BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

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Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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Seems there's a few guys here who keeps mentioning mommy this and mommy that.

Mommy says this, sonny boy does something, mommy says that, sonny boy completely believes it and goes a step further.....

Looks like mommy's real good at manipulating her golden boy.

No wonder golden boy can't get married, can't get laid, stays with mommy and thinks all women except mommy are the reincarnation of the devil.

Careful boys, here is a real life example of what happens when mommy has her sons balls all wrapped up in her tiny palms - potential fathers, beware.
Notice that one too......

Mommy knows better, listen to mommy......


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Notice that one too......

Mommy knows better, listen to mommy......
meh being a momma boy is the lesser of his problems.

for the whole armagedon comming in november because of dreams.

there is studys who mention people can mass alucinate, based on having the same experiences and hearing the same sources, its comon on church mass with several belive they are being cleaned from the devil and his influences, this tend to happen more often, with people who are easy to influence, since most people are scared to dead thanks for the fear mongering and fear manipulation, is not wonder people will be having dreams of things being worse, hell I don't care for most of this but I did read a lot in several places people expecting things to get worse.

that dread together with mass fear and isolation on people who are not used to it triggers severals things in they mind, don't doubt this is the case again

though it would be nice if several people died in the world, then maybe it will become a less annoying place to live, its that world war 3 tale again, in the end it didn't happen


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Big space rock fall down go boom.
This is my bet. I was just watching videos about the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013 and the Tunguska event. Although this is mostly because I'm learning russian and I've always liked astronomical stuff.

I'd prefer it was a natural cataclysm because that way it can't be polititcized.

As for november 2020 there is no doubt that people are freaked out over the election. That is not some kind of supernatural revelation, that is just anxiety over the future so I don't buy into anything saying how it's some invasion thing. It'll be interested to see how the left lose their f@cking minds this time


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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This is my bet. I was just watching videos about the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013 and the Tunguska event. Although this is mostly because I'm learning russian and I've always liked astronomical stuff.

I'd prefer it was a natural cataclysm because that way it can't be polititcized.

As for november 2020 there is no doubt that people are freaked out over the election. That is not some kind of supernatural revelation, that is just anxiety over the future so I don't buy into anything saying how it's some invasion thing. It'll be interested to see how the left lose their f@cking minds this time
oh wee of little faith, you know very well they will politize it in some way, if not goverments, religion


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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oh wee of little faith, you know very well they will politize it in some way, if not goverments, religion
Maybe, but I prefer to have faith in humanity. Don't underestimate the effect of a shared challenge.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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I just remembered psychic Sylvia Browne in one of her interviews states Cyna plans an invasion in the US. Saying there is tons of sleeper cells in the US ready and waiting. After digging some more I found these articles. Charles Manson predicted there would be a race war that would end with a lot of casualties. The videos of the Black militia in Seattle armed to the teeth threatening to kill white drivers at road blocks they set up. With record breaking gun sales, a civil war seems imminent.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2020
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Ehh I don't think were are there yet. But I've been wrong before, I'm still waiting on world governments to go after false religion and destroy majority of religions. I don't think that could be done without a unified world government. Plus still waiting on the king of the north battle with the king of the south.

We are getting there though with how people act now, being lovers of themselves and money over all else.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Aside from spiritual troubles (Mark of the Beast) and political troubles, I believe we're poised for a bigger market crash.

Tesla just hit $1,600 today. It's been going up by $100/day for the last 2 weeks. I get that TSLA is a cult stock, specifically a cult of personality around Elon Musk, but how can any rational person think TSLA is worth $1,600?

Yes, I know we keep hearing about another crash or "A correction is imminent", but I'm really starting to think a correction is indeed imminent.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Tesla is a traders stock. Its pumped and dumped like a hore.
I had a chance to take a position at $380, but I held off thinking it would go lower. I'm definitely experiencing some FOMO but no way in hell would I ever buy in at $1,600. I could have rode the wave and sold out for a nice profit so I'm kicking myself right now.

I can't blame the day traders for pumping and dumping TSLA, it's not a long term play in my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Amos said this.
Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD! Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness, not light.
Here's another one, Matthew 24:22:
"If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened."

The protests? We have a crime problem stemming from a feminized destruction of the male as the head of the family. Absent dads and shytty women.
That's a big factor, for sure.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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This is my bet. I was just watching videos about the Chelyabinsk meteor of 2013 and the Tunguska event. Although this is mostly because I'm learning russian and I've always liked astronomical stuff.

I'd prefer it was a natural cataclysm because that way it can't be polititcized.

As for november 2020 there is no doubt that people are freaked out over the election. That is not some kind of supernatural revelation, that is just anxiety over the future so I don't buy into anything saying how it's some invasion thing. It'll be interested to see how the left lose their f@cking minds this time
I understand there is an election coming in November, 2020. My concern about this, based on the first video from the pastor, is that this is not new information. If the pastor's video is correct, then there is supposed to be some new global issue that we do not currently know about today.

I'm really curious if there is any brand new global issue coming on September, 2020 and what that could possibly be.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the LORD. "I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, `I had a dream! ... Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully.

