@Spaz was correct. I haven't been in my assertiveness or masculine frame. And this has been an on-going issue for probably quite some time due to me simply not knowing.
We hung out this weekend and I kept this in the forefront of my mind; to stay in masculine and keep assertive. To see where I hadn't been in terms of her and my relationship. In some aspects I'm in the masculine; others, not as much. Funny enough it cured my erection issue, as well as kept our time shared together fun; we generally don't have any bad times in-person. The only issues have been her ex (an emotional availability), sex thing (my cause), and how to navigate hanging out with members of the opposite sex 1 on 1 (difficult).
The erection issue was due to her being so free in her own skin that it intimidated me and in-turn made me self-conscious about my abilities to fulfill my full masculine energy. Because if shes at an 8/10 in her sexuality, I would have to be at a 8.1 in my masculine energy, at least, to dominate her to create polarity. I was honestly sitting at a 6/10 when I started this thread. Shes not to blame, of course. I'm simply used to really submissive females who I just throw around. Her circumcision comment was merely what we guessed; - a red haring for the real issue - something fixed to attach to, and use that as the excuse if she chose to walk away to sexual dissatisfaction. because if the circumcision was an actual issue, there would have only been sex once and never again.
There isn't any time for questioning during sex when we are pursuing what we truly desire. Action simply destructs old thought patterns and creates a dominate frame of mind. And even in the pursuit of life we need this. I'm beginning to see relationships are reflections of aspects of ourselves, being reflected back at us - it's all a constant loop of feedback. Never ending and always up for scrutiny. This is why its vital to create an aim or direction.
When we are reflected aspects of ourselves we accept and match our current self constructed identity, we feel joy, happiness, satisfaction, 'seen'. But when we are in turmoil, those are simply reflections of ourselves we come to reject, which may be true. Even when women play games, games are a tactic to test our metal to see if they are making the best decision for them. So any time we post a thread here or complain, there is an incongruity with how we perceive ourselves and how we actually are. Because if their test or game wasn't congruent with your weakness, you wouldn't be sensitive to that touch. It's why we never see
@Amante Silvestre @Spaz @guru1000 or
@Glassguy post threads about being confused or butt hurt, but rather offer guidance and wisdom. To certain levels they have come to terms with what and who they are and play towards that, and it seemingly reaps them positive results.
And self development is really just about being honest and seeing ourselves for how and who, we really are.
there's no way I could have corrected this behavior and thought pattern without honestly voicing what was going on, but the only way to have done that was to accept that
I allowed, and placed myself or was succumb to a feminine frame by a series of failed **** tests. Note: I don't believe women want us to fail these tests!! But somewhere in my mind before, I believed they secretly did. However, it's not true. Every woman wants to be over the moon for a MAN. So we see tests sometimes as a bad thing. But they're actually not. Its actually a good thing in the realm of intimate relations. They do this because it makes us better in the end. Women want the best she can possibly get and maybe even a bit more.
Honest reflection is a need in the realm of developing deeper self power. And for the men here, self power is the masculine self. I think Im really beginning to understood what true Masculine frame is.