Tesl said:
No worries, my Google-challenged friend. I'll list a few sites for you to get started:
Cool thoughts about why looks don't even matter to peacocks:
"The paradox arises because, if all of the females choose to mate with the same few males – those with the ‘best’ genes, then there will be much less genetic variety in the population in the next generation, and over a number of generations we might expect this to lead to no variety, making it impossible to sustain any choice."
Fun excerpt:
"In a series of four studies, Sadalla, Kenrick & Vershure (1987) found that dominant behavior in males increased female's sexual attraction to them. Dominant behavior in females was not related to sexual attraction in males."
http://www.evoyage.com/Evolutionary Feminism/menwomensex.htm
University of Georgia faculty member on why good looks can actually HURT guys:
"For example, she says, ''the good genes' model leads to oversimplified notions that there is a 'best male' out there, a top-of-the-line hunk whom all females would prefer to mate with if they had the wherewithal. But in the viability model, a female brings her own genetic complement to the equation, with the result that what looks good genetically to one woman might be a clash of colors for another.''
Now. In answer to your questions:
1) No, they do not. Check a thread that I created recently about banging a broad that has a husband. But I do feel the need to correct BS that is constantly spewed by a select few misinformed individuals about this topic. They know who they are.
2) So? Stephen Hawking constantly talks about black hole theory without citing his research. Just because I don't cite every single scientific discovery I mention doesn't make it any less true.
3) No, I cannot update threads after a specific amount of time. The forum doesn't allow one to do this. Not that I would want to, anyway. The research is out there for all who care to know the truth instead of pulling the wool over one's eyes all while feverishly trying to drag others underneath aforementioned wool as well. Again, no names need be mentioned...these characters know who they are.