Cops Gone Wild!


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Jariel said:
These types of videos always make the cops look bad, but we rarely know what the "victims" did to provoke them. Personally, I think most of them deserve it. They go round intimidating people, causing trouble and giving the cop attitude and frankly they need to be put in their place!
Fortunately, we know what that guy did to provoke the cop. He ****ed the attitude 3-4 times while the officer was polite, up until it was finally obvious to the officer that he was going to be a punk to the end and show no respect towards the cop. 2 AM in a commuter lot by himself? Of course a cop is going to check that out!

D!ck Ramsey

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
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Last Man Standing said:
No kid!! What he is saying is that there is a few good apples in a barrel of bad apples!! Interpret it right Deus!:rolleyes:

Deus, you are a bad apple, meaning fascist!! You pollute the good! You don't belong on the earth!!!!
LMS, just do like me and put Douche Piano on ignore. It will make your experience here much more enjoyable


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
"Consequences" is a foreign term for you because you are very much intertwined with the sense of entitlement and "What's in it for me?" attitude that you and the secular-progressive movement condones.
And we're much better off with the policies of the religious-regressive nutjob right, because they are selfless altruists who want the best for our country. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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thats why you do what the cop tells you? they are only human

sometimes you just have to be a *****, and choose where you'll fight your battles....alone in some dark parking lot with a cop....or in a court, in front of averybody


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Now, now. Let's not put words into my mouth. We're talking about logic and reason versus emotions and theory. No need to get partisan.
I'm far from some pussy liberal, but you started the discussion on partisan politics when you brought up the "secular-progressive" issue. Don't play pretend like I don't know where you're coming from, Deux.

D!ck Ramsey

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
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This message is hidden because Deus ex Pianoforte is on your ignore list.
See PRL?

Isnt this much better than the usual brand of fascist propaganda, right-wing blind patriotism, Fox News rimjobs, and other douchebag commentaries?

I think so :)
Sep 20, 2007
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Last Man Standing said:
No kid!! What he is saying is that there is a few good apples in a barrel of bad apples!! Interpret it right Deus!:rolleyes:

Deus, you are a bad apple, meaning fascist!! You pollute the good! You don't belong on the earth!!!!

So according to you Deus is a fascist who pollutes the good and doesn't belong on question to you is how are you able to set foot outside ever? Because if you think Deus is that bad what are other people like? Deus is none of those things you labeled him as, yet you went ahead and gave him inappropriate titles - a common characteristic of a true fascist state. Hmm, perhaps you should stop visiting the ultra left-wing websites you have saved under your "favorites" and start reading some scholarly sources before you go around spreading your garbage on the internet. It's people like you who give internet posters a bad name.
Sep 20, 2007
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iqqi said:
LMS is an extremist, with the occasional simple and wise insight. You either love him or hate him, lol.

He is like the SS mascot. ;)
Last time I checked mascots don't use hate speech. :trouble:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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No doubt. Another thing the media rarely discloses is the danger of tasers. People can DIE from tasers.

61 people died from tasers in the US during 2005.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Polish guy died a month ago after being tasered at least three times by canadian police. They tasered him without even trying to arrest him. They would have covered it up if some guy hadn´t videotaped it.
Here´s the video, for anybody that has not seen it. Fascist police pigs.

What makes those taser things really deeply worrying is that they are being marketed as some kind of remote control for people. Push a button, and the guy is out could, in stand by mode, and there will NOT be any traces. What a first rate instrument of torture that makes. And what frightening power it gives to the cops or anybody using it. Tasers IMHO are straight out of 1984.. hello, Orwell.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
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I don't see anything wrong with officer using taser on that woman.

Did you see body language of suspect once she got out of her car? Leaning forward, arguing, being difficult.. What could have happened? She could have pushed the officer into the traffic, or worse..

How did this happen?

Officer used forceful tone of voice, which triggered defensive responses in that person.. Cops do that routinely..

