I don't know; You would think that if they gave bad advice, the men would catch on and not come back. So this means one of two things: Either the men don't do what they are told to do (likely), or they do it, fail, and get plausible excuses (maybe), or they do it, succeed...and we never hear about it. (where are the success threads where a person is an AFC but lands a hot girl?)
Personally I don't agree with a lot of the expectations people generally have about relationships (establish monogamy first, then fall in love/declare love, continue liking each other's company, marry, have kids, get old, etc). But I don't go and demand that the whole lot of you follow my lifestyle. It's fun to go and spam their board with 'why aren't you being more manly! You're reinforcing a lifetime of mental conditioning designed to maintain your supplication!' or whatever you want, but you're not going to change anybody's minds or anything.
Though it pleases me to foresee the future of these people, who will probably end up married and not enjoying it. And if they don't, then all the better for them. It doesn't concern
me regardless.
Now, if the guys there want to get laid, they're in the wrong forum to begin with, and they'll get pisspoor advice, assuming anybody would bother giving it to them.