the CCP is intentionally releasing water without warning and they do not have nor have even bothered to work up emergency measures all these years. Just look at the history of it and tell me the last time they released all the water like they have done recently. Obviously it's due to record rain falls but my conspiricy theory about manipulating weather patterns still stands in forcing them to do that. Rather than attack Wuhan directly where it can be traced, if there was a natural weather disaster nearby that would eventually not only wreck havoc on Wuhan but China in general, it's a way of silently and covertly attacking them. Yes this could be far fetched but another theory nonetheless.
I’ve been keeping up with China for over a year now. Everything you’re saying is apophenia. Whenever water levels get too high on one side of a dam ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, the dam begins releasing some water. This shouldn’t be a shocker.
Again, I point to you about logistics—it makes no sense why they’d care about Wuhan when they could instead have just flooded Beijing (the capital) or Shanghai (more populated and thus more commerce and industry) or one of the military islands. Not the city that’s already completely locked down, that’s pointless. You think “Wuhan happened to be affected by floods! And Wuhan is where the virus first spread! And the government studied weather! That means they MUST be controlling the weather to flood Wuhan!!!!1!1!1!1!111”
You’re finding meaningless correlations and are using them as evidence to support something completely unrelated. It would be like saying that General Motors is responsible for little Johnny getting into a car accident since Johnny drives a Ford and General Motors makes cars and filed for bankruptcy a while ago. Johnny getting into a car accident = Wuhan getting flooded; General Motors making cars and filing for bankruptcy = Wuhan happening to be the epicenter of the virus; General Motors being responsible for Johnny’s car accident = Government controlling the weather.
It literally makes no sense. And just because the CCP is “releasing water without warning” doesn’t mean there’s some foreign force behind it because they’ve always done stuff without warning because they always do whatever they want even if it hurts the citizens (such as deflating their currency for example). Them not having measures to protect their citizens doesn’t mean **** because they don’t actually care about their citizens (most of them don’t even make $140 a month because they’re so broke). Not to mention, no country in the world actually has emergency measures against natural disasters, are you kidding me??? And don’t you dare bring up FEMA as an example to counteract what I just said because FEMA is an absolute disaster of an emergency service.
tell me the last time they released all the water like they have done recently.
Tell me the last time someone like you ever existed in this world. You never existed in history up until now! Holy ****, YOU are a conspiracy!! OMMGGGGGG!!!!1!1!1!1!1!111111111
It's just a theory and one I guess I'm not communicating effectively or you're not understanding fully.
No I get it bro. Some conspiracies are definitely true lol but this just ain’t one of them. You’re mind is just flooded with all the recent events that have been happening in the US and around the world in general, and there definitely have been some extreme things that are undeniable conspiracies despite being extreme (e.g. Epstein didn’t kill himself; a group of global elites run a child sex trafficking ring and many/most worship and work for Satan; most of the protests and riots have been started by far-left extremists who were paid by billionaires, many of whom were likely apart of that elitist pedo ring, trying to overthrow certain members of the government for not being apart of the status quo; the government did, and still does, study mind control and did wage weather warfare in places such as Vietnam with cloud seeding making this theory not that far-fetched in your mind; etc. etc. etc.).
It can be easy to get caught up in all of the conspiracy theory groupthink that’s been going on, especially in these uncertain times where you don’t know who/what to trust, but we’ve got to keep a level head. Always ask questions, but always question the questions too. Like I said, if the government really is able to control the weather, then the military wouldn’t have just given up that facility in Alaska to the university like that where any random college grad or professor (especially ones from overseas, since college grads and professors do oftentimes come from overseas) could just walk right in and gain access to all that research. It doesn’t make sense why we didn’t send a hurricane to China either since that would be more devastating. Or mass tornados since that’s direct destruction too. Or why we chose Wuhan instead of, say, the Hainan Island since that island hosts the CCP’s nuclear submarine fleet? Logistics are just bad. One might say because Wuhan has more infected people and so deplacing then would allow the spread of the virus even more. But we’ve got to also consider that the virus hardly affects most people at all, particularly the people who would be the biggest threat to us (younger men). If anything, killing off the old people would make it easier since they wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of as many people now.
Just some things to consider.