BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Two words. There is a mass dream going around where people are getting this word.

I've done some searches on youtube which corroborates with my mother's dream a couple of days ago. Mom believes something very bad is going to be happening around the world and that people should repent and get serious with God very soon.

I'm going to put some links to various youtube videos that corroborate people's "dream" testimony to see if we can get a resolution of a certain "mass dream" that's going on that points to something happening in the world before the end of this year which is worst than covid19, and the protests which have just happened.

In a nutshell, based on my research there are three events. One lady described them as waves. The first two waves are a warning shot (i.e. covid19 and the BLM riots), however, a third one is coming which is worst than these two:

I watched this video just after my mom had her dream to see if there was a confirmation. Here there are three waves, but the third one is the most devastating.

I'm going to include another video I saw today:

The term "BRACE YOURSELF' was first introduced by this video.

He recommended doing a search term of BRACE YOURSELF on youtube and this is what I found:

There is at least one video from that selection of videos that mentions November 2020 on the title of this. I haven't heard the contents of the video so I can't judge. I was pointed to this website where another pastor has a dream. It's not waves, but its a calendar which stops at March and June. (i.e the Covid thing was March, the riots were June).

Again, this is a "breaking news" type of thread, and I've only heard some of the videos. However, why would people put up testimonies on youtube of their dreams and the dreams have some similarities (i.e. there are 3 things, 2 things are minor and the last one is where the bad one is -- and the 2 things may have already passed). This is the most convincing aspect of this with me.

I will continue doing research with this and try to put a composite picture together, as I'm doing now with anyone who is posting their dreams/visions on youtube over the past little while. If anyone else has any dreams, visions about the end coming before this year is up, then feel free to post below (or make your own youtube video and link it).
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Invasion of who? the body snatchers, the soviet army, the martians, the marshmallow man from ghostbusters?

And we tought it was eyebrollin the one in most need of medical support.
Possibly Russian and Chinee troops may be on US soil or some martial law and suspension of rights. Washingtom DC may be in flames. I will have to see what happens around September in the world scene to get a clearer picture. Until September there is blinders on. Just like those who prophecied covid19 did not know the details if this virus. They knew it was some flu like thing but not the details. Same as this.

What do I know? This is an election year and the election date is in November. The USA is weakened because of covid and because of the riots. Its not implausible something worst, allot worst is on the horizon.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I've done some searches on youtube which corroborates with my mother's dream a couple of days ago. Mom believes something very bad is going to be happening around the world and that people should repent and get serious with God very soon.
It's funny you say that, because I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. And he said he can't shake the feeling something very terrible is going to happen. And to be honest, I've been feeling the same way, and I bet a lot of other people are thinking it too. I don't know if we're dealing with the Second Coming, no one can know that. But this year has been so bad for the world, I bet even non-Christians can feel the vibe out there that something is up.

We've had the coronavirus and then the riots, and it feels like there is a third disaster coming. And it's not murder hornets.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Possibly Russian and Chinee troops may be on US soil or some martial law and suspension of rights. Washingtom DC may be in flames. I will have to see what happens around September in the world scene to get a clearer picture. Until September there is blinders on. Just like those who prophecied covid19 did not know the details if this virus. They knew it was some flu like thing but not the details. Same as this.

What do I know? This is an election year and the election date is in November. The USA is weakened because of covid and because of the riots. Its not implausible something worst, allot worst is on the horizon.
Very good chances of mass riots if trump wins again and martial law following, possibly pro trump supporters finally fed up about it and opting to use those guns after all.

I find it very unlikely for foreign invasions of a nuclear power unless the government of such demands UN support.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I find it very unlikely for foreign invasions of a nuclear power unless the government of such demands UN support.
If the US was attacked, I bet half the country would sit on their hands because they believe the country is irredeemably evil. They would probably rejoice to see it destroyed.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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If the US was attacked, I bet half the country would sit on their hands because they believe the country is irredeemably evil. They would probably rejoice to see it destroyed.
Do you believe this half would be made of random people here and there or there is somethin cultural connets them?


Jan 14, 2018
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Another invasion thread...

You guys in the American continent are taking too much pills from ur pharmaceutical companies that's its ruining ur sense of what's real and what's not.

Maybe ur entire diet is laced with some kind of chemicals.

