Uh huh. You're not the first victim of BPD to tell himself that while nobody else could control her before he is the one who can if he just acts alpha enough. Right. That's just another form of bargaining.@BlueAlpha1
Your entitled to your opinion. However, I am more aware of the relationship dynamic than anyone else here.
Nothing wrong with therapy, but it was obvious you were wasting your time. You went back for more and it was pretty obvious you were going to do so throughout.These musings in the NC thread were my therapy and NC was about me finding clarity and understanding what it was about both of us that made things go so badly.
Spare me the armchair psychology with these pseudo-psychological terms like projection. You don't know what you're talking about.As I've said a few times. You are projecting YOUR experiences on to MY situation.
I did partake in that sort of idiocy about 3-4 years ago. And you're right we're not functioning on the same degree of neediness. I was worse off 3 years ago than you are today, but I am better off today than you are today. I miss my ex for a few days every couple of months. You on the other hand, even with this buffet of food in front of you called 5 dates per week, continue to sift through expired food in the dumpster. Have you looked at your ex's social media in the last 37 days? Then you were stalking also.From what I know you were STALKING your ex post breakup for Christ sake. We are not functioning on the same degree of emotional involvement or neediness.
Exactly as predicted - an ad hominem attack from a hyper-sensitive victim during the bargaining phase. Nothing new here. Whether or not you have lined up 5 dates in a week is irrelevant, the point is your attitude and language is inconsistent with someone who has those kinds of options.Perhaps you can't imagine a man can still have the power to arrange 5 dates and miss his ex because you've never been in such a situation?
Close enough. During my darkest hour my ex WAS my everything, and my language was so similar to yours it's eerie. A lot of bluster, but NC was nothing more than a plan to lure her back in for more.We see this now and are on this path together for the time being. However she is not my everything and never will be.
How many hours did you spend in the NC thread over 37 days pining and having a two way conversation with yourself, only to regress back to square one? For being so casual about her you sure spent a lot of time to get here.
If she is BPD, you will fail. Maybe you won't fail, but I didn't classify her as BPD. You did.If she reverts to this Hyde persona again, even though I'm not the same sadistic guy anymore then I can hold my hands up and say I did all I could and say you guys were right. It's not the end of the world. No real loss other than delayed emotional pain. However if not, then taking the risk would have been worth it.
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