Bloody hell... am I the only guy on Earth that can't pull tail with a topless sportscar?! :cuss: I had a freaking Dodge Viper roadster for 5+ years (bought it when I got into college)... sold it last fall, and got a new Lotus Elise two months ago and between the two, I've got almost
no interest from the ladies. I could count the number of times a hot, young item convo'd me about my cars on
one hand... no kidding. I mean, I've dropped major coin on cars because... well... I love cars and driving... so pu$$y not really the goal here, but jeez, I keep hearing you guys swearing by the things to get the attention of the ladies, but WTF? Seriously, Do I have to wait until I can afford the damn Pagani Zonda F Roadster? Sorry... didn't mean to rant. Just figured if a Mustang convertible would work, my choice in hardware would certinly work as well.