Cops Gone Wild!


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Rudra said:
.... Push a button, and the guy is out could, in stand by mode, and there will NOT be any traces.
This is completely untrue, in point of fact one of the selling points of the Taser is that once deployed it records a tamper-proof transcript of the use pattern that was employed. This record is marketed as being of great value for police use in defending against excessive force suits.

joekerr31 said:
from the time the guy asks for her license to the point where he tasers her is 35 seconds.
If she'd just complied nothing would have happened. If you're speeding the cop has a right to see your credentials. If you don't like it don't speed, or better yet, take a damn bus.
Mar 18, 2006
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We got fascist demons ruling our society!!!!
Mar 18, 2006
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Vladimir Horowitz said:
A police officer doing his job doesn't count as a "fascist demon", LMS. Although he was being a complete douchebag about it, he didn't do anything illegal.

Honestly, man. Get with the program already.
He's got anger issues - he wants respect? Why? He is the disrespectful one!!! That kid was 16 - he was not a threat!!! This bastard has a gun and i dangerous mind - he should be fired immediately!!!
Mar 18, 2006
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14??? Wow!! And he had a dangerous skateboard too!!! Listen - he is not material to deal with humans - he should be in the military on orders to shoot to kill - he probably was in the military - i can tell by his demeanor!! Police are here to serve and protect US - citizens - NOT civilians - what don't you understand???

I'm older than you and I have a badge - bow down to me bytch!!!!!

This has nothing to do with "law" or "order" - we are obviously in a police state - by your logic and admission!
Mar 18, 2006
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Vladimir Horowitz said:
Police departments are paramilitary organizations, especially in big cities. No surprises here..
Again, we are in a police state!! Read our constitution - this is against the law!!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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bigjohnson said:
This is completely untrue, in point of fact one of the selling points of the Taser is that once deployed it records a tamper-proof transcript of the use pattern that was employed. This record is marketed as being of great value for police use in defending against excessive force suits.
That´s pretty naive. The technical possibilities now are out there to switch people off and inflicting great pain on them by pulling a trigger without any traces. If there´s no casualty, that is. This gives frightening power to anybody using those things. And you have to have the naivity of a 14 y.o. to believe that this power will not be misused. Well how hard is it to manipulate a taser...? How good is the training of police officers in your country? How professional are they? And the most important question - what will be in 10 or 15 years..? once that box is open now.

America is becoming more and more of a fascist police state, LMS is right .. not saying that Russia is any better, but at least nobody is jumping around shouting "Hail thee Orwell".

Vladimir Horowitz said:
Do we have a secret police a la KGB, Gestapo, etc.? Nope. Does our police force suppress any social, economic, or political acts that conflict with governmental policy?
No we haven´t, the CIA is operating strictly inside the law... As does our police force... ROTFLMFAO. Not true.

Vladimir I guess you´re in the 18-20 year range. There´s some cold and ugly facts about this world and your country out there that you´ll learn in the next decade.

Mr. Wolf was banned??? What for? I want him back! He was not a troll.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Vladimir Horowitz said:
So your contention is that police officers are using the tasers, finding a way to "hack" the chip inside, delete the information, and nobody wonders why there is no record of a tasing incident when the device is examined? :crazy: ?
You didn´t get my point. The important questions is - where are we heading to? What will be in 10 years time? Basic changes in society come in little steps, and every little step by itself might even be seen as reasonable or useful from a conservative perspective. Important is the big picture, the long time perspective.
And the big picture when talking about tasers is - we now DO have cheap and accessible remote controls for people, an distance "off switch" for some time. And first rate instruments of torment. Now let´s see what that will turn into..

Vladimir Horowitz said:
Well, you are in no position to make a judgment call about the CIA unless you are are a current or ex-operative so we don't need to worry about that.
Well that´s cutting those guys a lot more slack than they deserve, don´t you think..?

I put you in the 18-20 y.o. range not to dis you. It just is a fact that most kids that age still have pretty b/w views of what is going on in the world and often are rigidly pro system, pro military and pro police. They simply are still not old enough to worry about civil rights and think about the - often neurotic and vile - dynamics that governmental systems develop on their own. In every country, everywhere.

Talking about russia... The status quo is not good, but better than 3-5 years ago and way better than say 10-15. In the US it is vice versa. Russia is going up, the US are heading down. That btw has a tremendous psychological influence on people. Russian folks still see lots of shyt, but they see that things are moving, that there are real chances that things will get better.
Mar 18, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Rudra said:
That´s pretty naive. The technical possibilities now are out there to switch people off and inflicting great pain on them by pulling a trigger without any traces.