I hope none of you guys ends up thinking he's superman, dons an outfit, just to jump off a tall building.

But ur delusions has gifted the world some amazingly entertaining fantasy movies, it even entertains me in Sosuave - I'll grant you that.


Aug 22, 2017
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Another invasion thread...

You guys in the American continent are taking too much pills from ur pharmaceutical companies that's its ruining ur sense of what's real and what's not.

Maybe ur entire diet is laced with some kind of chemicals.

I hope none of you guys ends up thinking he's superman, dons an outfit, just to jump off a tall building.

But ur delusions has gifted the world some amazingly entertaining fantasy movies, it even entertains me in Sosuave - I'll grant you that.
ngl theyre farting these chemitrails hard


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Mass rapture dreams. Posted 4 days ago on youtube. This stopped me in my tracts. Notice I am not posting on the other BLM thread. When you are in a forest and you see a bunch of animals moving in one direction you can be sure they are running from.something big. These videos are.the canary in the coalmine and my change of tone are those animals in the forest.

Each day is a gift of time before the rapture happens. Use your time wisely and BRACE YOURSELF!

If some trouble happens in the Autumn and the rapture did not occur then take it as a warning that whatever this thread said was true or authenticated and really get ready. You dont want to be left behind to see the antichrist.

If the rapture happens before the aforementioned events then it will be too bad if you were not ready for it. All indications from the videos imply the rapture will happen after as Christians are also affected by this. This gives some breathing space to wait and see to at.least September.
But there is no guarantees in life. At any moment anyone"s number can be called.

I will continue posting if any important mass dreams are posted up.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I think if someone were to blow up a city like say....san francisco, it would be the US government. And then blame it on China or Russia and start another war to generate profit. America seems to be the central player in every worldly affair these days while other countries are like "Just leave us the hell alone."
Yeah but Russia and China have strong conventional armies and plenty of nukes and most of all they are unwilling to be bullied around.

They should blame uhmm Iran maybe but even there Russia and China wont accept it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I think if someone were to blow up a city like say....san francisco, it would be the US government. And then blame it on China or Russia and start another war to generate profit. America seems to be the central player in every worldly affair these days while other countries are like "Just leave us the hell alone."
You mean like the 9/11 theory was an inside job to attack Iraq?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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From outraged womanhood, to the transgender agenda, to everyone being overly sensitive to everything, to BLM, America is trending towards a greek tragedy. This country is begging for someone to take it out. So I won't put it past them to do something that stupid.

You know how when you encounter someone who is completely miserable in life and they know you have the power to take them out, so they come after you not to bully you, but rather, in an unconscious attempt to have you take them out?

It's happened to me a couple of times. Like begging for a mercy kill. And I reluctantly kick that person's a$$. I give him the beating that he unconsciously wanted and begged for.

That's the vibe America is giving off right now. I can smell it.

It's an overly feminized society that is mass pms'ing all over the place.

Every strong masculine figure gets gas-lighted.
You may have a point.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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To throw a wrench into this thread I'm going to make a post critical of myself in order to stimulate more discussion.

Playing the devil's advocate I will go over past failed rapture predictions and will reiterate that the Bible says that "No man knows the date, or the hour that Jesus Christ will return" Matt 24:36.

This could be another short-term hype like other rapture prediction dates before which didn't work out.

Now, I'm not one to set dates as I've been through previous hypes before. There was the 2011 Harold Camping rapture belief:
Trumpet sounds were also heard around the world, (i.e. in Kiev) in 2011

In 2009 to 2012 I was obsessed with the Mayan hype that something would happen on December 21, 2012.

The new pope, Pope Francis, was predicted to be the last pope occupying that seat before the end (which he still is, so technically this is still a live prophecy although it has not happen yet)

The latest year was 2017:
This year had the big solar eclipse over America and two Hurricanes (Maria, and Ivan) hit the USA from two different sides.
I also watched various Left Behind movies and felt the ominous feeling when I heard someone being interviewed by CNN before Hurricane Maria hit Florida who was a jogger.

