Son, have a decade on you. In many ways, it's not your fault in a girl power society whereby, everyone is equal, affirmative action, crater smv, get fat be a slut no shame but, beta make shame men.
It's useless to not take ownership. It is far too easy to do and millennials are going that route or the low test, male feminist, cuck route. Why? They cannot compete as Jordan Peterson said on a JRE podcast.
Every set is practice. Every rejection, blowout, and crash and burn. Every flake or ghost. This is the world we live in. Society is pedaling girl power and cheering her ass off the cliff. Cucks are chasing after once they've cratered smv. Online reeks of low hanging fruit and 'proud single moms' as though this were something to celebrate. It coincides with participation ribbons and trophies. It's affirmative action.
You're 20. You got ways to go. Put in work Now. Build a life. Get edu as in, Seek self knowledge, explore consciousness, and have purpose. Do not pedal to the female biological strategy. If you are forged in fire, you will transcend when you come out the other end. Most men are betas, cucks, and low test following the beaten path. Get married to Chad's booty call, cratered smv, and raise Chad's babies when he best years are over. Every set, 'she ain't your girl. It's just your turn.'
Incels freaking the **** out are stuck on red pill rage. Truth be told, it is never ending, and game is never over. It's multi faceted. Acquire top form Smv (18-23). You wa t her best years. Not baby rabies. Not bulking season. At 30, the last girl I pulled was 23. Before that, the last throater, chick was 21.
Tomorrow, new girls are turning 18 everyday. Women more my age rage about women your age. Why? She missed the boat. She can't compete. She is not a free thinker. It's game over.
You got time on your side. I would trade game and resources to be 20 again. It doesn't work. Don't stick your toe in. Cannon ball in. Full on. If your not hitting it, who is?
Just refrain from detouring from your ambitions and dreams. Marriage and monogamy is not for me. Maybe it is for you but, have options, acquire variety, and pick from a place of selection versus marrying the first semi decent girl who picks you.