kinda... boring.

I picked her up around 3:30pm. I change up how I greet her because I used to be the one that goes for the hug/kiss, she's never coming to me. So I don't initiate it. She doesn't either. We just hop in my ride. I have my music UP so and I just lean back and ride, and we do little talking at all. I was thinking that that wouldn't be a bad thing. Do you have to talk while you're in the car? - points from me

Well we head to the flea mall, and have a little fun there I guess. Was pretty easygoing. While we were there, I saw one of my boys. Time to increase my social proof? Eh, I just shake his hand, and exchange no words. Maybe that was a mistake. We move on and she runs into 2 guys that she knows that work there. Well they ask if I'm her bf (they don't really say it out loud, it's like they kinda ask her w/ not much words.) I'm giving them a serious/confident/don't-****-wit-her-look/i'm-a-cool-guy look. Then they procede to talk to her for about a minute (playing around). I think I was totally AFC here because I don't say anything. I just laugh at what supposedly is something funny he says. Damn, I need to speak up! - points from me

After that, we really don't know what to do after that. Me not being the total DJ that I should be, I have no idea what we can do besides go to the mall or the movies (and she's tired of going to the mall w/ people). So we're sitting there, I'm wheelin the car around the parkin lot for fun so it wouldn't be so DEAD. Then we decide to drive her to her dad's house (in a somewhat project). She goes in there for like 5minutes. Comes out and we're just ridin and she looks upset. I ask what's wrong, and she doesn't tell me. I don't take it any further, I just don't speak.

Lastly we go to the movies and I take her to see "CARS". She's laying on me and all kisses me at times. At one time, her phone goes off and she picks it up. I hear a DUDE talking to her. She starts TALKING to him for about 45 seconds. WTF? She doesn't even mention she's at the movies WITH HER BF, she's just at the movies. WTH??? And I swear this has to be the same dude that called her before when I was with her last time. I don't comment about him though. I never act like I'm jealous when I really am.

I drive her home after that, and we still don't talk much in the car. She gives me a good bye kiss and as soon as she's at her door, she's already on her cellphone.

Damn. This isn't good. This is my first relationship and it's been 6 months. What am I to do to keep it from not going STALE? What am I to do about this faggot that's calling her (is he just a friend)?


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
You better step up the fun level ten-fold or she'll floor the dump pedal. You should re-consider what used to be fun, and what she likes to do...what she wants to do, what she wishes for.....and you know, make it interesting.

Your date(s) did not sound like fun for you OR her, and that is a very bad sign. The guy on the phone is her replacement for you if you can't do anything about it, as AFC as he may seem.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
This sounds very similiar to my story. You need to play the prepare to dump her before she dumps you game. Start getting on the same level as her first (talk to some girls) then if she continues to flake. NEXT her! You don't want to go through what i've been going through.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
have you tried mini-golf, bowling, ect ect. Its summer, hit the pool, water park, whatever.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
You've already acted weak and so it's time to move on. It may be salvagable, but why play from a deficit when you can start fresh. Like girlsarecrazy said, dump her. There's no need to be ceremonious about it, just stop calling her and try again with another girl.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
girlsarecrazy said:
This sounds very similiar to my story. You need to play the prepare to dump her before she dumps you game. Start getting on the same level as her first (talk to some girls) then if she continues to flake. NEXT her! You don't want to go through what i've been going through.
Exactly what he ^^^ said man , get ready because im not going to lie to you, shes probably cheating on you, ive been through it myself, hell just check my afcish posts lol, what youve gotta do now even if she isnt cheating is play her at her own game, get a girl to ring you all the time,dont let the b!tch walk all over u

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Docs said:
You better step up the fun level ten-fold or she'll floor the dump pedal. You should re-consider what used to be fun, and what she likes to do...what she wants to do, what she wishes for.....and you know, make it interesting.