Careful with this stuff. Dreams were used through prophets and they were not VAGUE. I know there is a prophecy of people dreaming dreams but they must align with scripture already written.
These types of videos have been around for years
fun fact there is a lot of demons who are linked to dreams and using dreams to manipulate people, and its not only incubus and succubus who does it


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Aside from spiritual troubles (Mark of the Beast) and political troubles, I believe we're poised for a bigger market crash.
Based on the pastor's videos and another video out of the list I posted this is a real possibility. There were images of banks with their roofs broken up or something like that or involvement of banks within the videos. This mention was not on all the videos so I didn't post about it as a common thread. But, yes, of course, a financial collapse could trigger something that could involve martial law so it is a possible scenario. We will have to see if there is some other issue starting in September that would make things worst than they are now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The occult... its women stuff....

Its used to gain power over others.
Yes, I'm opposed 100% to that. I rejected a girl because she said she did Tarot readings. I won't watch horror movies involving that either. There is just some things you don't mess with unless you want to get possessed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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Yes, I'm opposed 100% to that. I rejected a girl because she said she did Tarot readings. I won't watch horror movies involving that either. There is just some things you don't mess with unless you want to get possessed.
yeah i remember you thread about this

And i think its a problem but idk to what extant.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the LORD. "I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, `I had a dream! ... Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully.

Careful with this stuff. Dreams were used through prophets and they were not VAGUE. I know there is a prophecy of people dreaming dreams but they must align with scripture already written.
These types of videos have been around for years
The videos have disclaimers that they are not prophets. Anyone can make a video of themselves and post it on youtube and it's public domain.

There is nothing much in the Bible written about America. There is an obscure passage in Ezekiel 38-39 that people usually says is the only one verse and it's known as the Gog and Magog war and it involves a bunch of nations including Russia, Turkey, some conflict in the Middle East. There is supposed to be another war preceding that called the psalm 74 war -- I'm a little rusty with the details of what I think could be pre-rapture wars that are prophesied in the Bible.

Specifically, the verse people say pertains to America is in Ezekiel 39:6 "I will send fire against Magog, and on them who dwell carelessly in the isles"...."

America is referred to "as the isles" in this passage according to some Bible prophecy experts. Fire may be referring to a limited nuclear war involving Russia and other countries involved in the Gog and Magog prophecy, where America may get hit in the crossfire if it obligated with any of those powers involved in the war.

Again, I'm very rusty with this knowledge and have to do some extensive research to understand the prophecy framework of two future wars that I believe are prophesied in the Bible to occur, possibly (but not assuredly) before the Rapture of the church. I learned of this in 2013 and sort of drifted away from this interest once I got married in 2014, and then more so when 2017 turned out to be an "end-of-the-world" dud. However, my interest is re-piqued and I think I'll look into this again!


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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I understand there is an election coming in November, 2020. My concern about this, based on the first video from the pastor, is that this is not new information. If the pastor's video is correct, then there is supposed to be some new global issue that we do not currently know about today.

I'm really curious if there is any brand new global issue coming on September, 2020 and what that could possibly be.
There will always be some new global issue coming that one one can predict. No one could have predicted the coronavirus. The only constant in the universe is change. Anyone who thinks that there is some kind of lasting stability is delusional.

There is nothing new about pastors preaching doomsday scenarios. Shoko Asahara got his followers to kill a bunch of people, gas the japanese subway system and conned them out of billions. Jim Jones talked his followers into commiting mass suicide. Charles Manson got his followers to murder others. Scientology makes billions off of gullible morons.

All you have to do is ask yourself. Are you going to be one of the dumbasses that is a pawn to some quack? Or are you finally going to shut off the TV and find your own meaning in life?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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No one could have predicted the coronavirus.
This is not true as there have been two pastors, including Joseph Prince, and T.B. Joshua, among others who have predicted some new flu like virus hitting the world scene this year. My mother and myself also felt something was in the air before this virus hit (i.e. this time I felt something as well). So I strongly dispute that. Unless some other poster brings up the issue, I'm not going to bother posting videos up from last year or doing that type of research unless other posters request this. This is taking up a vast amount of time to find and post these videos up so I have to be sure that people are serious before making such an investment.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
In further reply to @Georgepithyou and @RickTheToad I am including two old Hillsong worship videos.

I challenge these two posters who believe this is a doom and gloom kill-joy thread to just take a look at these two videos and look at the faces of the people who are on this video and see if you don't see real joy in their faces:

To see holy young women praising the Lord and being full of Jesus like that just blesses me to watch that.

That is all I can say. These people are not happy or in that state of joy because of sex, or drugs, but because they are full of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says: Eph 5:8 "Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess: but be filled with the Spirit".

I didn't say people have to wear sackcloth and ashes, stop eating and live in fear over the next few months. Other people have the same thoughts and are sharing on this thread as well so it's productive to look at this discussion.
You need help dude. Not Jesus, but like rubber room help. You need to have weekly sessions with a therapist to help clear up your thought processes.
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