Originally posted by Derek Flint
nice little job cutting and pasting. You get the gold star.
Atkins still sucks.
So tell me, how much muscle mass did you lose on Atkins?
Are you even a lifter? If so how long? And what routine did you use while on Atkins?
Do you even know what "skinny fat" means? I mean you didn't provide pre-Atkins and post-Atkins body fat measurements. If anything, that's the real test of a diet - not how much absolute weight you lose.
If you are a lifter, how much muscle mass did you put on while using Atkins?
If you answered any of those questions : the answer would still be "not as much as you could have if you were using carbs"
Carbs (both high glycemic and low glycemic) have their place in a proper athletic diet.
The real key is to try and minimize the fat+carb combination in your meals.
So, how are you going to elevate your depleted muscle glycogen levels after a vicious resistance workout without some high-glycemic carbs to keep your body from going catabolic and cannibalizing it's own muscle mass? or to aid in shuttling the protein and insulin into the muscle cell to stop the production of cortisol and to keep you anabolic?
I don't know why you haven't tried ephedrine/caffeine.. it works.. especially when you crash from the Atkins in mid workout due to the lack of glycogen in the blood. Note, the post doesn't say "ephedra" - it says "ephedrine" it's a whole other animal.
Oh yeah, the reason I rip on Atkins and CKD is because I've tried them both to cut up and they suck. It left me feeling "flat" and "deflated".. I couldn't feel the pump when I lifted and my poundages and anaerobic capacity while on it went way down.
There are a million ways to lose weight. But most of them are rather gimmicky and inefficient. I'm glad Atkins worked for you - but you could have spared yourself a ton of muscle mass by doing it another way.
Atkins is for sedentary turds and obese, lazy housewives, basically people who want to lose a ton of weight pronto and don't give a shyt about athletic performance.. it's not for athletes.
Stop being such a fukkin' Atkins fanatic and open yourself up to other points of view.
P.S. There a ton of diets that are utter garbage, that have been around for much longer than I have. Their longevity still does not mean they aren't crap. Like good ol' Atkins.