Well listen up B!
Originally posted by AFK Protector
Do you know any gay bars? Ask that guy you like.
Hahaha that cracked me up.
On a note on that: Spoiled, not every guy wants to have a girlfriend. I know all your AFC loser friends can't live without having a girlfriend, But we can. Get over it. Insulting him on that fact is one of the most pointless things there is to say.
god forbid I forgot it was a chat board for people with questions!
Uhm excuse me but where does it say "Forum for whiny Angst filled immature girls"? Apparently you can't read i guess. Or at least chose not to. Here's the intro
If you're in High School (or younger) and have a question about meeting, dating, or attracting
women, then this is the place for you. However, feel free to offer useful advice in any forum.
Wait did that say attracting men? No it doesn't? Wow, hmm i don't see anything that invites you to be here. And the Don Juan Discussion Forum sure isn't inviting you in. Frankly it doesn't seem theres a place for you here at all.
Sorry if i turn you against guys forever. But frankly if your annoying in person as you are on this forum, you'll be doing the world a HUGE favor.
Plus I started this thread, so why don't you go away. No one invited you in here so find your way out.
Oh you started it did you? Wow that must mean you own it than?
WRONG. You start a thread with the knowledge that anyone and everyone may post what they feel about your situation, something you said, or just there general dislike of you. At first i just thought you were stupid for coming here and asking a bunch of reformed AFC's what to do with your AFC Loser friend. Than i thought you were immature for replying TWICE asking people to stop making fun of you. Know I know your insane for sticking around.
As for the statement that you shouldn't give advice. I've seen your advice, it makes babies kill themselves, and AFC's everywhere jump for joy. Its terrible, i mean god aweful. Its like going up to a bunch of wolves that are hunting, and saying "Hey you know you don't have to hunt you could go into the zoo and be miserable but they feed you." See how you long in there.
If you still feel bad about no one respecting, get over it. We don't know you, you don't know us. If your in anyway insulted by what we say, its your own fault, not ours. I could called you a skank, *****, prostitute all day, and unless you had some problem physchologically that you believed you were one of these things, even sub-consciouscly. Than you would have no problem me call you them, because you would know its not true. Think about that next time you get mad.
Oh ya Spoiled: Your the kind of Sadistic B*TCH that I hate. Thought i'd return the favor.