Yeah I guess you are right. Me not touching her during the date, asking for a follow up date, or
texting after the date, yet her texting "Get lost" after the date means I'm projecting.
@BadBoy89 here's my younger lady's take on this fwiw.
I DO get how you feel. What she wrote was presumptuous given you gave no indication YOU had a romantic interest or any interest in HER.
Now had you demonstrated interest, asked her out again and pursued her, her message announcing she felt no spark would have been appropriate.
But you did
nothing, no follow up texts, nothing so looking at this from her side, it's possible SHE may have been butt hurt, ego bruised that you weren't chasing her and sent that text to get the last word. I'm speculating but it's possible, I know women who do this.
Since there was NO mutual spark which would have been apparent during the date, her text was presumptuous imo and
Nothing had to be said at all either way, you met, no spark, no attraction, you both simply move on. Next. Period end of. Nothing has to be said by either one of you.
That said, your response two weeks later was rather silly. In her mind, it suggested you were bothered by it (ego-driven) and it was also unnecessary.
The BEST response to situations like this is
indifference. Say nothing, do nothing. For her too!
Simply next and continue your search.