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Committed Relationships - The Biggest Trap for Inexperienced AFC's

Mar 2, 2009
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Being the AFC's that they are, most of these guys are too lazy to improve their game to a point where they dont NEEEEED to be in some dead-end relationship with some hor who isn't making him 100% happy.

These are the guys who are raised mostly by single mothers who are BRAINWASHED at every turn of their young life to do what they naturally do NOT want to do, but feel that they HAVE to do.

How do you think terrorists are trained? They are told from BIRTH that they are terrorists, and as they grow up, their mind is brainwashed with this mindset until they finally blow themselves up and take innocent lives with them.

The same concept applies to AFC'ism - brainwashing that leads to an incorrect way of dealing with women - which would be jumping into LONG TERM RELATIONSHIPS for absolutely no logical reason. A true don juan knows better.

Let me re-iterate, I am NOT against committed relationships when they are done right - and that is both the man and woman are making each other 100% happy and are a perfect compliment to each others lives - but the majority of relationships are not like this

I AM against "committed relationships" where the guy commits himself out of fear of losing the girl, or out of society's pressure, or out of "just going by the motions.......we hooked up a few times, so naturally now we are in a LTR" - that is SUCH chump mindset, that it is not a surprise that 100% (yes read 100%) of the time, the guy ends up feeling MISERABLE, whether its because the girl dumps him and hurts his feelings, or if the girl cheats on him and he has to dump her herself, or god forbid if he marries the girl and leads a miserable trapped life being tied down to having a boring unsatisfying life until death or until the hor divorces him and takes 1/2 his money.

I am against guys who have an AFC mindset and get into relationships - if anything, only a guy who is a player is wise enough to make the choice to commit himself to one girl, simply because of his experience.

This has been said by me, by KontrollerX (everyone's favorite poster), and other experienced DJ's

I am clueless as to why chumps cannot just listen to this wise advice and avoid learning their lessons the hard way.

If someone told you that you to not jump out of a window on the 5th floor, because you only have a 50% chance of dying, 40% chance of seriously injuring yourself, and 10% of walking away almost unharmed, would you jump out of the window to learn the hard way, or would you listen to the advice given to you?

same goes with having a serious guuuuuuuurlfriend who is just another random chick - except the damage will not be physical, but it will be emotional

let me leave you all with this statement - a committed relationship is POISON, its KRYPTONITE to a guy with an AFC mindset, but a blessing for a wise player who knows what he's doing.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
TLP - I love your tirades. I actually agree with you, now that I have a better sense of what you're talking about. Relationships are complicated, as we all know, and things aren't going to be 100% all of the time, it's just not possible. I do get the feeling that some guys post just their problems... because that's why they're here... for help solving their problems. Of course, they aren't going to spend any time posting about how great their relationship is.

I agree with you about entering into a relationship with an AFC mindset... it's not healthy for either person involved. You have to love and care for yourself before you can expect anyone else to love and care for you. :)

I noticed you only mentioned possible scenarios in which the AFC is hurt by the woman, but in many instances, it's the guy's own lack of awareness and interest in his partner that can lead to "her" hurting him. Of course, that doesn't make it right for her to cheat, but it's a learning experience for both. It takes two to make it work, and the opposite is true as well. :)

If people are going to ask advice they should consider the advice given seriously. Don't waste anyone's time by saying you need help, then not doing a damn thing about it!

Articulate and interesting post!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
pLaYtHiNg said:
TLP - I love your tirades. I actually agree with you, now that I have a better sense of what you're talking about. Relationships are complicated, as we all know, and things aren't going to be 100% all of the time, it's just not possible. I do get the feeling that some guys post just their problems... because that's why they're here... for help solving their problems. Of course, they aren't going to spend any time posting about how great their relationship is.

I agree with you about entering into a relationship with an AFC mindset... it's not healthy for either person involved. You have to love and care for yourself before you can expect anyone else to love and care for you. :)

I noticed you only mentioned possible scenarios in which the AFC is hurt by the woman, but in many instances, it's the guy's own lack of awareness and interest in his partner that can lead to "her" hurting him. :)

Articulate and interesting post!
I completely agree with your idea that sometimes a forum like this highlights the worst moments of any given guy's life.

