TheHumanist said:
I despise everything you just said and you just said everything going completely against DJ philosophy... but that's not going to point out the flaw in the argument.
What would happen if a skinny, academic, vegetarian white guy approach 100 pretty white girls and a 6' 2" indian guy done that? Is it so much as race or qualities?
Well going back to my last post, I definitely think living in completely different parts of the world hugely reflects our posts. I'm going on what I see where I live, I think the US is very different though. It's a lot more diverse and ethnically mixed for a start.
As for what you suggested, I think the skinny, academic, veggy white guy would do better than the same in an indian guy WHERE I LIVE. It might be different in some racially mixed part of the US, fair enough. But yes there are 6' 2" indian guys where I live who have never and will never kiss a pretty white girl. Now that may not be a problem in itself, but I think it is when it's the white girls that they want and are prettiest round where I live. Because the asian and black girls tend to be poorer, lower class and thus not as pretty. They do not look anything like Tyra Banks or a former Miss World. The white girls however are pretty, have nice bodies, blond hair, hot etc.
TheHumanist said:
Expanding that, could it be more like the skinny, academic, vegetarian trend to come in stuttering and falling apart or those qualities?
Obviously it doesn't help but I still think it's a truth that white women tend to prefer to date their own race in the main, but I think that holds true more where I live than where you guys do. I think where you guys live, the cool and muscular hispanics, blacks etc. have more respect and status. Where I live it's not as diverse so if you are not white you are pigeon holed very easily if not careful.
TheHumanist said:
Argg... Iqqi and everyone, I suggest to let him have the last word. His mind is made up and all this will do is turn this in to a flame war with race and looks. That will get the thread locked.
Well I'm not flaming anyone, I'm giving my opinions, if one decides to get angry etc that's their issue. I think there's no point beating around the bush. I do think there are big disaprities between where I live in the UK and where you guys live in the US though. For example hispanics seem way better off in the US than here from what I've read. Infact there are white guys complaining that white women are choosen blacks/hispanics over them in the US, that's a world apart from where I live.
TheHumanist said:
I'm going to stick my neck out for once. I been watch the hate against Iqqi for a while, to be honest, I sort of suspect the hate is a large deal due to her statement as a girl. If she wasn't, I suspect there would be disagreements, but in far less hostile attacks back and forth. Let me defend Iqqi.
Well I don't hate Iqqi and I don't always think she's wrong. Infact I rarely quote her and start criticising, if I'm not mistaken she quoted me and gave her views. I do think it's too simplistic to say race doesn't matter and people all have their preferences. That would be fine if the preferences where purely individual and not influenced by others/media etc but it isn't. I will say this; where I live, I have never seen a white girl walking in the street with an asian guy and probably never a black guy either. Yes there are plenty of non-whites where I live too.
TheHumanist said:
I do admit, the way she stated to ignore and said they are bitter, it was not the best wording. However, she did said a couple of these guys. I can see where that came from. Look in the people are good thread alone, you can see in that great debate that many (I have to admit that I also), suspect Str8up and Aliasguy might have a bitter attitude. Think about the writings of Rollo Tomassi, Str8up, and Aliasguy.
Well they are all white guys or more specifically guys who may not face this issue. I myself may not face the issue although I'm not white. Iqqi says guys who moan about x, y and z are bitter. I'd agree with that. I agree because these guys are not interested in the matter on a wider scale to those they don't know, but merely about whether THEIR penis goes inside a girl. I however am interested in this kind of stuff. Like when I'm out, I'll look for the % of white girls with white guys and compare to the actual % of guys that are white in my region.
TheHumanist said:
Rollo Tomassi have a great marriage going, but don't forget his writting. For a happily married man, I recall in a thread about how other guys are getting married, he really gave a harsh light to other married man, enough that Azanon came in and said that he cannot stand of how much he "belittles" them. How about the posts of how deep we are in the matrix, it sounds like the whole world except for a select few are brainwashed and unhappy and escaping is ungodly daunting.
Str8up is working dam hard at his dreams, but look at his thread about his dream eastern european girl, how his life is turning into a social experiment, or his posts in the people are good thread. How about his posts saying how fast can a girl lose all interest and how cold-hearted she can be after it gone.
Aliasguy have many interesting ideas, but posts very pessimistic view of people and women many times.
A person reading RT's posts can come out feeling like everyone is a brainwashed fool in the matrix. Think how can that affect how one views his friends and his relationships.
A person reading str8up posts can come out feeling like everyone is an enemy (the world is "just is") and women are unbearably frickle (reading his past relationships). One reading that have to wonder is there any hope.
A person reading aliasguy's posts can start believe that any relationship endeavored will leave him curshed in 1-4 years.
Now, I very much respect their ideas and find their posts very engaing, but I can see where she comminig from. For while I very much respect them and find their posts extremely interesting, many times, after reading their posts, I feel like the odds are stacked like a platoon against an entire army in an open field. My ideas are just a product of a social indoctrination, my friends are all fools still blind to the world (despite many have are in relationships), etc.
That what a person can get from their posts. I know, because that what I sometimes feel that what I got, that was the effect on my interactions with others after reading them.
Also, her post to suggesting senor fingers as the poster to read, well he's not a bad source to go by... is he?
Well I think everything is relative and guys will always moan about girls because they won't open their legs easily. Girls always want sexual power, ego boosts, male attention, compliments etc. Infact guys do as well, but they can't have it in the main. I do think there are certain issues more serious than other ones though.
With Rollo or Str8up they complain women are too picky, too irrational, prized etc. A lot of this is still fairly logical albeit unfair. It makes sense if women have the power then they will choose top guys rather than mediocre ones, because it's better and they can. It makes sense they prefer taller or good looking or funny guys. It doesn't make sense IMO when a 5' 8" thin mediocre looking white guy does better than a 6' stocky good looking non-white guy in MY REGION. I have never known anyone non-white that has dated an attractive white girl where I live and yes they all want white girls. The majority of girls are white anyway, it's not like they meet many other raced girls.