Now that I slept on it and I'm ruminating on it a bit, I think you're absolutely correct. I am letting myself fall into the friendzone in these social circle type situations. I didn't even realize that I was.
What has happened to me literally multiple times is this: I'll be in a social circle with a woman that I find quite attractive. I'll end up hanging out with her in a group setting. I want to make a move on her later on. So I'll
text her. I usually text for logistics so that I can't fvck myself over with the text messages. But this time, I'll send a message with some intent.
Some Examples of Messages that I've Sent to Try to Get the Date:
"Had fun hanging out with you at the house the other day. You're cute, we should go out and drink some Modelo again."
(After hanging out at a karaoke bar in a group) "You have a really nice singing voice. I want to hear it again. We should jam and hang out, when are you free?"
(Reacting to her Snapchat story. She works at a bar, so she's always posting up. I had played pool with this girl at the bar before) "Damn, you look cute in that pic." *A little conversation back and forth* "We should play pool again sometime, when are you free?"
"Damn, you look sexy af with the new hair."
Every. Single. Time. WITHOUT FAIL, I get left on read.