Updated Continued...
So, where was I... Yeah, I had a really good time over there. I was getting a lot of attention from the female group.
I danced. I ate. I drank. I PARTIED. I talked with a handful of women, and flirted a little.
Look, I wasn't that Good at the party, but it is an improvement. I was still struck timid streaks, but I'm pushing through. I'm getting better and better as the days move on.
These girls aren't HB 9's. But, all girls are the same...aren't they? It's just all in our head. I'm developing my confidence and my suave skills.
I pulled a bunch of cell numbers, and the hottest girl of the party (hb 8 body; hb 7 face). In fact, she gave me her number.
I met her the next day, and we chilled. We had a lot of flirtatious fun; we tickled each other, wrestled, etc. But, I was too shy to initiate anything.
Lol, she did. She told me that she was into me.
I spoke with her online and over the phone - it was going very well. I talked to every girl whose numbers I got, and it was going well. I had dates with all of them. :cheer:
Buuuuuttttt, I made my newbie mistake. But, hey, man, better now then before college.
I'm so thrilled I get to fail - it's like being reborn. I feel MUCH stronger. I feel anew.
All these girls are friends. :crackup:
AND, the awesome part is that I'm still maintaining a hold on them; besides one girl who fu*ked it up, a little. The hottest one someone found out... one of the girls was bragging or something. So she put up a scandal, and I'm remaining calm and handling it as if I'm doing nothing wrong - I mean, I'm not.
We're not gf/bf so why does it matter? I asked her out, but she goes I also like this other kid from the party.
Well, I like all of these girls from the party.
I'm already suspicious of this whole circumstance. I'm getting this feeling that our phone conversation was recorded (to support this claim, I heard a button being pressed on the cell phone prior to hearing the phone hang up).
And, she was getting information about my date with her friend; I think she gathered them against me. There is one who is slightly out of the loop - her presence is known, but it seems to be under the radar.
The Hot one gave up on me, but I'm going to try to turn it around. It's an experiment.
Do you know what feels really good? I really have to tell you this guys.
I was into this Hot Girl before... back in the day when I was worse off then I am now, we met up and I told her that I liked her... she broke my heart in the cruelest way possible. She lead me on, and then ditched me.
Now, I know revenge and sh*t isn't "good" or whatever... but, I feel great.
She was totally all over me at the party, and she even commented on how I got bigger (muscular).
I swear, wtf is wrong with humanity though. The truth is so subjective... we all screw each other over.... and she acts like an innocent angel. haha.
I learned so much from this, then I could learn from this website in 60 years.
I discovered Human Nature. We are all hypocritical. But, it's best that we stay on top of our situation; control this human flaw so it shall not be used against us.
So, at this point, I do not trust any of the girls (of whom numbers I got).
But, hey, I got them ALL to like me. I am improving.
OOOHHH and the train story,....
I was going home on the train and this REALLY, REALLY, REALLY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN enters and SITS DOWN across from me. She was really really really reallllyyyy goood. I swear she just came off of that Fersace magazine advertisement that was sprawled across the floor - well, at least, it is possible

She WAS GOOOOD. She was tall, slim and fit, long brown hair in an interesting style... kind of messy but controlled - it was really hot - and she had these big sun glasses.
She was a HB 9.999999. k? Based on physical appearance, alone. Seriously. She was good. She was goooood. LIke, 'good' enough to scare the **** out of me if I tried to approach her.
Well, anyway... she sits down and she looks a little familiar.. so I was giving her a warm facial look - I was kind of smiling, and leaning in sort of... to see who she was.
SHE RECIPROCATED. She LOOKED right at me and gave me this cute little smile. She must be around 22.
Then my phone rang. It was a hot ring tone - it was like dance music. So, I did a little dance as I picked it up. She was amused.
And I started talking...and I looked at her from time to time (the call was from one of the girls at the party - she was upset that I couldn't make it to her thing...) so I was talking... and, man, I FELT LIKE A DJ.
This HB sitting across from me was checking me out... I was on the phone with a girl all over me. Life is gooood.
I talking on the phone and smiling at the girl across from me. She smiled back again.
While I'm talking I'm thinking of how I'm going to hang up, and gather my confidence and sit right next to this stunning beauty.
Train stops (141339 minutes later - I'm a p*ssy) and she gets out. She passes by my seat and I turn around to follow her exit and we make eye contact again - she smiles at me.
Then, i was thinking of how i should get up run out of the train and ask her something... maybe like a joke: "hey, can i ask you something? Do I have three eyes?

just wondering why you were checking me out."
IDK, what should I have said anyway? I suck at cold approaches.
So, ultimately, I go home alone...happily though, I mean I got an open signal from her.
Yo, that is an accomplishment. You should have seen her....her legs...her body... her face....her smile.....omg.
I would have gotten oneitis in a matter of seconds.
And, there is another significant update.... there's a girl I actually like. We've been friends for Senior year. She's not the hottest girl I know, but she is beautiful, and all of that (funny, and overall I just love being around her).
We hung out mono e mono and shared a lot of good moments. I should have gathered my confidence and TALKED about my feelings. I should have done something about it. She would have liked it anyway... We had a great time.... i should have tried to kiss her.. or something.
It was the best day I've spent with a girl. I had a lot of fun.
I ended up telling her this over AIM :-/. She said if i told her when we were going out.. that should would have cried (in a good way). but she has a bf
Idk what will happen. We're going to relatively nearby colleges, and she is into me... i guess.
We're going to spend time together this Friday; I'm going to get to the bottom of this by then. I have it all figured out.
In conclusion: I feel more in control. And I learned something from all of this... a lot. And, I will tell you what I learned later. it's late now.