Some guys are very confident in their everyday life. They know who they are as a person, they know what they want out of life, and they have a lot to bring to a relationship. The AFC thorn in their side is that they simply don't transition the value in the rest of their life towards females well. At least ones they fall in love with. Sometimes it just takes practice to learn to be balanced.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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The Logical Player said:
These are the guys who are raised mostly by single mothers who are BRAINWASHED at every turn of their young life to do what they naturally do NOT want to do, but feel that they HAVE to do.

Let me re-iterate, I am NOT against committed relationships when they are done right - and that is both the man and woman are making each other 100% happy and are a perfect compliment to each others lives - but the majority of relationships are not like this
Good post :up:

The sad thing is that many fathers these days are so totally whipped that they are preaching the same things as the mothers.

What I've noticed is many men coming to these forums with relationship trouble. They've got this idea in their head that they need to compromise in relationships. No! Happiness should never be compromised. If a relationship is bringing you down at all, it should be ended.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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TheWayOfAllFlesh said:
Is it considered AFC that I want a committed relationship so badly
It's AFC to want it if it will mean you will let you game and standards slide, and it's AFC to compromise.

It's AFC to stay in a committed relationship when a relationship is falling apart, and it's AFC to make a brand new relationship exclusive just because you badly want an exclusive relationship.
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
The Book of Pook said:
You should be free as a bird, flapping around, singing, full of joy with life. Women want to ****** the bird and throw it in a cage (cage = committment). When birds try to fly into the cage, wouldn't you think something is wrong with that bird? After all, who wants a bird that WANTS to be in the cage? No, women want the birds that are FREE, WILD, and BEAUTIFUL. They want A GOOD CATCH. Good Catches do not fly into cages. Only wounded or needy birds do.
Logical Player, that was a good post. I like the way you explain it, using good examples, i now know what your talking about. Chumps shouldn't be in a relationship period, and some of my female friends have said over and over that even thou his her boyfriend, he doesn't turn her on, hes just an accessory, and they only have him around because she dosn't want to be single.

Im not saying commitment is bad, but most guys don't know what they are getting into, or my favorite excuse, they need a reason to have sex without being seen as a Class A slut.

Don't get in a long term unless you really know the girl, and you think she has a good chance of being one of the few intelligent, loyal, supportive, team player kind of girls that is emotionally stable.

Most guys need to get out of their comfort zones.

With the right girl, commitment is breathtaking and beautiful. ( I sound like a hair product advertisement, yuck!)

Even if this site is a bit extremist, they have alot to say on the subject you should check it out:

Come join me and share your thoughts at my Approach Journal and Fun Times Thread
Last edited:
Mar 2, 2009
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Charm&Style said:
leykis 101 has taught you well

what's funny is that I have only listened to Tom Leykis for 5 months or so, but I have been living his lifestyle pretty much for the last 6 years without even knowing it - great minds think alike


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
Good post, but I'm curious about something.

How can someone ever get into an LTR if they never really take the plunge to get into a relationship without knowing if the girl is perfect or not? I mean, it seems unrealistic that you'd know for sure that the girl is going to make you 100% happy before getting into a relationship. After all, the saying goes something like this:

"You never really know someone until you live with them."


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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Mr_rogers said:
Good post, but I'm curious about something.

How can someone ever get into an LTR if they never really take the plunge to get into a relationship without knowing if the girl is perfect or not? I mean, it seems unrealistic that you'd know for sure that the girl is going to make you 100% happy before getting into a relationship. After all, the saying goes something like this:

"You never really know someone until you live with them."
You can be in a relationship with a woman, but you don't have to be exclusive. That way, if she isn't compatible with you, you can leave her and you won't have wasted any time out of the game.

The worst AFC mistake in relationships is staying in them when things are falling apart.

Infamous J

Don Juan
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
This has been said by me, by KontrollerX (everyone's favorite poster), and other experienced DJ's

Good to see you stroking Kontroller again.

For a second there I thought you were going to try to stand on your own two feet.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Captain said:
You can be in a relationship with a woman, but you don't have to be exclusive. That way, if she isn't compatible with you, you can leave her and you won't have wasted any time out of the game.

