Good stuff right here. Thought I'd add another one just for the hell of it. One of my favorites is going to a horror movie with my buddies and sitting behind a bunch of hott chicks with my friends. Before the movie starts...
you: (say loudly to your buddies) 5 bucks on the cute blonde in front of me.
her: usually turns around and gives you a puzzled look
you: 5 bucks says you'll be the first to scream
her: usually says something like you're gonna lose your money or I don't get scared.
you: we'll see
then during the first tense moment, lean forward and grab her shoulder or neck and go raaarwwwrr! 9 times out of 10 she'll at least jump. Then you just say, "hey, I had to win the bet! Sorry, I'll buy you a coke or something."
guys, its magic.