Can a Man be blind and still pull chicks?


Sep 5, 2009
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Hey guys, new man on the block

I was reading on here and I found out some most of this material is one sided catering only to talkative guys with money and status.

but what about us other guys? the guys who don't talk as much and who are never the life of the party. what about us guys who can't even see?

Yes, I am a blind DJ, I got bleach poured in my eyes when I was in highschool which left me permanently blind. Don't ask, because I won't tell.

and yes, blind folks can use the internet quite well, almost as good as a normal person. so don't ask about that either.

But anyway, I can't even see chicks, let alone talk to them. I can hear them, but I can't tell if they're hot or not unless I touch them, but chicks usually tell me i'm not that great looking so It's rare when I get that close to them. I feel like they're not even giving me a chance because they know I can't see them

I guess chicks just want the top notch men, but how can a guy like me be top notch?

I'm not funny, good looking, rich, muscular, and I'm disabled


Sep 5, 2009
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San Jose California said:
You can tell if a girl's hot by touching her? Interesting.
well yea

If I can feel how fat her ass is then I know it's fat

Some chicks smell hot but usually the fat women wear good perfume


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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What about finding other blind girls? Or on the other hand, you could find, even search for a skinny girl, who happens to be dog ugly at the same time. She'd probably treat you super good, and it doesnt even matter what she looks like.

If you look at the bright side, you have an opportunity that most of us don't have, here. For example, if I could take a pill that would make me think fat girls are sexy, I'd be a happy man! There are plenty of girls out there that most men wouldn't go for, because they might have a horse face or something, but still have a nice body. It doesnt matter to you what their face looks like, right? Those can be your targets right there.

Hell, you could put an ad online explaining your situation, and clearly state that ugly girls are welcome, as long as they are not fat, smell good, and have a personality. I'll bet you could date many women doing that. You could spin plates, and game on.

Its like the movie, mask, where the horribly deformed guy gets a job as a counselor at a camp for blind kids, and ends up hooking up with a super hot chick, because she thought his face was interesting to the touch.

Of course, her parents weren't too thrilled, and totally cok-blocked him, but the point is still there.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2009
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ummm, how could you type and read what I say if you are blind? Also, looks shouldn't matter anyway. Its just that the hotter chicks are more confident and usually are competitors. One more thing, I remember a chick who had a crush on this blind dude. ONE MORE THING!, I talked to a blind man I was helping, who just TURNED BLIND, and he was telling me about how his girl-friend didn't like him anymore, so he moved on to blind chicks who know what hes going through.

We all know that you want sum, however, i just got to throw this out there, I read on the net about when you jack-it and see your "slimey friends" you do not want to continue, but since you can't see your "slimey friends" you can last even longer. I do not know if this is true or not.

The only problem I see that you have is being able to get their number, and seeing if they smile at you. After that its a leveled playing field.

You can use b.s lines like this,"My other senses have increased from my blindness and they are telling me that you are a HB in many quanities, not just looks"


Sep 4, 2009
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Man how the fvck you gon be blind and still type on this forum?

you probably a lie

but most chicks I know don't like dudes with disabilities. It makes them look weak and no chick likes to have to take care of her man like a baby

find a blind chick to fvck wit

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
The first thing you must do is accept that you still can attract women despite being blind.

You know, there are DJs out there who can meet women with their eyes closed. It's harder of course because it's an obstacle that you can't eliminate, but it is far from impossible.

Man you actually have some advantages by being blind, for example, you already have a huge amount of openers that you can use. If you can't see something or don't know where something is, you can easily ask a nearby woman for help and then initiate some conversation with her. I'd also argue that it's easier for you to build comfort with kino because you might have to hold onto her so that she can guide you because you can't see where you're going.

Now, the second thing you must do is very important.
You need to build CONFIDENCE.
No more "I'm not funny, good looking, rich, muscular, and I'm disabled" or any other shyt like that. Man you need to think positive and become happy with yourself. Women do NOT want to be around unhappy people.

In the movie "Ray," Ray Charles feels a woman's arm when he meets her to tell if she's good-looking or not. You could definitely do this. Plus, you could even ask friends what they think of her.
If you ever make it to going to clubs to pick up women, and you bring along a wingman, you will be 100% capable of pulling chicks.

Lastly, I'm going to tell you that you should ask a female friend to help you with your image. Since you can't see what you look like, there should be lots of uncertainty in your head about what people think of you. Try to get a woman to help you become comfortable with your image.
I know this sounds unconfident because you're essentially looking to women for validation on your looks, but after you get that validation and it sticks around in your mind for awhile, you will actually believe it and you won't need the validation again once you believe it.

I think you're very courageous for coming to sosuave if you are indeed blind. Private message me if you wanna have a private conversation instead of posting your questions and problems on the public forum.

~I'm in the Mood~

Big_Titties said:
Hey guys, new man on the block

I was reading on here and I found out some most of this material is one sided catering only to talkative guys with money and status.

but what about us other guys? the guys who don't talk as much and who are never the life of the party. what about us guys who can't even see?

Yes, I am a blind DJ, I got bleach poured in my eyes when I was in highschool which left me permanently blind. Don't ask, because I won't tell.

and yes, blind folks can use the internet quite well, almost as good as a normal person. so don't ask about that either.

But anyway, I can't even see chicks, let alone talk to them. I can hear them, but I can't tell if they're hot or not unless I touch them, but chicks usually tell me i'm not that great looking so It's rare when I get that close to them. I feel like they're not even giving me a chance because they know I can't see them

I guess chicks just want the top notch men, but how can a guy like me be top notch?