The worst AFC mistake in relationships is staying in them when things are falling apart.


to expand really quickly, i am 100% for relationships where the women commits to you, but knowing how society works against men, you have to pretty much assume that her commitment will fall apart eventually, because every relationship ends in either break up or marriage - DO NOT FORGET THAT. Thus, knowing what you know ahead of time, and being ABOVE the game, it is in your own best interests to NEVER commit to a girl you are dating.

Sure, you can tell her you are committed, and see her 2-3 times a week, have fun with her, let her feel in love (don't worry, after a while her feelings go away, like I said, society works against men) ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES GUYS MAKE IS THAT THEY TAKE IT SERIOUSLY WHEN A WOMAN SAYS SHE LOVES HIM. I have had at least 10 tell me they love me, where are they now??? It's all talk, trust me TRUST ME, when they say I love you, it is a "in the moment" thing, and not actual love that lasts a lifetime.

If she brings up getting married or having kids, then just say you are not ready, and keep saying it until she "magically" loses her love for you and moves on - OOPS must have not been love after all (real love lasts a lifetime, right?)

Go ahead, have 2 or 3 relationships like this at the same time, you will have someone to have sex with all week, then you can join the "masturbation discussion" in the Archive and brag about how you don't masturbate anymore because you have 3 chicks giving you oral, handjobs, and anal all week long, and feel free to meet new women as well, KEEP THAT P*SSY INFLOW COMING - it will just build and build and build on your confidence, this is exactly what happened to me, so I know it works.

and to those of you who think I am against love, let me just leave you with this - play enough women, and you might just find that special one who you CAN share real love with. If I told you I was thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000, do you think you would be able to guess it if I gave you only one guess? or if I gave you 10 guesses? I bet that if I gave you 750 guesses, that your chances of getting the number right and winning the grand prize would be in your favor - SAME GOES WITH WOMEN, you meet enough, date enough, f*ck enough, and that magical little BS cloud that you THINK is love will go away (aka you will not think like an AFC anymore), and you will realize what real love is, and then MAYBE you can pursue marriage, and a serious and happy life together with the woman of your dreams

But NO, the woman of your dreams is NOT some random guuuuuuuuurlfriend who allows you to have sex with her and at the same time is not making you 100% happy, so don't treat her like the woman of your dreams - make her think you love her if that is what it takes to get what you want

play the game, and eventually you will win.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:

to expand really quickly, i am 100% for relationships where the women commits to you, but knowing how society works against men, you have to pretty much assume that her commitment will fall apart eventually, because every relationship ends in either break up or marriage - DO NOT FORGET THAT. Thus, knowing what you know ahead of time, and being ABOVE the game, it is in your own best interests to NEVER commit to a girl you are dating.

Sure, you can tell her you are committed, and see her 2-3 times a week, have fun with her, let her feel in love (don't worry, after a while her feelings go away, like I said, society works against men) ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES GUYS MAKE IS THAT THEY TAKE IT SERIOUSLY WHEN A WOMAN SAYS SHE LOVES HIM. I have had at least 10 tell me they love me, where are they now??? It's all talk, trust me TRUST ME, when they say I love you, it is a "in the moment" thing, and not actual love that lasts a lifetime.

If she brings up getting married or having kids, then just say you are not ready, and keep saying it until she "magically" loses her love for you and moves on - OOPS must have not been love after all (real love lasts a lifetime, right?)

Go ahead, have 2 or 3 relationships like this at the same time, you will have someone to have sex with all week, then you can join the "masturbation discussion" in the Archive and brag about how you don't masturbate anymore because you have 3 chicks giving you oral, handjobs, and anal all week long, and feel free to meet new women as well, KEEP THAT P*SSY INFLOW COMING - it will just build and build and build on your confidence, this is exactly what happened to me, so I know it works.

and to those of you who think I am against love, let me just leave you with this - play enough women, and you might just find that special one who you CAN share real love with. If I told you I was thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000, do you think you would be able to guess it if I gave you only one guess? or if I gave you 10 guesses? I bet that if I gave you 750 guesses, that your chances of getting the number right and winning the grand prize would be in your favor - SAME GOES WITH WOMEN, you meet enough, date enough, f*ck enough, and that magical little BS cloud that you THINK is love will go away (aka you will not think like an AFC anymore), and you will realize what real love is, and then MAYBE you can pursue marriage, and a serious and happy life together with the woman of your dreams