I just explained that there is an indelible audit of the taser use at the very least, and as a matter of course police videotape everything they can to defend against lawsuits. I don't know how I can put it any simpler.

Rudra said:
No we haven´t, the CIA is operating strictly inside the law...
The CIA operates outside the US, the FBI is tasked with domestic federal crimes and counterintelligence.

Rudra said:
Mr. Wolf was banned??? What for? I want him back! He was not a troll.
He was a complete idiot, I'm not sure about troll. I didn't know he was banned but I sure won't miss his half-witted ass.

Last Man Standing said:
Here is another video... where police did nothing wrong :rolleyes: Cop dumps paralyzed man out of his wheel chair - after traffic violation!!
I'll just file that under "dumb Southerner tricks".

Seriously though, I had a plumber once that was incompetent too. Shall we declare all plumbers worthless? It sounds like their practice of videotapoing EVERYTHING (see above) is working to protect innocent parties on both sides. What a concept, the system is working. Wow.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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bigjohnson said:
I just explained that there is an indelible audit of the taser use at the very least, and as a matter of course police videotape everything they can to defend against lawsuits. I don't know how I can put it any simpler.
I will highlight the important words in what I wrote. Maybe that will help you understand my point.

The technical possibilities now are out there to switch people off and inflicting great pain on them by pulling a trigger without any traces.

Or rephrased, for your courtesy: technical evolution in 2008 has reached a point where you can paralyze people over a short to medium distance with high voltage shocks, and there will not be any traces later.
I am NOT talking about the Taser company, I am NOT talking about american laws at the moment. I am looking at the bigger picture and looking at what will develop out of this.
Become clearer?

About the CIA was deeply ironic. Sorry I didn´t put in irony markers.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Rudra said:
The technical possibilities now are out there to switch people off and inflicting great pain on them by pulling a trigger without any traces.
Cops to my knowledge use exclusively the Taser brand in large part because it has an audit trail. Hopefully you can use the helpful highlights to see where I think you're wrong.

Rudra said:
Or rephrased, for your courtesy: technical evolution in 2008 has reached a point where you can paralyze people over a short to medium distance with high voltage shocks, and there will not be any traces later.
This thread is about police and police use Tasers. Tasers have an audit trail, which is perfectly the opposite of no traces. If you want to start a thread about how mean people can hurt each other using gadgets that would be cool though.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Vladimir Horowitz said:
Not really. Unless you have definitive proof to back up that the CIA is breaking the laws, then you are just another leftist making wild accusations. Neither you nor I truly knows what goes on inside the organization for the simple fact that we're not a part of it. Look, it's the old conspiracy theorist pattern. "We haven't been to the moon since 1972, so they must have filmed the landings in the Nevada desert!" "Oh, the U.S. government won't disclose certain facts about 9/11 so they must have organized it themselves so we could invade Iraq for oil!" The burden of proof is on YOU, Rudra.
Now that´s some sound reasoning of yours. The CIA is a secret service, so the things they do by definition are secret. We cannot witness them. We cannot witness them so we cannot say they are doing wrong things. So by definiton the CIA cannot do wrong. Gooood.... call up the Nobel guys in Stockholm, somebody?

BTW so who was it that just about 10 days ago officially had to admit that his CIA massively deleted material to destroy proof about their torture methods (waterboarding etc.) ?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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^^ LOL, as much as I rant about police-state tactics myself, I've seen three videos of 13 year old skateboarders getting beat down by huge cops, and it was kids richly deserved it all three times. What a bunch of tards.

Like this one:

And kids, the reason you can't skateboard is because of your PARENTS. Because after you fall down and bruise your elbow skateboarding on the sidewalk, guess who's going to be suing the police dept. for NOT brutally arresting you first?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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I love my metro police force. I talk to them all the time hell I'd go as far as to say I have a few friends on the force. They're not such bad people at all and they have a tough job. Alot of people give them a bad rep because one or two break under the strain of life or death struggles of a soldier fighting the endelss war on crime. How do you think all of us would fare if we had people put guns in our faces occasionally, or better still if this DJ community was FORCED to deal with nagging and very often fat women who are saying literally the stupidist sh*t that could come out of the mouth of what barely passes for a human being?

...I call that hypocracy at it's finest.