Re: Cold Approach : I'm ready
Originally posted by Saine
I'm ready to do another one....
In the Bible I don't see anywhere on how to do a good cold approach, it seems like noone wrote a tutorial on this part.
In the meantime I wait for replies, I'll post what happened today.
Time & Date - 11/28/03 ; left home and did it at around 2:39PM
Surrounding - In NY, there's a lot of beautiful women, their *****shield is very high, VERY HIGH, unless you're very good looking because NYC women, especially the asians (mostly Cantonese) and the whites (mostly NY borned whites) are damn shallow.
saine i have been to NYC im not sure if it is becuase there are so many but the woman there always look good to me and if you know the right areas they dress pretty well too. but woman act the same way wherever you go it doesnt matter if its NYC,
First woman :
I am walking in the train looking for ways, I look like I got lost but really I'm just bored. You know, just trying to look for some target.
So I see this chick walking by (I will not say how any of the women look simply because I don't like being shallow) and I ask her "know the direction for Time Square?"
I knew it was bad to say that, I KNEW it and I didn't really want to "chase the tail" like that but I had to, it was the first thing that came to my mind and I was already nervous but did it without being self-conscious.
Her: sure, it's right around of this tunnel, just keep going straight until you get to the W or R
Me: thanks... oh and um... it seems like you know where to go, where you going?
Her: oh I'm going in the same direction as you (you can notice she is trying to "get away" from me as she turn her body)
Me: ok, I guess I'll follow you (my voice was shaky but thank god there are trains)
Her: ok
Situation change, we get on the train.
Me: ok never mind when I asked you for the Time Square direction, I was really not sure how to get to the W, that's all
Her: oh really..
Me: yeah, sorry-
Her: (she interrupt) it's ok
Me: yeah it is, hey um, you doing anything tonight? I'm free by the night, my brothers are all dead doing something
(that's the face she gave me) dead?
Her: ok no, I have to go (she gets off)
So then I get off the NEXT NEXT station and turn the other way (the opposite of Manhattan in Brooklyn) and I go "AHHHHH STUPID ME, why am I so nervous." Yeah.
when you are a rookie or do not feel comfortable at cold approaches then just stick with "hi"
saying "its seems like you know your way around, where are you going?"
it doesnt really make sense. this would be a case of -its not what you say its how you say it-
ok this this girl wanted to get away from you? why? i am thinking that you probably came on too strong too fast and asking her where she was going scared her a bit.
even though i am sure you are not, psychos ride the subway too.
saying that you will "follow" her is never a good thing to do.
if anything you should of said "ok well then you can take me there" or something not so cheesey along those line
i can go into detail and detail talking about your convo but its like i can see your mindset through your writing
you have balls, but your not comfortable in what you are doing.
instead of just talking to someone and letting the conversation go you are forcing it
when i first started out with the cold approaches i just talked to everyone as if they were someone i knew or even like a friend
i wasnt even interested in any type of # close
i didnt care how good looking a girl was b/c i wasnt interested in even getting a # just to have a nice convo
when i took that pressure off myself then things started to work a lot better b/c i wasnt having the convo to get something out of it
Girl #2 was a complete biatch.
if you say hi and she doesnt say hi back the girl has issues or she probably isnt in the mood to meet strangers
the train probably isnt the best place for a pickup
street type pickups can be hard and something that i am still trying to better myself at
but the best type of pickups for a begginner is at stores where girls are literally paid to talk to you
also in a bookstore or anyother laid back environment
also fighting the b-f was stupid, look it really acomplished nothing in the big picture
how short are you anyways?