While @zekko and @stovepipe has pointed out masks and kneeling, I also wanted to include smartphones, our over-reliance on the grid for day-to-day affairs, and UFO reverse engineering of technology.
Smartphones have a GPS on it and people are accustomed to being tracked anywhere on the globe. We are so reliant on our smartphones that this is to me, more insane. Also, the government has the capability to analyse meta-data or content on calls being made and I think this is a major thing with the surveillance state.
Over-reliance on the grid means that if anything takes down the grid, either natural (ie Corona mass ejection or Solar Flares), or man-made (EMP bomb) then we are back in the stone ages. In such a weakened state it would be easy for any One World government operating in a foreign country to take over America or other places affected by an EMP weapon.
The third issue is reverse engineering. I just have to show you a website called "alien technology", I kid you not:
They sell RFIDs, which are radio frequence identifier chips. You want to talk about masks when there is technology available that can process where you are going to be located in the globe from a company actually called "Alien technology". There are reports of people who see UFOs who get these chips implanted inside of them.
Roger Lier is a doctor who worked on Alien implants.
What does UFOs have to do with the end-times and mark of the beast?
There are two points:
1) The Rapture of the church will be explained away as a mass UFO abduction and that the type of people who will hold back the spiritual progress of humanity is removed.
2) The Bible alludes to the Antichrist kingdom as having ten toes in Daniel's statue with a mixture of iron and clay, unlike the Roman empire, which was just iron. The scripture goes on to say "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another..." (Daniel 2:44). There is a program you hear about of human-alien hybridization, where people, in particular white women are abducted by UFOs and are impregnated with grey aliens who in turn have alien-human hybrids. These hybrids may be part of this One World Government.
Smartphones have a GPS on it and people are accustomed to being tracked anywhere on the globe. We are so reliant on our smartphones that this is to me, more insane. Also, the government has the capability to analyse meta-data or content on calls being made and I think this is a major thing with the surveillance state.
Over-reliance on the grid means that if anything takes down the grid, either natural (ie Corona mass ejection or Solar Flares), or man-made (EMP bomb) then we are back in the stone ages. In such a weakened state it would be easy for any One World government operating in a foreign country to take over America or other places affected by an EMP weapon.
The third issue is reverse engineering. I just have to show you a website called "alien technology", I kid you not:
Alien Technology – Trusted Performance for RFID

Alien implants - Wikipedia

Roger Leir - Wikipedia

What does UFOs have to do with the end-times and mark of the beast?
There are two points:
1) The Rapture of the church will be explained away as a mass UFO abduction and that the type of people who will hold back the spiritual progress of humanity is removed.
2) The Bible alludes to the Antichrist kingdom as having ten toes in Daniel's statue with a mixture of iron and clay, unlike the Roman empire, which was just iron. The scripture goes on to say "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another..." (Daniel 2:44). There is a program you hear about of human-alien hybridization, where people, in particular white women are abducted by UFOs and are impregnated with grey aliens who in turn have alien-human hybrids. These hybrids may be part of this One World Government.