Cheating is trippy.... I've been the cheater, AND been cheated on... and both times, I learned some lessons. Let me explain...
When I was young, even though I was 'going out' with chics, I was still foolin around because I figured, I'm in my teens, it's not like I'm going to get married... besides, all the girls at my school (MLK Jr. High in Germantown MD. BABY!), they wanted it. So why tie myself down? No one really cared. So long as ya had someone to take to the prom...
Then when I went to Florida on vacation, my gf cheated on me with my best friend who was 21. I was 16, she was 14, so she slept with a 21 year old.
When I returned from Florida, she was happy to see me, I was happy to see her, even though when I was in Florida, I slept with my old baby sitter.
Anyway, a few days passed, and her brother told me that my best frined got with her 'he thinks'. I asked my buddy, and he said he did. I asked my gf, she denied it. I was all confused... and very angry... lol ...I guess it was ok for me to cheat but not her right? LOL!! ...anyway, this confused me... if she had cheated on me, why was she denying it? Why was she still with me? I mean, I 'd think that she would just move on or something, get with my bud? We eventually broke up some months later, and then she admitted the cheating.... it was only later that I understood why she stayed. I was a better lover, and my sh*t was bigger then his. My gf didn't tell me that, his gf did...
Cheating goes on more than people will admit. We all lie to our love ones, and to say that you don't, then you're a liar. Cheating is not as troubling in the early teens as it can be when you get older. Cheat on a crazy b*tch and she can make your life a living hell at any time in your life.
I've been there, done it... personally, right now, with a baby on the way, I don't need no more dramas in my life. The less complicated, the better... that's not to say I would never cheat on her, stranger things have happend in life, don't rule it out.