Date Posted: 2003/10/04 04:59:00 PM EDT
Author: feminator <unknown email address>
Subject: Some collected C&F lines from ASF (long)
C&F Lines
If you are in a conversation and it fits in to say this, I suggest you try it.
"I find that most girls think they're A LOT cuter than they really are."
I actually said this line many times before I realized I was repeating it. The
fact is, it comes from an actual belief I hold.
I usually make the comment when the girl has said something along the lines of
"I'm cute and I know it."
The effects are instantaneous, and usually include the girl qualifying herself
to you, asking what your type is, what kind of girls you've dated, etc.
Dr.J: (being sarcastic; something about thinking about her all day long)
HB: Yeah, i thought about you too today...for about 5 seconds...
Dr.J: You had an orgasm THAT FAST...WOW!!
Dr.J: Yeah, i have to drink (alcohol) when im around you. (I like this because
shes thinking that i have to have beer goggles on in order for me to talk to
her. so its kind of a neg at first)
Dr.J: Yeah, you make me nervous. (By saying this she thinks that im in love
with her)
HB: Really?? You get nervous around me??
Dr.J: Yeah.
HB: whys that?
Dr.J: Because im constantly afraid of you trying to jump my bones.
I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere, or even if I got
it from someone else. This is generally for casual daytime sarging, or if you
need to transition into an SOI from an encounter that may not yet have sexual
overtones. Early on (somewhere between five and 15 minutes of talking to
someone I just met at a party or in the street or on a plane or whereever, I
wait until they say something that can be perceived as a negative trait about
them, and then I say, as I pretend like I'm writing on my hand, "Note to self:
Do not date this girl." If there has not been any kind of SOI previously, you
can see their whole expression change. First, they see that you WERE
interested. Then they see that you are disqualifying them. Even though it's
jokingly doing so. It changes the whole tone of conversation in a great way
that gives you the power as the person doing the screening.
Example (from recent airplane #close with icy HB9):
HB: I think too much sometimes. I can't help it.
Style: Note to self--"do not date this girl"
HB: (laughs, blushes, and finally relaxes) You're right--I do start
picking apart little things in a relationship for no reason.
And this one is an even bigger mysteryl. But I find that if I'm
able to slip in the phrase "I CAN'T HELP IT, MY MOTHER RAISED ME WELL"
somewhere, in the right tone, it is gold. I have no idea why,
especially when it is accompanied by a physical act that is somewhat
gentleman-ly or well-mannered.
At a meeting, a woman walked in the room late. I stood up as she
walked in, to shake her hand and introduce myself.
HB: You don't have to stand up.
Style: I can't help it. My mother raised me well.
Friend 1: "My lips are chap, do you have any chapstick?"
Friend 2: "Sorry, not on me."
HB Asian: "I got some in my purse." (looking for it and pulls it out and gives
it to Friend 1).
Nilatak: "Hey, don't use that chapstick! She has cutties." (funny neg)
HB Asian: (looks back *shocked*)
Friend 1: "How do you know?"
Nilatak: (with matter of fact look on face) "I saw her in the clubs." (then
with shocked look) "She kisses boys." (then index finger waving like someone is
being bad) "She's a bad girl." (I saw her in a club with some guy once, she was
kissing him)
HB Asian: "That was my boyfriend."
Nilatak: (disbelieving look) "Yeah, that's what they all say...naughty girl!"
HB Asian: ...DDB look...
HB is just standing
Nilatak: "Hey, can you do me a favor?"
HB: "Sure/Huh?/Maybe/No" (only one that won't work is no)
Nilatak: "Come closer, closer, no too far, go back a little, to the right,
When she stops she will be diagonally to the right of me, providing my lazy ass
with shade. I think this makes a great neg and gives great shade. She may laugh
or think I'm an *******, but if she moves I'm just gonna open up the can of
****y and funny. I'll test it if I get the opportunity. Maybe it's too
****y...he he
"Why dont u have a g/f"...or "Why dont u date"
A: Because all the girls who I thought really cared about me have just been
perverted size queens and Im not gonna have any woman treating me like Im just
a piece of meat.
After or during a kiss:
If she used tounge: "Not tounge...Not yet..."
During kiss: Use fingers to push her chin back until seperation and say "Did I
say you could kiss me???"
If she repeatedly touches you:
"Damn girl....You are really touchy feely"
If she says "Sorry":
U say: "For what? ("For being touchy feely"). *Laugh* "I never said it was a
bad thing...Just keep your hands away from my crotch and my ass and we'll be
okay..." *Smile*
If she says anything like "I know, do u like it?"
U say: I dunno, it depends on the girl....
Or You say: Ya know, it amazes me that even though you've been touching me
alot, you've missed where I'm itching over and over again!" *Smile* *Point to
where she should itch* (Makes it seem like she is trying to touch you (She is
the pursuer) and a direct command is in there)
Date Posted: 2003/10/04 04:59:00 PM EDT
Author: feminator <unknown email address>
Subject: Some collected C&F lines from ASF (long)
C&F Lines
If you are in a conversation and it fits in to say this, I suggest you try it.