Your date(s) did not sound like fun for you OR her, and that is a very bad sign. The guy on the phone is her replacement for you if you can't do anything about it, as AFC as he may seem.
Thanks to all of you that replied with advice, I really thank yall for that. 10 minutes after I posted this I decided it was a dumb idea to post this rant but I got some good advice.

Just a misc. question that I'm curious about. How does this kid seem AFC? I'm not standin up for him, I'm just wondering out of the blue why he seems AFC.

Oh yeah and I just looked at her Myspace page (I don't use Myspace but I prolly will start for the hell of it) and I read her long survey. Questions that stood out were:

Have you cheated before? Yes
Have you kiss JUST a friend before? yes

Whoa. If I ever find out a girl cheated on me, I wouldn't be sad I'd be mad (cuz that's mad disrespect). Makes me pick up da pump dump chumps in the gutter pain (sorry, geting kinda angry and worked up right now)


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
it's not even about playing games here, big boss. it's not about acting hard. it's about actually becoming hard. you clearly recognized the mistakes you made, now move to another girl and don't make the same mistakes. the most important thing is to not get discouraged by screwing up. if you strive for that, it will come thru in your actions with women.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
Bigg Boss said:
Thanks to all of you that replied with advice, I really thank yall for that. 10 minutes after I posted this I decided it was a dumb idea to post this rant but I got some good advice.

Just a misc. question that I'm curious about. How does this kid seem AFC? I'm not standin up for him, I'm just wondering out of the blue why he seems AFC.

Oh yeah and I just looked at her Myspace page (I don't use Myspace but I prolly will start for the hell of it) and I read her long survey. Questions that stood out were:

Have you cheated before? Yes
Have you kiss JUST a friend before? yes

Whoa. If I ever find out a girl cheated on me, I wouldn't be sad I'd be mad (cuz that's mad disrespect). Makes me pick up da pump dump chumps in the gutter pain (sorry, geting kinda angry and worked up right now)

because his basically her b!tch, now youve got something that guy hasnt, an ability to not let this slvt walk all over you , my ex was the same had the same problem, except i dumped her and that was the best thing ive done because she was dragging me down into a depressive pit, dont let this b!tch take you for granted its not worth your own self esteem


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
why are you guys so angry towards women? women, for the most part, act how they are designed. when you don't act like a man, they dip out. don't get all angry at them for your own shortcomings as a man. if you are depressed, she did not "do it to you". i think being a misogynist is the wrong approach and just continues to keep you in a weakened state


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
i respect women, but i dont respect women who play games, you learn were to draw the respect, when uve been in the field


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
"women who play games", aka women who you have personally been unsucessful with. lets be honest here and give credit where credit is due. i have personally been outmaneuvered by women who give beautifully designed tests of manhood and i know how humbling it is.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
mountain said:
"women who play games", aka women who you have personally been unsucessful with. lets be honest here and give credit where credit is due. i have personally been outmaneuvered by women who give beautifully designed tests of manhood and i know how humbling it is.
women who i havent been sucessful with i dont remember because i learnt from what i did wrong and adapted, so i dont know what your going on at bro, im here to help him, and having a little hate towards her is going to help him realise she's playing him


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
i definately see where you are coming from DJSparky, turning his dissapointment into anger in order to make it constructive. But my opinion is that this girl is not playing him. She is only responding to his behavior. Bigg Boss was quick to acknowledge his own mistakes here. not taking the initiative to hug her, not talking to her, putting on the tough guy act around her friends, etc. So the thing here is not to get mad at her and call her a slut, but to realize she wanted a man, and it wasn't delivered. The point is to accept that this is how nature is arranged and to play along with it instead of getting frustrated.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
mountain said:
i definately see where you are coming from DJSparky, turning his dissapointment into anger in order to make it constructive. But my opinion is that this girl is not playing him. She is only responding to his behavior. Bigg Boss was quick to acknowledge his own mistakes here. not taking the initiative to hug her, not talking to her, putting on the tough guy act around her friends, etc. So the thing here is not to get mad at her and call her a slut, but to realize she wanted a man, and it wasn't delivered. The point is to accept that this is how nature is arranged and to play along with it instead of getting frustrated.
Im going to have to agree with you on that, i know ive made this mistake in the past, because when your acting the tuff guy its bringing out a negative trait that makes you come off as fake


