Committed Relationships - The Biggest Trap for Inexperienced AFC's


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
this is actually a good post.

Is it considered AFC that I want a committed relationship so badly
Not at all. It's AFC to settle and be complacent, and compromise your values. If the chick digs you and you have a good time together, and she is what you want out of a partner then its awesome.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Damascus said:
Logical, you hit the bullseye there. I'm starting to read the DJ Bible, and im a AFC, do you have any advice on a specific article i should read?

I need more details before I can help you. That was too vague for me to give you an accurate assessment.


Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Leaf Village
I put this as a thread but ill copy it here:
Hi, I'm a wienie hut jr hut AFC and i have been used many times by women in the past. I laugh like spongebob, ( hes the funniest) and i always walk with my head down, because im scared of people saying mean things about me. They say im not manly because i cry alot. I thought being a Snuggle bear and cute and adorable was what got girls. That's what my momma always told me, and what momma said was the law. My real name in life is Damascus the Third, and i went to private schools, and in grade, middle, and high school i was always picked on, thrown into trash cans, pissed on at the bathroom, teased, and since i was the smartest kid that ever lived, won a ton of academic awards, and even invented an improved version of a Fleshlight, but when i sent ot to the fleshlight people they never called me back.

the popular kids would take my homework and copy it all the time. Those jerks! In high school i only had only had one girlfriend and people made fun of her because she had a lightling bolt on her cheek as a birthmark, and just like me was a hunchback who was naturally beautiful. :rockon:

So she never shaved her legs when she wore a miniskirt, and was a little overweight, and had the cutest backbraces with flower designs on the metal, and thats naturaly beautiful to me. I had to leave her because she was cutting into my World of Warcraft and Gears of War 2 times, and one of the poular kids said if i beat him in GOW 2, he would invite me to his party, but only if i wore a costume, the man in the cage one. . its 1,400 dollars but its worth it, because girls get turned on by mascots right.? When i go to disneyland the girls always flirt with mickey when their commanders arent looking. Women need to be treated nicer by the guys. Guys are big meanies who touch them alot. It gets my brunches in a knot, and my sword of Avion gets turned on when i hear this. That's my sword i always carry around, and it was named after my first love, the girl i was talking about, her name is Avion.

They would call her Frakenbride because she had a big forhead and would walk like frakenstein with her arms out. Well, back to me, i was known as Mangina, because they said my face looks like an infected Vag!na with all the acne i have, and most people can't tell if im a boy or girl, because i wear long hair like my heavy metal heroes. Long live Twisted Sister! I say Im not gonna take it alot, but it never works. and sometimes they call me Princess Damascus, and the guys had fun "rescuing" me by kicking my ass. One time they taped me to a lampost in the city park, and a hobo raped me when he pulled down his pants and forced me to give him a *******. Its felt good thou, even i i couldn't move haha.

iM in college , and im not a virgin, i had had sexual relations with my 56 year old neighbor. Its true when they say the older they are, the more tricks they know haha. Im 5' 9 and around 250 pounds, and work at a computer store for 6 years, and have never been promoted because im not a "people person" or "leadership material". Im studying to be a comedian. Im the kind of person that would rather watch saturday moring cartoons, ( Naruto from here to beyond), than play football or meet girls, but my momma says i need to meet girls now or i won't get my $ 1,726,000 inheritence. Yes, im rich but i have never told anyone that because i don't want them to judge me. My dad and my family are powerful, but they are not proud of me. They made me work for the real life experience, and im always being put down for a rich kid.

Im here because i can't over my maid, shes the prettiest girl, and i want to impregnate her. What do i do? What's the first step. Im really really smart, and with some engineers, i have even build a 5 foot T-rex to scare the neighborhood kids, those richie rich brats! No respect.

Azudragon recommended me here. His the coolist eva! I met him thru his Last.FM account because he wrote a comment on Joe Satriani's page. I sent him a private message because anybody who thinks Joe Satriani's Surfing with the Alien is " The horniest and most orgasmic sound known to mankind" is my kind of guy. I sent told him where he gets his confidence, and he wrote me back saying:

"Go to Go read the Dj bible. Im Azudragon on the forum. Good LucK. Don't private message me unless its all about the music dumbass"

I want to meet girls. what do i do? Where is Azudragon on the forum?