Actually, if TM is avoiding deep underlying issues, and not being fully present and focused, how will he improve and deal with these issues by being even more distracted with other women?
Meaning, if he's in avoidance mode, in that , he lacks the emotional tools and strength to fully face his issues head on, how will he do so by just being in some (usually) mindless, empty fling with some woman he cannot pay attention to and doesn't really care about?
If you are so 'into your head" preocuppied with issues and doubts, how can you be present in the relationship?
In addition, if you are in the head space where you NEED other people to 'fix' YOUR Problem, how is this making you more independent, strong, and masculine?
The way I see it , it doesn't matter if he's with one or one hundred different women, if he's not addressing his issues, it's all for naught.
Simply cut and run, and cut and run, and cut and run...
This is how he actually builds momentum for the Infinity Gauntlet.
So my opinion is not that TM NEEDS more abundance, it is the opposite IMO.
He needs to look deep inside and face his fears and inner demons.
What is he not facing?
What is he not addressing?
I think spin more plates is great for guys whom have dealt with specific issues. And use plate spinning in a mature manner and from a place of strength, not dependence, avoidance, etc...
So IMO if he WERE to address his issues with each and every woman, then I can see something useful coming out of it, if not, then I dont see it helping much for just the sake of spinning more plates...