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
DJsparky said:
Originally Posted by mountain
i definately see where you are coming from DJSparky, turning his dissapointment into anger in order to make it constructive. But my opinion is that this girl is not playing him. She is only responding to his behavior. Bigg Boss was quick to acknowledge his own mistakes here. not taking the initiative to hug her, not talking to her, putting on the tough guy act around her friends, etc. So the thing here is not to get mad at her and call her a slut, but to realize she wanted a man, and it wasn't delivered. The point is to accept that this is how nature is arranged and to play along with it instead of getting frustrated.

Im going to have to agree with you on that, i know ive made this mistake in the past, because when your acting the tuff guy its bringing out a negative trait that makes you come off as fake
You are both right and both wrong. The girl is only responding to his behaviour but she is playing him now. She wanted a man, he didn't deliver so she went out and found one while stringing him along. Getting mad at her or tryin to get even will never get him anywhere.

The strategy in this scenario is to take back his pride. He does this by dumping her for no other reason than the magic/chemistry is no longer there for him. She'll automatically go into retatiate mode, try call him down but in the end as long as he remains mature, doesn't get sucked into her games, he walks away with his pride intact. She got dumped because she was a pvssy who couldn't walk away from something she had no interest in.

Women only look out for their feelings. They don't dump their AFC b/f's cuz they don't want to feel bad about it. So they string them along until they find some lame excuse to pin it on the guy. Its a fact, has happened over and over again, and that is why we have so many guys on her pining over the girl that was, cuz she played him like a sucker, but the only reason she played him cuz she didn't have the balls to walk away, she had to save face for her conscience.

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
OK. So how do I find out if she really IS playin me?

I mean sometimes I suspect something but I think I just have trouble putting trust in girls period (becuz of how well I can PU girls w/ BFs sometimes, I know there are other guys out there that could just as well do that to my girl). But I really don't know for SURE that I'm gettin played.

Dumping her would be hard for me. I'll prolly just hold on to her just for the sex becuz she's like she's f*cking trained to have sex. It'll be a minute b4 I find someone w/ this kind of skill on the real lol. And the fact that we're so confortable w/ each other sexually, it's hard to give that up.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Bigg Boss said:
OK. So how do I find out if she really IS playin me?
If you have to ask, she is playing you.

Bigg Boss said:
I mean sometimes I suspect something but I think I just have trouble putting trust in girls period (becuz of how well I can PU girls w/ BFs sometimes, I know there are other guys out there that could just as well do that to my girl). But I really don't know for SURE that I'm gettin played.
If you have to question it, its not worth it. Be a man, take back your pride, at the end of the day you'll be able to hold your head up high. As a man thats what is important, other women will find it attractive. Do you think women are attracted to the nice guy who got played by the cheatin g/f?

Bigg Boss said:
Dumping her would be hard for me. I'll prolly just hold on to her just for the sex becuz she's like she's f*cking trained to have sex. It'll be a minute b4 I find someone w/ this kind of skill on the real lol. And the fact that we're so confortable w/ each other sexually, it's hard to give that up.
This is the biggest AFC mistake made by guys w/ g/f's. Newflash, there are billions of women on this planet, she isn't the only one who is a good lay. By sticking with her for only the sex, it basically says, I'm an unattractive loser who can't get it elsewhere so I'm sticking to the one desperate women who will give me a pity fvck.

By being the one to ditch her, it will increase your social proof, man that guy must be some catch if he dumped that HB, maybe I should find out why. I know its hard to give up something that is easy and good but do you want to live a life that is easy and unfufilling, if so give up your job, go on welfare and take whatever pity fvcks you can, cuz that is all you'll amount to if you start taking the easy road now.