"I find that most girls think they're A LOT cuter than they really are."
I actually said this line many times before I realized I was repeating it. The
fact is, it comes from an actual belief I hold.
I usually make the comment when the girl has said something along the lines of
"I'm cute and I know it."
The effects are instantaneous, and usually include the girl qualifying herself
to you, asking what your type is, what kind of girls you've dated, etc.
Dr.J: (being sarcastic; something about thinking about her all day long)
HB: Yeah, i thought about you too today...for about 5 seconds...
Dr.J: You had an orgasm THAT FAST...WOW!!
Dr.J: Yeah, i have to drink (alcohol) when im around you. (I like this because
shes thinking that i have to have beer goggles on in order for me to talk to
her. so its kind of a neg at first)
Dr.J: Yeah, you make me nervous. (By saying this she thinks that im in love
with her)
HB: Really?? You get nervous around me??
Dr.J: Yeah.
HB: whys that?
Dr.J: Because im constantly afraid of you trying to jump my bones.
I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere, or even if I got
it from someone else. This is generally for casual daytime sarging, or if you
need to transition into an SOI from an encounter that may not yet have sexual
overtones. Early on (somewhere between five and 15 minutes of talking to
someone I just met at a party or in the street or on a plane or whereever, I
wait until they say something that can be perceived as a negative trait about
them, and then I say, as I pretend like I'm writing on my hand, "Note to self:
Do not date this girl." If there has not been any kind of SOI previously, you
can see their whole expression change. First, they see that you WERE
interested. Then they see that you are disqualifying them. Even though it's
jokingly doing so. It changes the whole tone of conversation in a great way
that gives you the power as the person doing the screening.
Example (from recent airplane #close with icy HB9):
HB: I think too much sometimes. I can't help it.
Style: Note to self--"do not date this girl"
HB: (laughs, blushes, and finally relaxes) You're right--I do start
picking apart little things in a relationship for no reason.
And this one is an even bigger mysteryl. But I find that if I'm
able to slip in the phrase "I CAN'T HELP IT, MY MOTHER RAISED ME WELL"
somewhere, in the right tone, it is gold. I have no idea why,
especially when it is accompanied by a physical act that is somewhat
gentleman-ly or well-mannered.
At a meeting, a woman walked in the room late. I stood up as she
walked in, to shake her hand and introduce myself.
HB: You don't have to stand up.
Style: I can't help it. My mother raised me well.
Friend 1: "My lips are chap, do you have any chapstick?"
Friend 2: "Sorry, not on me."
HB Asian: "I got some in my purse." (looking for it and pulls it out and gives
it to Friend 1).
Nilatak: "Hey, don't use that chapstick! She has cutties." (funny neg)
HB Asian: (looks back *shocked*)
Friend 1: "How do you know?"
Nilatak: (with matter of fact look on face) "I saw her in the clubs." (then
with shocked look) "She kisses boys." (then index finger waving like someone is
being bad) "She's a bad girl." (I saw her in a club with some guy once, she was
kissing him)
HB Asian: "That was my boyfriend."
Nilatak: (disbelieving look) "Yeah, that's what they all say...naughty girl!"
HB Asian: ...DDB look...
HB is just standing
Nilatak: "Hey, can you do me a favor?"
HB: "Sure/Huh?/Maybe/No" (only one that won't work is no)
Nilatak: "Come closer, closer, no too far, go back a little, to the right,
When she stops she will be diagonally to the right of me, providing my lazy ass
with shade. I think this makes a great neg and gives great shade. She may laugh
or think I'm an *******, but if she moves I'm just gonna open up the can of
****y and funny. I'll test it if I get the opportunity. Maybe it's too
****y...he he
"Why dont u have a g/f"...or "Why dont u date"
A: Because all the girls who I thought really cared about me have just been
perverted size queens and Im not gonna have any woman treating me like Im just
a piece of meat.
After or during a kiss:
If she used tounge: "Not tounge...Not yet..."
During kiss: Use fingers to push her chin back until seperation and say "Did I
say you could kiss me???"
If she repeatedly touches you:
"Damn girl....You are really touchy feely"
If she says "Sorry":
U say: "For what? ("For being touchy feely"). *Laugh* "I never said it was a
bad thing...Just keep your hands away from my crotch and my ass and we'll be
okay..." *Smile*
If she says anything like "I know, do u like it?"
U say: I dunno, it depends on the girl....
Or You say: Ya know, it amazes me that even though you've been touching me
alot, you've missed where I'm itching over and over again!" *Smile* *Point to
where she should itch* (Makes it seem like she is trying to touch you (She is
the pursuer) and a direct command is in there)