Not all individuals need to breed for the genome to continue. The ones that cannot figure out how to breed in this generation - i.e., the women that are too picky, and the men that are not Chad-tier - will not be part of the next generation. Of course, this doesn't matter much for men (other than for genetic diversity, which is a healthy trait), but even for women, the pickiness will go away as an inherited trait. It's like the way that megafauna worldwide fears humans - as the ones that didn't fear humans got killed for food or for protection (and nowadays for sport, as evidenced by Cecil The Lion, who was so unafraid of (or maybe hungry for, LOL) humans that he because famous on game preserve tours, but unfortunately he too close to a hunter, and that was that). That said, with sperm donation

, picky women can get their Chad sperm and pass on the pickiness to daughters - and certainly "irresponsible" women can get their Chad sperm naturally.