I'm not funny, good looking, rich, muscular, and I'm disabled

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
I think you'd really need to develop a talent that transcends your disability, because women and people arent gonna have much sympathy - thats the nature of the beast. Someone mentioned Ray Charles - who wasnt good looking - was blind and still a notorious womaniser, because he made himself a musical success dispite his disability.
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Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
I vant srr **** anf i;m cold ay pukking chicks,,,

Hot Ice Casanova

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
I think you're REALLY brave for trying to be a DJ despite being blind, my advice is:

1. DON'T listen to all the losers and haters telling you to give up or only date blind girls. I mean you CAN date blind girls but I don't know if that's what you want. There's only one advantage with them, it's that they probably can't "rob you blind" or steal your wallet (no offense).

2. Use a wingman and you will be almost guaranteed success once you start talking with a chick. Here's how.....

3. Don't treat your blindness as an impediment. You weren't born blind, so you're NOT really abnormal in any way. Act like any confident dude who has fun chatting with chicks, use jokes and teasing etc. Don't get offended by words like "blind", in fact tell 'em you're not offended and don't give a damn! It's like when midgets don't act all offended by the word "midget" they can actually get laid with some smokin! hot model types. Don't come off as a charity case who needs everyone to censor their words. Being tough and leading a normal life in the face of disability scores a LOT of respect points with women, high-value women want a STRONG man who makes no excuses and doesn't tolerate any BS either. Now all you need is to be funny and sexually charming as well, and that's just a matter of learning the standard stuff on the DJ forums!

4. Lots of kino routines can be build with blindness. Women will definitely help out a blind man with feeling his way around the club. They don't see you as a threat, however your main challenge is in undoing the flip side of that, which is where they don't see you as romantically capable. This is quick and easy to defuse as soon as you start talking to them, and maybe a quick sentence or two to let them know being blind does NOT mean you need help going to the bathroom or getting dressed or even getting a date (because a lot of people still don't know that). Then you can continue gaming her.

If you act like Ray Charles (who is a GREAT example, i.e. a blind dude that still attracts WAY more women than most guys with 20/20 vision) then you don't even need to be a musician, women will sense sexiness just in the way you talk and act. And that's already half of the game!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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Big_Titties said:
Yes, I am a blind DJ, I got bleach poured in my eyes when I was in highschool which left me permanently blind. Don't ask, because I won't tell.

man that is fvcked up dude..i can't believe people like this exist and so cruel... i hope they get theirs... in time..!


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
I know man, survival of the fittest... No its nothing against blind people, just this one guy on here talking about being blind. Reading shouldnt be a word he even uses anymore. Non-talkative people sentence is a lie. When your blind you should learn to not care what other people think yet he is focusing on women and making sure they are hot? If you cant see them then HONESTLY who cares what they look like? The HOT ones have the worst personality anyway. whatever, i see a kid needing attention


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Mr_rogers said:
People... have you never heard of voice-recognition software? Or keyboards with braile? :p
my brother is blind and types on his keyboard just fine without either of those things. not all blind people need them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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penkitten said:
my brother is blind and types on his keyboard just fine without either of those things. not all blind people need them.
How does he read then?

I'm under the assumption the OP has software that translates type into audio words.

I can understand knowing the keyboard by memory or touch though.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
penkitten said:
my brother is blind and types on his keyboard just fine without either of those things. not all blind people need them.
Yep, not everyone needs them, especially if they've been unable to see for a very long time. Usually its those that are newer to the disability that rely on those kinds of tools.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
Hot Ice Casanova said:
If you act like Ray Charles (who is a GREAT example, i.e. a blind dude that still attracts WAY more women than most guys with 20/20 vision) then you don't even need to be a musician, women will sense sexiness just in the way you talk and act. And that's already half of the game!
Man, Ray isn't exactly a sex symbol. I mean he was a decent looking guy when he was young, but it was really his status as a musical genius and his confident personality that pulled the women. Plus he could sing and play for them!

Please do not act like Ray Charles; I think you have your own personal style to use that involves no acting.

Also to the OP, I realize that being blind strengthens your other senses. Do you have any strong sense in particular?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
horaholic said:
How does he read then?

I'm under the assumption the OP has software that translates type into audio words.

I can understand knowing the keyboard by memory or touch though.

He probably has TWO keyboards, one to type with, the other to read with. The Brail board has tiny holes and pegs which pop up in the shape of the braille letters so he can read them. I saw a blind woman at an office using one. It was very cool.

She used the cursor to point out the line of text, the software "read" it and the Braille board lifted the pegs so she could read it. It took her a few more minutes to do things, but she got it done!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
horaholic said:
How does he read then?

I'm under the assumption the OP has software that translates type into audio words.

I can understand knowing the keyboard by memory or touch though.
he was born blind, so he has had almost 35 years to get used to it.
he isn't completely sightless.
try to cover one of your eyes completely and then cover your other eye half way. the amount of sight you have left in that one half of your eye is about what you have total.
he learned braille when he was young, but doesn't like it that much.
he usually reads large print books with a magnifying glass.
he sits beside the tv in order to see it.
he chooses an option on the computer that makes everything big.
everything is about this big.

when he was a kid and went to the school for the blind, they taught him how to survive. he puts everything up when he is done with it, and it always goes in the same place.
example: ice trays go on this shelf and this side of the freezer.
the broom goes here .
this pan always goes in this cupboard right here.
toothpaste always goes in this spot.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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I heard that when Edgar Winter plays live, his roadies have to put his mic, and guitar rig exactly so many steps away from his chair at the side of the stage, so he walks to his position on feel. He isnt totally blind, but he is an albino, and their eyes are really bad. Add in bright ass stage lighting, and they cant see much at all. Since he's albino, there is absolutely NO blue purple or green lights allowed, cuz it will make him like a corpse.

Anyway, where is the OP? I'd like to hear his thoughts, since we've gotten off the direct subject.