For example, last week, after a fight, cops let everyone go, including myself.. However, they weren't happy with that, so one of them decided to poke me with some questions.. I already hated the guy for reading me a moral.. So my response was to answer and raise my head so that my bright light is into his eyes.. He goes somewhere and comes back with even more questions.. Provoking me to loose it.. Bad guy, if we make him loose it, he can have him.. All I did was answer and keep my head down, and was on my way... That's submitting, and that's what they looking for.. Some people have problems with submitting, and would rather do stupid things...

At times like this your macho sh!t kicks in, you got the law (which by the way you don't know nothing about) as your guide towards whatever.. You think you're right.. Officer is yelling at you, he stopped you, even the mare fact that he is talking to you feels bad..

The only thing that can be done then is lean back, and speak like you're innocent.. Calm.. When you are calm, he is calm too..


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Mr. Wolf hit it.

There are basicly two types of people. Those who do/will have trouble with cops and those who don't/won't have trouble with cops.

People who have trouble with cops are the types of people who have little self control and don't understand that once the po comes they have ZERO cotrol of the situation and all they can do is shut up, be respectful, and fully comply without attitude.

The fact is alot of cops are a$$holes. But you would be to. Some of them even power trip. But, for all but the most socialpathic cop, if you just be friendly, complient, and respectful then they will most likely treat you favorable. This has always been my experience. Even when they could have busted me I got of with warning.

I love police brutality. Nothing makes me laugh like seeing the cops chase a fleeing suspect and then get a couple good hits on him.

I don't want criminals ruining my day.
And if you're not a criminal, don't look like a criminal, and you treat the cop the way you want to be treated then you have nothing to worry about.

FWIW, Over three-thousand cops in my county have been tasered multiple times with no ill affects. Cops in every city get tasered as part of the training.

As for the polish man, would have it been better if they went in with batons and mace? Then you're talking broken bones and SEVERE pain. Plus a risk to the officer.

And what evidence suggests any of these deaths are a direct consiquence of tasering? Electricity kill by stopping the heart. It takes around 200mA to do this.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2007
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Teflon_Mcgee said:
As for the polish man, would have it been better if they went in with batons and mace? Then you're talking broken bones and SEVERE pain. Plus a risk to the officer.
He died immediately after being tasered 3 times. In case you missed that.
Risk for the officer? That´s his frigging job!

Teflon_Mcgee said:
And what evidence suggests any of these deaths are a direct consiquence of tasering? Electricity kill by stopping the heart. It takes around 200mA to do this.
3000 police officers? People under no special stress and in good physical condition. Take that polish guy for instance - he was a) severely dehydrated, b) disoriented, c) full of adrenaline with his cardiovascular system and blood pressure surely under extreme stress.
Now I guess that is quite a different risk for the person getting tasered.

Sure, in theory a taser is a great thing. Way way better then getting blown away by a bullet. But practically, this gives frightening power to cops to just switch you off for some time whenever they want to. And no traces afterwards.. thats if you´re not dead. And that IS in fact orwellian.

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
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Yo, Rudra.. You know how AMON is in Russia. They don't have tasers, just AKM, botan, and a dozen friends. They don't talk. They don't watch for threatening body language. They just take you down, put you in the trunk, and drop you off in your local jail.. Then someone will check on you to see if you need medical attention..

I've seen that polish man. He was as fat as a walrus. Taser was deadly to him. It sux and should have never happened.. Nor should have he been displaying violence for no good reason.

I would much rather be tased, than be taken down by AMON, with botans raining onto my skull and ribs, and AKM pointing into my back by a 17 year old trigger happy roockie..

More than a decade ago, there was an incident in Sochi. Guy was pulled over, they told him to put his heands behind his back, as they were going to cuff him, he pushed his hands a little backwards to make it easier.. Guy put one shot into his brain from AKM.. It was over, nobody gave a sh!t... In the United States, people give a sh!t..

Russia, as much as you love it, is morally inferior to the rest of the world.. You don't matter in there as a person.

P.S. I keep hearing people talking about Russia as Savok. What does it mean?