Now you can imagine, with those events happening plus other which had recently occurred, such as the Blood Moons:

Other hype dates in my memory was 1999 - 2000. It was the calculation of the end of Biblical generations in the Bible or something like that, and I figured everyone would be waiting for something to happen in 1999, maybe it could be a few years off, 2003. The idea is if enough people expect something to happen, then it won't, but it will get everyone off guard afterwards when they are not actually expecting it. Matt 24:44 KJV. If the world is going to expect Jesus to return on a certain time or date, then you can be certain that He will not return at that time and date because if violates the principle of "least expect it". This is a surprise occurrence that will catch everyone off guard.

Therefore, the devil's advocate will say, when you start predicting dates, and people start expecting something to happen, such as the rapture, then people are already prepped that a Rapture will occur and therefore it wont at the date and time that people expect it to happen.

That being said, it is still a trend that there are allot of videos coming out on youtube where people are dreaming the same thing. We never had a Covid-19 thing before where a whole economy was shut down and countries are placed in lockdown, or large scale riots occurring during a pandemic like this. To say these are usual times or it's just another blip would not be something that can be argued like these other years before. This never happened in 2011, 2012, or 2017 like this. Like other dates before, the last one is always the different one and if it breaks the cynicism of previous unfulfilled years, then it has to be really good, as is in the case here.


Jan 14, 2018
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To throw a wrench into this thread I'm going to make a post critical of myself in order to stimulate more discussion.

Playing the devil's advocate I will go over past failed rapture predictions and will reiterate that the Bible says that "No man knows the date, or the hour that Jesus Christ will return" Matt 24:36.

This could be another short-term hype like other rapture prediction dates before which didn't work out.

Now, I'm not one to set dates as I've been through previous hypes before. There was the 2011 Harold Camping rapture belief:
Trumpet sounds were also heard around the world, (i.e. in Kiev) in 2011

In 2009 to 2012 I was obsessed with the Mayan hype that something would happen on December 21, 2012.

The new pope, Pope Francis, was predicted to be the last pope occupying that seat before the end (which he still is, so technically this is still a live prophecy although it has not happen yet)

The latest year was 2017:
This year had the big solar eclipse over America and two Hurricanes (Maria, and Ivan) hit the USA from two different sides.
I also watched various Left Behind movies and felt the ominous feeling when I heard someone being interviewed by CNN before Hurricane Maria hit Florida who was a jogger.

Now you can imagine, with those events happening plus other which had recently occurred, such as the Blood Moons:

Other hype dates in my memory was 1999 - 2000. It was the calculation of the end of Biblical generations in the Bible or something like that, and I figured everyone would be waiting for something to happen in 1999, maybe it could be a few years off, 2003. The idea is if enough people expect something to happen, then it won't, but it will get everyone off guard afterwards when they are not actually expecting it. Matt 24:44 KJV. If the world is going to expect Jesus to return on a certain time or date, then you can be certain that He will not return at that time and date because if violates the principle of "least expect it". This is a surprise occurrence that will catch everyone off guard.

Therefore, the devil's advocate will say, when you start predicting dates, and people start expecting something to happen, such as the rapture, then people are already prepped that a Rapture will occur and therefore it wont at the date and time that people expect it to happen.

That being said, it is still a trend that there are allot of videos coming out on youtube where people are dreaming the same thing. We never had a Covid-19 thing before where a whole economy was shut down and countries are placed in lockdown, or large scale riots occurring during a pandemic like this. To say these are usual times or it's just another blip would not be something that can be argued like these other years before. This never happened in 2011, 2012, or 2017 like this. Like other dates before, the last one is always the different one and if it breaks the cynicism of previous unfulfilled years, then it has to be really good, as is in the case here.
I hope you don't kill anyone, or induce others to kill themselves through mass suicide, just for the end of the world...


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I have heard some of this stuff prior to this thread. One of the links in the original post I had seen prior to this thread.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I have heard some of this stuff prior to this thread. One of the links in the original post I had seen prior to this thread.
My mom had a dream. This spurred me to look for content to see if other people has similar dream to collate data. How did you first come across this link?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Do you believe this half would be made of random people here and there or there is somethin cultural connets them?
It seems to be a certain philosophical bent, their way of seeing the world. It's hard for me to say exactly what drives them, because I don't think like that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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I dont like believing in someone else experience, feeling or premonition without using our my own knowledge, perspective and common sense.

Things are bad but they will fix themselves eventually , comparing the impact of blm protest to covid is a bit far fetched
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