But NO, the woman of your dreams is NOT some random guuuuuuuuurlfriend who allows you to have sex with her and at the same time is not making you 100% happy, so don't treat her like the woman of your dreams - make her think you love her if that is what it takes to get what you want

play the game, and eventually you will win.
It's not that simple. You and others keep tellin me to dump my girfriend cuz i complained in a post about lack of sex. But i really love this girl alot, so it's not that simple for me. Your not always an AFC for stayin with a girl that doesnt make u completely happy. Does anythign in life make u completely happy? Nothing can be perfect can it?
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
It's not that simple. You and others keep tellin me to dump my girfriend cuz i complained in a post about lack of sex. But i really love this girl alot, so it's not that simple for me. Your not always an AFC for stayin with a girl that doesnt make u completely happy. Does anythign in life make u completely happy? Nothing can be perfect can it?

it doesn't matter how much your AFC mindset tells you that you love her. You were always an AFC before you met this girl, believe it or not but i READ your threads before you got into this relationship, so it was clear to me what mindset you have.

What DOES matter is how much she SHOWS YOU THAT SHE LOVES YOU through important actions, #1 on the list being showing you her desire to have your d1ck inside her, giving her pleasure.

This girlfriend of yours, you say she doesn't make you completely happy.........tell me, what % of the day are you wondering about the ISSUES that you are having with your girlfriend? what % of the day do you find yourself in a happy blissful state because you feel how much this girl loves you? The love better be close to 100% and the ISSUES better be close to 0%, otherwise you are a blinded CHUMP who has no idea what a good relationship is.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
It's not that simple. You and others keep tellin me to dump my girfriend cuz i complained in a post about lack of sex. But i really love this girl alot, so it's not that simple for me. Your not always an AFC for stayin with a girl that doesnt make u completely happy. Does anythign in life make u completely happy? Nothing can be perfect can it?
Go out and have sex with other girls.

Life is about two things: survival and reproduction. You aren't happy with the latter. If you don't do something about it, you are an AFC.

What do you do? Either have sex with other women, leave your current girl and have sex with other women, or get your girlfriend turned on again so she'll have sex with you, and if that doesn't work, have sex with other women.

Doing anything else is AFC and will lead down a path that you don't want to take.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Can you please post in black font. I have hard time readnig your ****.

pLaYtHiNg said:
TLP - I love your tirades. I actually agree with you, now that I have a better sense of what you're talking about. Relationships are complicated, as we all know, and things aren't going to be 100% all of the time, it's just not possible. I do get the feeling that some guys post just their problems... because that's why they're here... for help solving their problems. Of course, they aren't going to spend any time posting about how great their relationship is.

I agree with you about entering into a relationship with an AFC mindset... it's not healthy for either person involved. You have to love and care for yourself before you can expect anyone else to love and care for you. :)

I noticed you only mentioned possible scenarios in which the AFC is hurt by the woman, but in many instances, it's the guy's own lack of awareness and interest in his partner that can lead to "her" hurting him. Of course, that doesn't make it right for her to cheat, but it's a learning experience for both. It takes two to make it work, and the opposite is true as well. :)

If people are going to ask advice they should consider the advice given seriously. Don't waste anyone's time by saying you need help, then not doing a damn thing about it!

Articulate and interesting post!


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
play enough women, and you might just find that special one who you CAN share real love with
A guy who plays women dosent find that special one who has real love because he has been playing games for too long.

I agree with alot of the original post, dont commit yourself to someone that isnt worth it. This is hard for guys with AFC mindsets because everyone seems worthy compared to himself.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
scottfall said:
A guy who plays women dosent find that special one who has real love because he has been playing games for too long.

I disagree with you there, and I can speak from personal experience on this too.

A guy who always plays games with women does so because he WANTS to, meaning that it is not an addiction, but a necessity to get what he wants out of modern westernized women. However the player is smart enough to know when there is no need to play games, because he understands women pretty much in and out. Only through experience can you achieve this state.