Mad Manic said:
if a thin ok looking generic 6' 2" white guy approached 100 pretty white girls and a skinny, academic, vegetarian indian guy approached the same 100, who do u think would get more dates?
I despise everything you just said and you just said everything going completely against DJ philosophy... but that's not going to point out the flaw in the argument.
What would happen if a skinny, academic, vegetarian white guy approach 100 pretty white girls and a 6' 2" indian guy done that? Is it so much as race or qualities?
Expanding that, could it be more like the skinny, academic, vegetarian trend to come in stuttering and falling apart or those qualities?
Argg... Iqqi and everyone, I suggest to let him have the last word. His mind is made up and all this will do is turn this in to a flame war with race and looks. That will get the thread locked.
scottfall be advised that iqqi is a huge troll of this site and probably would be banned already if the membership didn't have so much fun repeatedly owning her/he/it.
Also it should be noted that the Iqqi account is very likely a man posing as a woman on here.
So with that said let me break down for you her/his/its trolling b.s by responding to the statement that a couple of guys that I listed whose posts I think you should read are "bitter towards women."
Victory Unlimited- Entertaining military type of poster who has been known to date single mommies which is a huge no no in the DJ community because of the inherint risk that they aren't so much interested in you as finding a new daddy for their abandoned offspring. Bitter towards women? Not at all considering this fact. VU has made it clear to the community however that the few single mommies he has dated have been of exceptional quality in character.
Karma Sutra- As far as I know Karma is happily married and has been for quite some time. Perhaps Iqqi took this opportunity to insult him as being bitter because she is jealous that he is taken?
Str8up- Too busy and locked down with work to be bitter about anything except that at the moment.
Joekerr- Come on you've got to be kidding me...this guy bitter about anything? He's the forum's inspiration. Always has a positive word for everyone and anyone male or female that would listen.
aliasguy- Has experienced many horrible things from women but learned that he was simply regarding them the wrong way so he learned to accept them for what they are through what he deems "pattern recognition." By observing the women in his life's behaviour over time he has come to understand how to deal with the women in his life in effective ways that benefit him greatly and no longer harm him and as a result he is now happier than ever with women and his life.
Rollo Tomassi- A great man who has been happily married for about 11 years now. I'd imagine the only thing bitter in Rollo's life would be a lemon that he ate for breakfast one morning.
So yeah as you can see scott iqqi as usual fails at all levels.
I'm going to stick my neck out for once. I been watch the hate against Iqqi for a while, to be honest, I sort of suspect the hate is a large deal due to her statement as a girl. If she wasn't, I suspect there would be disagreements, but in far less hostile attacks back and forth. Let me defend Iqqi.
I do admit, the way she stated to ignore and said they are bitter, it was not the best wording. However, she did said
a couple of these guys. I can see where that came from. Look in the people are good thread alone, you can see in that great debate that many (I have to admit that I also), suspect Str8up and Aliasguy might have a bitter attitude. Think about the writings of Rollo Tomassi, Str8up, and Aliasguy.
Rollo Tomassi have a great marriage going, but don't forget his writting. For a happily married man, I recall in a thread about how other guys are getting married, he really gave a harsh light to other married man, enough that Azanon came in and said that he cannot stand of how much he "belittles" them. How about the posts of how deep we are in the matrix, it sounds like the whole world except for a select few are brainwashed and unhappy and escaping is ungodly daunting.
Str8up is working dam hard at his dreams, but look at his thread about his dream eastern european girl, how his life is turning into a social experiment, or his posts in the people are good thread. How about his posts saying how fast can a girl lose all interest and how cold-hearted she can be after it gone.
Aliasguy have many interesting ideas, but posts very pessimistic view of people and women many times.
A person reading RT's posts can come out feeling like everyone is a brainwashed fool in the matrix. Think how can that affect how one views his friends and his relationships.
A person reading str8up posts can come out feeling like everyone is an enemy (the world is "just is") and women are unbearably frickle (reading his past relationships). One reading that have to wonder is there any hope.
A person reading aliasguy's posts can start believe that any relationship endeavored will leave him curshed in 1-4 years.
Now, I very much respect their ideas and find their posts very engaing, but I can see where she comminig from. For while I very much respect them and find their posts extremely interesting, many times, after reading their posts, I feel like the odds are stacked like a platoon against an entire army in an open field. My ideas are just a product of a social indoctrination, my friends are all fools still blind to the world (despite many have are in relationships), etc.
That what a person can get from their posts. I know, because that what I sometimes feel that what I got, that was the effect on my interactions with others after reading them.
Also, her post to suggesting senor fingers as the poster to read, well he's not a bad source to go by... is he?