Originally posted by Lifeforce
That's very strange, the guys I hang around with doesn't know anything about any technique, still they are successful. Maybe we live in different cultures.
European girls are SO much more sexually liberated, Europe is the ideal place to score ***** while travelling so yes Australia is MUCH different to Sweden!
By average woman I mean the girls your generalized techniques work on. But if it doesn't work I guess it's just something wrong with the woman right? I hit on average/above average women in Sweden because I am still not the best looking guy around, but the average women here seem to be considered hot otherwere. :] I do hope those allwonderful girls you hit on are better than those girls macked on those videos.
The reason why Swedish women are considered hot is that many of them are blonde, blondes get more attention (I prefer blondes too) hence why Swidish girls are hot.
I did not sarge with Hoobie in Europe as he was there with other guys, and the beauty is in the eye of beholder.
As I said before, you should learn the game yourself, not adapt other peoples personalities in order to get success. Use your life to attract, your own personality. Most techniques = supplicating anyway.
Agree mate!
I started the original SS-bible here, it doesn't mean I was some kind of SS-guru.
SS is so questionable, RJ has some good stuff but overall I stay away from SS.
You came here and insulted the people here first, if you do not like it here, then I'd suggest you leave.
If I see a flaw I make a comment, its not your choice to read it. And if you disagree that this site does not have many AFCs asking special flower questions then I guess your inept yourself.