Yeah, my goal is to become like those guys on American Ninja Warrior.
-I set a new personal best in squats today 130 lbs, and this was after running my 5 miles so I definitely can do more next time.
-We had a career/college planning activity during school, and I could use some advisement. See, I am very creative, and enjoy creating art, music, and writing; so that kind of drives me towards a college of that variety. However, I also have a passion for the military and want to attend a military academy (West Point, the Citadel, etc.). The only thing is, I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to die for old 'Murica yet. I don't want to sound ****y, but I took the SAT back in 7th grade without any studying beforehand, zoned out for periods of time during the test cuz I didn't want to be there, and I scored an average score for high schoolers, so with some studying and effort, I'm sure I could get the score I need to get into the college of my choice. I know that they are two very different paths, which is why I am in a bit of a pickle.
-Also Day 23 Fap-Free milk.
Something to note about no-fap, after you get past a certain point (it was around Day 10 for me) and you feel the urge to fap, it is really easy to resist the urge by simply thinking "Do I really want to flush (X # of days) of hard work down the toilet just for a couple minutes of pleasure?". And after you realize that, you will REALLY get motivation to hit on girls, cuz that's the only way you're going to bust a nut. I agree with the whole sciencey part about your testosterone peaking at Day 7, cuz that's about what I felt, but the motivation I previously mentioned is enough to keep me abstaining for longer periods of time (I'm going for 90+ days) instead of just fapping once a week.
-I set a new personal best in squats today 130 lbs, and this was after running my 5 miles so I definitely can do more next time.
-We had a career/college planning activity during school, and I could use some advisement. See, I am very creative, and enjoy creating art, music, and writing; so that kind of drives me towards a college of that variety. However, I also have a passion for the military and want to attend a military academy (West Point, the Citadel, etc.). The only thing is, I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to die for old 'Murica yet. I don't want to sound ****y, but I took the SAT back in 7th grade without any studying beforehand, zoned out for periods of time during the test cuz I didn't want to be there, and I scored an average score for high schoolers, so with some studying and effort, I'm sure I could get the score I need to get into the college of my choice. I know that they are two very different paths, which is why I am in a bit of a pickle.
-Also Day 23 Fap-Free milk.
Something to note about no-fap, after you get past a certain point (it was around Day 10 for me) and you feel the urge to fap, it is really easy to resist the urge by simply thinking "Do I really want to flush (X # of days) of hard work down the toilet just for a couple minutes of pleasure?". And after you realize that, you will REALLY get motivation to hit on girls, cuz that's the only way you're going to bust a nut. I agree with the whole sciencey part about your testosterone peaking at Day 7, cuz that's about what I felt, but the motivation I previously mentioned is enough to keep me abstaining for longer periods of time (I'm going for 90+ days) instead of just fapping once a week.