Can't believe I am the only guy here who married a foreign woman


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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f283000 said:
I criticized and hated on cordoncordon for years on this forum it's no secret. I would like to make a public apology to him for the things I said about him and his girlfriend. Haven't had the chance because I have been away from the forums for some time and recently started being active again.

The things I said were out of ignorance and a lack of spiritual maturity at that time. Ignorance because even though I always advocated for foreign women I hadn't had an asian woman yet at the time, and lack of spiritual maturity because one should be happy for the success of others not hate on them for it. Jealousy and hatred bring nothing to you but negative energy and a sense of lack. In order to attract good things for yourself you should always feel positive about yourself and others. It's basic law of attraction.

cordon, you have a beautiful girlfriend (if you are still with the one that you always showed pics of) and my best wishes to you and congratulations on finding happiness.

You know something guys we should always strive to try out as many different types of cuisine as possible in order to find out for ourselves what is best. The same can be said about women. We should try them all black, white, yellow, brown then make a decision.

If women could be compared to food we could say western women are a mcdonalds hamburger and foreign women are a gourmet hamburger from a higher end restaurant. Foreign women are just much better quality.

Do not make the mistake of equating quality with looks. The mcdonalds burger could look the same or better than the gourmet burger, but the quality and taste isn't!

That's all I gotta say about foreign women ;)
F283 I appreciate that. And no hard feelings. Glad to see you are doing well and hopefully you continue to do so.

And yes we are still together, just recently got engaged in fact. So all is great. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Can't believe I am the only guy here who married a foreign woman

I married a foreign woman in 1997...and she divorced me in 2004, which led me to find sosuave. She was a rich girl from the Caribbean, mixed race, and not religious at all. If I had everything to do over again, I still would have married her. Otherwise I would not have gotten to spend time at the resort hotel that her family owned. Obviously, I have regrets about the relationship, but I don't think you'll find many divorced men who do not regret the decision to marry their now-ex wife. I know she regrets the decision to divorce me; we still talk, and she has told me so several times.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Malice said:
Can't believe I am the only guy here who married a foreign woman
I could have but it would have meant leaving the US for a place where I wouldn't know anyone but her, and no meaningful work to do except work as a timeshare hustler. I'm not cut out for that.

She didn't want to stay in the US.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
And yes it took 7 dates to bang my wife. And get this: I dumped her on the 6th date for not putting out. Left her standing there in a dark parking lot alone while I drove off.
Hey. I did a similar thing, maybe that's a technique we should patent. :D
I brought my wife to a rat infested industrial park (I thought it was just a regular park). I basically told her its bf or nothing and a gf 'puts out'. So as I started to walk away, she was like 'ok! I can try! I don't know how to do anything like that but I can try it!'. I think maybe leaving women in a dark, cold place by themselves may trigger some sexual attraction or something.
I could have but it would have meant leaving the US for a place where I wouldn't know anyone but her, and no meaningful work to do except work as a timeshare hustler.
Or an English Teacher starting at 25 to 30 bucks an hour. My wife is a recruiter guys, anyone interested in coming to teach in China, send me a PM.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
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cordoncordon said:
F283 I appreciate that. And no hard feelings. Glad to see you are doing well and hopefully you continue to do so.

And yes we are still together, just recently got engaged in fact. So all is great. :)

Let's see a pic of her rock man. It's got to be a few pounds right?

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Hey. I did a similar thing, maybe that's a technique we should patent. :D
I brought my wife to a rat infested industrial park (I thought it was just a regular park). I basically told her its bf or nothing and a gf 'puts out'. So as I started to walk away, she was like 'ok! I can try! I don't know how to do anything like that but I can try it!'. I think maybe leaving women in a dark, cold place by themselves may trigger some sexual attraction or something.
Haha, it was the 6th date and she wouldn't even kiss me after the date. I got the cheek! I said to her "I don't need this ****, bye". Peeled out of there like a jackass, leaving her standing there in the midle of the night. Didn't call her for 3 days. Called her up and we went out. She started drinking early in the date so I knew she was down to **** that night.

Who knows how it would have turned out if I played the good beta and accepted her prudishness?